Lorne Michaels Responds To Why SNL Avoided Harvey Weinstein Jokes – IOTW Report

Lorne Michaels Responds To Why SNL Avoided Harvey Weinstein Jokes

What a stupid answer-

The show continually unloaded on Trump, a native New Yorker.

So, what did that answer really mean?


21 Comments on Lorne Michaels Responds To Why SNL Avoided Harvey Weinstein Jokes

  1. Lorne Michael’s is talking in code.

    Not speaking ill in public of fellow Jews is a Jewish thing, not a New York thing.

    If you want to assume Jewish also means New York, then who am I to argue?

  2. Lorne should be facing the fact that he’s getting senile. His days of producing an edgy funny show are long past. He has allowed his writers to sink to sleazy insults to get laughs from a small portion of society who do not agree with the majority of Americans. He’s been in NYC so long he’s in a liberal bubble and thinks everyone thinks like him. FOD SNL

  3. I thought the saying was that a joke must have a little truth in it to be funny. Maybe that is why SNL is not funny. Their material is mostly based on caricatures and myth about people on the right which has been masticated down to simple gruel easily understood by their lefty, lofo audience. Which is why we’ll get SNL Gerald Ford, stumbling a thousand times, but not a single SNL side-of-beef Hillary slung into a van. Or SNL Newt pouting for weeks in the back of Air Force One for weeks, but not a single SNL whack-off Weinstein jizzing into the house plants. For SNL, it’s always too soon when the left is exposed.

  4. They wouldn’t touch this with someone else’s ten-foot pole, knowing that Republicans everywhere are laughing their asses off at the epic coming around part of what goes around.

  5. I have an SNL-related (true) story to tell here, which I haven’t related to many people. It’s lengthy, so feel free to bail if you get bored.

    Anyway, back in 1976 I was a big Kinky Friedman fan, so when I heard he was going to be on SNL I watched with breathless anticipation (and my 8-track recorder on) to see what song(s) he was going to sing on the show. Well, to my great disappointment he sang “Dear Abby”, one of his weakest songs in one of his worst performances of it, IMHO. I was pissed.

    Fast forward now to 1977, when I was attending a Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys performance at the Texas Opry House in Houston (long gone today, some kind of Dan Flavin art installation bullshit there now). The girl I was dating at the time had a lot more chutzpah than I did, and after the show she managed to talk our way backstage by telling the staff that she was a fellow Jew and the President of our local Kinky Freidman fan club. Total lies – she was only half Jewish, and there was no fan club. But it got us backstage.

    So now around midnight we’re sitting out on the back steps of the Opry House, the three of us – me, her, and Kinky – drinking Lone Star Beer (which he pretty much had to drink because of his persona, and I hated, but hey – it was his beer, and it was free) and all of us three sheets to the wind, conversing. I figured it was as good a time as any, so I asked him why he picked that crappy song for his one and only shot on SNL.

    He explained that he didn’t pick it – he was originally scheduled to sing his Ballad of Charles Whitman, a much more dark and edgy song about the shooter on the Texas tower in 1966 (shades of Las Vegas!). They had rehearsed it, and John Belushi was supposed to be playing the sniper situated in the audience, picking off people during the performance. At the last minute, the producers decided that it was too controversial, and they had him sing a song which was actually about Abbie Hoffman, a darling of the counterculture at the time.

    That’s when I realized that, regardless of their reputation, SNL was a sellout to the mainstream media.

    P.S. – Here’s the Ballad of Charles Whitman, if you’re interested:



    🌟 Lorne Michaels is a Republican. –False.
    That’s just a fake “token” Republican lie, to ward off the label of a rabid liberal show.

    🌟 Steven Colbert teaches Catholic Sunday school to kids! –False. The sexually foul-mouthed late night host is not Christian, and would be the worst example of a Sunday school teacher in the entire world. He’d be fired from teaching after 1 show.

    🌟 Bill Nye knows Global Warming. –False.
    He has an engineering degree, not meteorology. He’s says what they tell him to say.

    🌟 Al Gore is an environmentalist. –False.
    He’s a politician who has his mansion 1/4 mile from the “rising” ocean.

    🌟 Al Gore lost the 2000 election b/c the Supreme Court gave it to him. –False.
    Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee with 11 electoral votes that would have given him 277 without Florida.

    🌟 Hillary Clinton is a child and woman advocate. –False.
    She did opposition research on herself and after letting a child rapist get a reduced sentence, and covering up for her husband’s sexual assaults, she marketed the opposite to be true.

    🌟 Trump abuses women. –False.
    Trump is a billionaire surrounded by gold-digging women. He could never abuse them without setting himself up to lose millions in lawsuits.

    🌟 Guns are illegal in Japan and Korea, and their crime rate is low, proving guns = low crime. –False.
    And look at their suicide rate, without guns, highest in the world. They are also non-diverse homogeneous cultures who historically have male-dominated militaristic top-down systems of order. Islands and peninsulas can control their borders from immigrants and drug related crimes. Non-diversity = low crime.

    🌟 Socialism destroyed American big cities. –False.
    Scandinavian countries are socialist, and before the mass muslim invasion, they sustained themselves just fine. What do you suppose is the difference-maker if it’s not socialism?

    🌟 We need smaller government in D.C. –False.
    There will NEVER be smaller gov’t in D.C. we need to dissolve it and start over.

    🌟 Abortion is women’s rights. –False.
    What about the woman inside the woman? Does she not have women’s rights?

    🌟 Abortion is about women’s health. –False.
    Murder is not healthy.

    🌟 The Civil War was about slavery. –False.
    It was PARTLY about slavery. Most Southern whites despised it because they were unable to obtain employment with the free labor.

    🌟 We will get tax cuts. –False.
    The government will “pay for” those tax cuts with off-setting tax increase to zero-out the imbalance.

    🌟 Homosexuality is not a mental disorder. –False.
    Activists in 1974 protested the psychiatric association to remove it from the D.S.M. They did. Not because of any new scientific discoveries, but through intimidation and force. Without any reversing evidence, there is no proof that it’s not a mental illness.

    Hope this helps…..

  7. H.A.P. – I agree with everything you said except for #9. Socialism ruins everything it touches. It’s like the Medieval Plague.

    Scandinavian countries have had strangled economies ever since Socialism was instituted there back in the 50’s. I have cousins there in Sweden who tell me that even before the bloodsucking tick Moslems showed up, they had to work two and three jobs just to be able to afford a shitbox car and small apartment. Norway’s economy has been propped up by North Sea oil, much like Venezuela’s has been…and look at how “successful” Venezuela’s Socialist economy is.

  8. @vietvet- Texas opry house, I haven’t thought of that place in years. It used to have some damn good shows and sold pitchers of mixed drinks that saved a lotta time. Went to see B.W. Stevenson when he came out with Maria probably around 45 yrs ago.

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