Loretta Lynch Throws Comey Under The Bus – IOTW Report

Loretta Lynch Throws Comey Under The Bus

DC: Loretta Lynch cast aspersions on James Comey’s congressional testimony, in which he suggested the former attorney general had told the former FBI director to refer to the Hillary Clinton email probe as a “matter, not an investigation.”

“He said it made him feel strange,” NBC’s Lester Holt asked Lynch in an interview first previewed Monday. “He noted it. What did you mean when you said matter instead and not a investigation?

“I heard about that testimony,” Lynch responded. “I didn’t watch it at the time, but it was brought to my attention later and people were raising it with me.”

“My first response was, ‘where, what is the issue here?’ I remember specifically talking with him — as we talked about sensitive things on a number of occasions,” she continued. “We often would have to discuss sensitive matters, sensitive issues, terrorism and the like, law enforcement policy and the like.”  MORE

15 Comments on Loretta Lynch Throws Comey Under The Bus

  1. These people will end up taking turns throwing each other under the bus at various times and places.

    Loretta is very lucky she lives near a Crispy Cream distribution Center.

  2. The little short bitch lies about the meeting in the ✈️ she is making people believe that Comey is the fuc idiot. Pretty soon each of them will be eating each other. Also soon very soon a lot of this mother fuc are going straight to jail.

  3. From Bob: “Also soon very soon a lot of this mother fuc are going straight to jail.”

    I don’t think so Bob. You may have noticed in the last 2~4 years, a whole lot of people in the Washington Club (TM) have had actual proof of wrong doing made public, and nothing happens. Contempt of Congress (Eric Holder, he gave them the bird and they just sucked their thumbs), to egregious violations of USC 18 (Hillary Clinton and her blatant, criminal mishandling and use of classified documents) and here we, the American people stand, with our dicks in our hand.

    We’ve been ‘dissed’, pissed on, ignored and proved dupes and idiots. Our government has no boss, no accountability, and no shame. And I think they are figuring out they have absolutely nothing to fear.

  4. Cannibalism – “It’s what we do for dinner!”. Fun to watch, if a little disgusting, when it’s the enemies doing it. Do you suppose they use napkins?

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