Lori Lightfoot Says the Teacher’s Unions Have To Get Real, and Follow the Science, And Get Back in Classrooms – IOTW Report

Lori Lightfoot Says the Teacher’s Unions Have To Get Real, and Follow the Science, And Get Back in Classrooms

16 Comments on Lori Lightfoot Says the Teacher’s Unions Have To Get Real, and Follow the Science, And Get Back in Classrooms

  1. Health and safety for the TU is a KN95 mask. That’s what they are demanding for everyone before going back to work.

    No, not a N95 mask.

    KN95. The chinese standard. The same commie bastards that unleashed the virus. They are the people to trust.

    Whatever, I couldn’t give a shit. If they wanna walk around with a commie product on their face, go for it, I’m done with these idiots.

  2. Pretty sad when the principle propaganda/indoctrination apparatus bucks the Central Committee.

    A purge may be necessary.
    (you know this is a Union Boss thing – the “teachers” don’t do shit without being told)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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