Lord Monckton Has a Message For the Bureau of Land Management – IOTW Report

Lord Monckton Has a Message For the Bureau of Land Management

Monckton has announced that he is mounting a lawsuit against a whole host of people in the Lavoy Finicum murder – including Comey and Obama.

ht/ Tsunami

23 Comments on Lord Monckton Has a Message For the Bureau of Land Management

  1. People can say anything they want about Ammon and Ryan Bundy and their battle with the BLM, but LaVoy Finicum was absolutely murdered. I wish Lord Monckton nothing but the best as he moves this lawsuit forward. We hate the BLM here and firmly believe most of their employees have earned their reputations for being a bunch of damn thugs. Just heard again today that the BLM field station manager where I live refuses to allow President Trump’s photo to be hung in their lobby. I’m visiting there tomorrow to see for myself if this is true, and if it’s not there, demanding to know why.

  2. Tony R,

    I guess this guy slipped passed my radar. If he wants tho go after the assholes that murdered Lavoy Finicum good on him. I don’t get why an English guy is pretending to be John Wayne.

  3. Better hold off on writing that third book, Barky. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. In fact, you might want to go back to non-extradition island and pretend to write some more of that book. Out of an abundance of caution.

  4. Bad Brad: Lord Monckton is A British Lord for Real. He’s Long Been a Political Hero of Mine, His Straight Talk is Hard to Combat !
    I had No Idea, He Was Living Here ! Governor of Jefferson ???

  5. Brad, you should look him up on youtube. He kicks ass on the global warming farce. He attends all their gatherings and disrupts. He is a brilliant thinker and he destroys the morons in debate. Glad to have him on our side, he’s very well versed on the science and they avoid him because of it.

  6. Anyone who watched that film footage could plainly see that it was a flat out ambush and murder. There were any number of occasions when he could have been taken into custody without violence.

  7. Like the guy but he’s the type that’s liable to end up the victim of an unexplained plane crash, or shot in the back on some street. When you are legally targeting people that big, you do NOT go shooting your mouth off first.

  8. Lord Monckton practically IS a modern day John Wayne… with added wit and panache. We should induct him and James Delingpole into US citizenry.

    Monckton was an advisor to Margaret Thatcher. He’s very scientifically competent. Be advised, All left wing sources smear him because he’s very effective.

  9. Lord Monckton is someone I have followed and respected for a long time. He is John Wayne-like with his plain talk against evil ideas like global warming. Good luck, Sir, and watch your back.

  10. There were a lot of bullet holes in Lavoys’ truck. Seems to me that it is a miracle that only Lavoy was murdered. Seems to me they were out to murder everyone in the truck and by the grace of God they failed. Gods’ speed Lord Monckton. It is a shame that we have to depend on a British citizen to help out. We the people should be strong enough to seek justice on our own. But we are to divided I guess. It all makes me very sad. And mad.

  11. Thank God! Finally. It was shocking to me that a cold blooded murder here in Oregon went seemingly unnoticed. Thank you Lord Monckton for doing the job US law enforcement refused to do. Godspeed.

    @Brown eyed girl, please let us know how your trip goes. Sounds like we might be neighbors. I’m in Wasco County 👋🏼

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