Los Angeles Jail Guards Too Busy Watching Explicit OnlyFans Video To Notice Noose In Inmate’s Cell – IOTW Report

Los Angeles Jail Guards Too Busy Watching Explicit OnlyFans Video To Notice Noose In Inmate’s Cell

Inspectors making the rounds at a downtown Los Angeles jail found a noose hanging in a suicidal inmate’s cell.  They then found the reason none of the jailers had noticed it.  They were all too busy in an office huddled around a large screen TV watching a sexually explicit video.

The incident occurred last month at the Men’s Central Jail in Los Angeles during an inspection of the “1750 Unit” by inspectors Haley Broder and Eric Miller.  They noted several issues during their visit that ranged from the jail being extremely hot and humid with no natural light to trash in the hallways. more

9 Comments on Los Angeles Jail Guards Too Busy Watching Explicit OnlyFans Video To Notice Noose In Inmate’s Cell

  1. Hey, Nobody’s head was in the noose and no hanging body. No harm, no foul.

    “These deputies are terrible at being jailers, but they’re still gentlemen. They eventually got around to removing the noose too.”
    “It sounds bad, but don’t worry, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has the entire situation completely under control.”

    See everything is under control in Los Angeles, except murders, rapes, car jackings, theft, hit and run accidents, robberies, gun violence, drug activity, aggravated assaults, burglary, larceny-Theft, gangs and Arson.
    Many areas of Los Angeles are designated “No Go” areas due to increased violent crimes, gangs, drugs, Poverty and homeless compounds.

    Come visit, see LA County, see Hollywood, Disneyland, Venice Beach, The Original Farmers Market, Universal Studios Hollywood, and much more.
    Visit our attractions, stay in our state of the art Medical facilities during your recovery.
    Everything is in control in L.A.


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