Looting and Violence Breaks Out On A Mass Scale In South Africa – IOTW Report

Looting and Violence Breaks Out On A Mass Scale In South Africa


Protesters clashed with police in several areas of South Africa and looters ransacked shopping malls on Tuesday as frustrations over poverty and inequality boiled over into the country’s worst unrest in years.

Security officials said the government was working to ensure the violence and looting did not spread further, but they stopped short of declaring a state of emergency.

“No amount of unhappiness or personal circumstances from our people gives the right to anyone to loot, vandalise and do as they please and break the law,” Police Minister Bheki Cele told a news conference. More

12 Comments on Looting and Violence Breaks Out On A Mass Scale In South Africa

  1. “No amount of unhappiness or personal circumstances from our people gives the right to anyone to loot, vandalise and do as they please and break the law,” Police Minister Bheki Cele told a news conference.”

    …that face you make when an official in a shithole makes more sense than the United States Government…


  2. “Looting and Violence Breaks Out On A Mass Scale…”

    …Portland considers this a tourism selling point…

    “We like it this way. This is the kind of place where new ideas are welcome, whether they’re creative, cutting edge or curious, at first glance. You can speak up here, you can be yourself here. We have some of the loudest voices on the West Coast. And yes, passion pushes the volume all the way up. We’ve always been like this. We wouldn’t have it any other way. ”

  3. Sounds like a real sustainable economic model. There will be famine conditions in that shithole of a country within 5 years. Black South Africans are similar to US blacks… incapable of grasping the social contract. They’re tribal neanderfucks… always have been… always will be.

  4. Looting and violence are been western constructs that arose out of the fall of Roman empire and dark ages followed by the Christianization of Europe. In most of the world they have been more or less a way of life.

    The progressive movement wants to turn the clock back to the days of near universal innocent human suffering, misery and death. What is going on around the world and where people’s sympathies lie are a manifestation of their worldview and whether their allegiances are to The Good vs those who are beholden to the dark Prince.

  5. @ TheMule JULY 13, 2021 AT 1:14 PM

    You paint with too broad a brush my friend. There is a critical mass of black people who fit that description, but there are a heck of a lot of good and decent black people in America. The Democrats are 100% invested in increasing the former and have been having a hay day recently.

  6. “Even a band of angels can turn ugly and start looting if enough angels are unemployed and hanging around the Pearly Gates convinced that all the succubi own all the liquor stores in Heaven.” -P. J. O’Rourke

    But what he doesn’t say is that its the Democrats who did the convincing to foment unrest in Heaven on the devil’s behalf.

  7. Oh great. South Africa is going the same route as Rhodesia. THAT shitshow is currently known as Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s”Constitution” consists of two things – Kill Whitey and Steal His Shit


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