Lori Loughlin Obviously Knows Her Daughter Is Vapid & Dopey – IOTW Report

Lori Loughlin Obviously Knows Her Daughter Is Vapid & Dopey

I don’t blame a mother for worrying that her daughter is, in reality, a dumb bitch.

That should be her defense at her trial.

Your honor, I present Exhibit A – and then just let her talk about pizza and eyebrows.

“Case Dismissed!”

Short video with the ditz talking about college –>


ht/ hot salsa

33 Comments on Lori Loughlin Obviously Knows Her Daughter Is Vapid & Dopey

  1. I don’t hate this girl. She seems pretty normal for a freshman.

    I only have sympathy for the kids who didn’t know. Some of the kids were in on it. But some woke up the other day to discover they weren’t smart enough to get into the school they’re in. That’s gotta’ suck.

    However, it looks like ASU enrollment will be way up next semester.

  2. These parents should have just handed their kids the money and said, there ya go! Now get out.

    I’m wondering if these kids actually completed the requirements to graduate high school.

  3. Ted Kennedy?
    Bobby Kennedy?
    All the other Kennedys?
    9/10 of the NFL?
    99/100 of the NBA?

    C’mon – parents know if their kids are morons – doesn’t make em love em any less!

    Maybe this is the “White Privilege” I’ve heard about?
    Just for rich Whites not for ALL Whites.

    And how about the ones that hand down their political seats?
    Can anybody say: “Al Gore?”
    Or “Bush?”
    Or “Romney?”
    Or “Udall?”
    Or “Jackson?”
    Or “Kennedy?”

    Yeah, yeah, they’re all shining brilliant lights in their own right.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It really says something when the parent is so invested in the pedigrees of their children, they’ll risk prison. Is it because they want people to think it’s genetics? Mom should have just stuck to buying a fancy dog.

  5. Worse: the universities admitting the likes of this disgusting moron knew full well they type of clown underlandedly being slipped into their schools.

    There’s no better illustration of just how either of the obama dumbasses got into law school and managed to get out with a diploma.

  6. The “kids” of these crooked hollywood scumbags knew full well what they were participating in. They were posing for bogus photos, etc.

    They should be expelled. And any one of them who ‘graduated’ should be forced to give back their degree.

    Hear that, barack?

  7. As bad as this is, is it any better when academically challenged quota-fillers get in undeservedly?

    How many quota-fillers are taking the place of deserving students?

    Hundreds of thousands?

  8. Hell, you’d think for half a million you could just buy a fake degree. It’s not like most of these are going to get a degree in anything that will amount to a hill of beans anyway.

    A lot of things I would have done, did do or would do for my kids, buying their way into school or out of trouble not in a million years though.

  9. @ anonymous,
    “Worse: the universities admitting the likes of this disgusting moron knew full well they type of clown underlandedly being slipped into their schools.”

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  10. There’s an interesting theme in many of these comments:

    “Armies of geniuses! How couldn’t they see the idiots among them?”


    “Armies of idiots, who pay someone for “I are a genius” certificates.”

    defies everyone’s own lying eyes.


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