Los Angeles county health department offering free COVID-19 testing for pets – IOTW Report

Los Angeles county health department offering free COVID-19 testing for pets


The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is offering free COVID-19 testing for pets who may have been exposed to the virus.

Los Angeles health officials announced the initiative on Aug. 20, stating that it has recently received funding to conduct the free COVIS-19 testing on pets.

“Your pet may be eligible for free SARS-CoV-2 testing if they were exposed to a human or animal with COVID-19 or has symptoms of COVID-19,” the health department tweeted. 

Funding comes from the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to its website, which states that it will “support surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in animals in Los Angeles County.”

The department says that it plans to offer free testing to animal care facilities and centers throughout Los Angeles County, and states that animals including “deer, bats, raccoons…dogs, cats, hamsters, pocket pets…seals,” will be tested.

Pet owners can request a free COVID-19 test for their pet if it is experiencing symptoms of the coronavirus or has been exposed to another animal, or human, who has the coronavirus.

Out of the 177 animals tested so far, including dogs, cats, bats, raccoons, skunks, rats, and sea lions, none have tested positive for COVID-19.

15 Comments on Los Angeles county health department offering free COVID-19 testing for pets

  1. Take note of the fact that any doctor, hospital, or medical establishment which offers “free” covid-anything is always bribed and funded to do so for the purposes of installing their bogus covid narratives and schemes against the American people. In addition, any covid “test” result for human or animal is doctored and adulterated, with test kits manufatured in and sold to the US by the CCP to issue false positive results. The terms “made in” and “distributed by/in” are very different from each other. Those kit container labels being imported and claiming “made in the USA” have been replaced with the actual “made in china” label removed at ports. Confirmed and verified.

  2. The world has gone nutzoe, do your best to ignore them and go on with your life and enjoy what’s left of your short stay here on monkey island.

  3. Tim, they’ve wanted to kill the pets for a long time.

    They have said One Generation and Out.
    They do not want to see one more dog or cat born.


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