Loons Chase Ted Cruz From Restaurant – IOTW Report

Loons Chase Ted Cruz From Restaurant

The chant these morons are shouting is imbecilic.

“We believe survivors!”

If they are truly survivors, what’s not to believe?

They should be chanting “We believe accusers!”

24 Comments on Loons Chase Ted Cruz From Restaurant

  1. The question should be, how did they know he was there? As James O’Keefe has recently pointed out, we have Deep State members who are actively sending info to protesters.

    Also, how would the Left feel about Diane Feinstein being cornered at table (most likely be a Chinese restaurant) with a whole bunch of people yelling at her. The Horror.

  2. Why didn’t he just stay there while they shouted at him? Why can’t people have more courage and stand firm against these morons?

    Surely, those yellow yellers would have gotten tired of yelling if it had no effect, and gone home to Mommy. Then, Cruz would have won, instead of letting himself get hounded out of there.

  3. maybe he had no security service. Maybe the crowd looked and acted like a mob. Maybe talking to them would just turned a mob into a screaming scene ruining everyones meal. Maybe even assault. sBest to just leave because it could have gotten ugly

  4. I feel so conflicted. I want them retroactively aborted…

    And yes [oolook] where are the police.

    And where is the management in these establishments. Perhaps a few of them need to be sued for intentional infliction of emotional distress or… or… heck… any bare allegation of “something.”

  5. This…..this…..this making someone feel threatened and in fear for their lives does not happen very often were people carry…..armed is polite.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. “Victim” publicity stunt on Cruz’s part.
    [NO: this is NOT an anti-Cruz comment]

    Most people here clearly don’t know the “food scene” in Washington, D.C..
    D.C. – especially in the government part of town – has definite “Left” and “Right” restaurants. This one – Fiola’s at 601 Penn. Ave. N.W. – is *known* to be “Left.”

    Cruz picked this restaurant *knowing * that.
    I assume he did this to get some mileage out of this politically.

  7. p.s. Does the food scene in D.C. make their behavior acceptable?
    Of course not. Hold the restaurant responsible; “Red Hen” them (not that they will care…they’re a “Left” restaurant).

    In the bigger scheme of things, it only helps the Right come election time.

    With the above, I’m just saying Cruz “wants in on the action.” Whether it’s for the attention (ego) or votes (politics), I have no idea (or both).

  8. @Tim Buktu
    Eventually, the other patrons would complain, the police would be called, and likely Senator Cruz would be asked to leave since he is the cause of the disruption. It’s a lose-lose scenario.

  9. I’d love to be in Ted’s shoes. Get a excellent pair of earplugs, eat before arriving for dinner and soak my clothes with the douche-spray and bring a water bottle. Then spend an hour or so without touching my dinner enjoying the idiots screaming at me, pissing off the rest of the patrons of a lefty joint and smiling through the pain. Be certain to record the entire evening.

  10. What a bunch of assholes. As if this is the way to convince him not to vote Yes on Kavanaugh. As if this is the way to convince any voter to keep voting democrat. Voting dem only ramps this insanity up. Is that what America wants?
    No, we don’t.

  11. “Beto is way hotter than you, dude!” – Nice to see yet again 1) the libtards who we all know are so tolerant and vehemently against attacking people on their looks/weight are the first ones that attack Republicans on their appearance and 2) they have such high standards for their candidates. What an argument, he is better looking.


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