Los Angeles Mayor Eric “Yoga Pants” Garcetti tests positive for COVID-19 while in Scotland – IOTW Report

Los Angeles Mayor Eric “Yoga Pants” Garcetti tests positive for COVID-19 while in Scotland

ABC7: LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who is currently overseas in Scotland, tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, city officials announced.

Garcetti, who is fully vaccinated, was said to be “feeling good” as he isolates in a hotel room, according to a tweet from the mayor’s account.

The mayor is in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference. He was attending the conference with about seven staff members, all of whom tested negative. more

19 Comments on Los Angeles Mayor Eric “Yoga Pants” Garcetti tests positive for COVID-19 while in Scotland

  1. My 89 year old father got sick a few weeks ago – he was tested for Covid and it came back positive (he was vaccinated). I was pretty concerned at first, but he stayed at home and got over it in about a week. He did complain a lot though.

  2. Interesting story, Not really related.

    Laphroaig Scotch is a very peaty, smokey & medicine like tasting scotch. Sometimes tasting notes describe an “iodine like” note.

    When they originally tried to bring it over into the USA, the family rep. had convinced US customs that it was not an alcohol based drink, but a medicinal product.
    The customs officers, & the rep had a few drinks of the “medicine” and ultimately it was allowed in, BUT sold in pharmacies only as said medicinal product.

    I was at a tasting in September, by invite from someone else, when the current North American director told us this story as he was showcasing this years limited releases.

    I told him that whenever I feel a bit of a rough throat or a cold coming on, I have always rushed out to but a bottle of their 10 year old scotch.

    1) It either works as was the reps bluff decades ago during prohibition


    2) After 6 glasses, Who the heck cares?

    PS: bought a few bottles immediately in the 2020 Lockdown Just In Case.

    Cheers, and congrats on last nights win in Virginia.
    (possibly NJ as well)

  3. ^^^ “Why is a mayor and 7 effn staffers at a U.N. event?”
    and you know he didn’t pay for that- whose private yet did he/they fly on?
    now the attendees will disperse and fly back, all over the globe
    hypocritical superspending superspreaders

  4. Dear Management:

    “Mayor Eric “Yoga Pants” Garcetti”. Many thanks for not posting that photo. It must of looked like a silk stocking stretched tightly around a short section of garden hose with a BB about dead center lengthwise.

  5. “all my years of being a bikini model”

    You’re scaring me now. This not ‘rocket brain surgery!’

    (But please do continue… making us all laugh… well, some of us…)


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