L’Oreal fires first tranny model after ‘All whites are racist’ Facebook rant – IOTW Report

L’Oreal fires first tranny model after ‘All whites are racist’ Facebook rant


A transgender model who claimed “ALL white people are racist,” in a Facebook rant has been fired by his employers shortly after being revealed as “the face of modern diversity.”

The Sun reports Munroe Bergdorf, 29, was one of the five ambassadors for L’Oreal’s “YoursTruly True Match” campaign. The company has since dropped him from the role after he posted a rant on Facebook claiming all white people are racist. L’Oreal said the comments made by Munroe were at odds with its values.

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20 Comments on L’Oreal fires first tranny model after ‘All whites are racist’ Facebook rant

  1. “Come see me when you realise that racism isn’t learned, it’s inherited”…..kinda like stupidity.

    Don’t let freaks like this, and the Prog/Leftys, write the narrative. Every human on the face of the Earth has the capacity to be a “racists”, what ever the Hell that is. I find Mr Bergdorf’s comments very racist myself.

  2. What a Whiny Assed Ferry ! I Guess It Was Done With Modeling .
    Was There a Recent Thing I Missed Where Mexicans Are now Women of Color ?
    When I Was Younger Only Black Women Could Be That ???


    The socialists are scapegoating an entire race of people again. And the general public doesn’t have the guts to stand up and oppose them. Better start waving their flag and get an arm patch, or they’ll be after you next.

  4. I wonder whether we have another Colin Kaepernick in the making. I’ll bet this stupid bitch/bastard (pick one) figured that since he/she was a tranny that they would have been protected from being canned. Well he wasn’t and now he’s out in the cold and it’s unlikely any company will hire him. Soon you’ll see a campaign from the LGBTWhatever and the progs to force a company to hire him. Should be interesting.

  5. L’Oreal’s marketing message was: Hey ladies, if we can make this dude look good, imagine what our makeup can do for your ugly puss!

    I’m sure it bumped sales by a LOT.

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