Images from:
1) Bodiddley (Raccoon) Rocky.
2) evil bunny – Some of my TNVR’d feral colony.
3) Paul (Deer) Studley.
4) MJA (Sandhill Cranes) These are family of 4 Sandhill Cranes. Turns out, they really like homemade bread. ((And cake. lol)) The red headed ones are mom and dad. When they see me with stuff in my hands, they wait for the signal and they come flying towards me. I throw the food down and run away. They’re yuge! π
5,6,7) Pixabay.com
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
7-23 Happiness Is – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – A warm heart and a cold nose. Hugs, playing, lounging, eating. Critters displaying what makes them happy
7-30 You May Call Me Your Highness – Which of your critters are above you? You may kiss their ring.
8-6 Lazy Time – No, I’m not sleepy. Just chillin’.
Thanks for your submissions to our Critter Posts, contributors!
I appreciate the respite Claudia. Thank you and your contributors. Welcome to a wonderful new week iotwrs….
Speaking of racoons, evidently my neighbor has a mom and 3 racoon kits in his yard early this morning and my border collie Kirby is barking up a storm at the racoons. My neighbor isn’t home right now for the weekend, I might have to tell him that he has racoons in his yard sneaking underneath a hole in his back porch. I don’t want Kirby to tackle with those bandits and we may have to get rid of those varmints any way we can.
Nice collection.
Thanks, Claudia!
I helped design the coon.
Sort of a mix between a bear and a dog.
And a cat.
And a possum.
Good stuff Ms. C.
Thank you for this break, Lady C. Always a welcome respite and good to see so many who love animals here.
Like evil bunny.
“evil bunny β Some of my TNVRβd feral colony.”
…Trap. Neuter. Vaccinate. Return.
God bless you.
…Now compare and contrast with Australia killing them with laser guided poison gel shots.
…Being humane is harder.
But so is everything about the way to Heaven.
“13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14
May the Lord reward your mercy with his own.
God Bless,
MJA, you have the coolest flock of fine feathered friends!
And SNS always gives us the best witnessing, we poor sinners need to hear.
Thank you all and have a joyful Sunday.
Thanks 1e6 @Claudia, you always give us a great Sunday start!
@MJA — I love having sandhill cranes around! I’ve never fed them but I see them all the time here in suburban Sarasota County. One thing folks who don’t have these great birds around are likely to be unfamiliar with is that their rattling squawks are INCREDIBLY LOUD especially as they fly. “Wake the dead” loud!
Thank you Claudia and Supernightshade. So many are dumped where we live and they aren’t altered of course. The feral colony is down to one outside and 3 inside. Fortunately a neighbor has joined in with TNVR so we have everything in this corner of the township covered. It’s very rewarding.
Eugenia the Evilbunny
Wish I could see you divy up the cake for the sandhill cranes, that must be quite the sight ππ
As always thank you Claudia πΊ