Losers Pepper Sprayed – IOTW Report

Losers Pepper Sprayed

During this warmer weather, please be sure to water your terrorists – C. Steven Tucker

23 Comments on Losers Pepper Sprayed

  1. Hmmm. Just like the start-up, hand sanitizer companies that were spawned by COVID-19, makes me wonder about producing my own concoction of “pepper spray.”

    Urban Chemical Warfare… “UCW”

    Coming to an ‘Urban’ near you…

  2. Would have been an enjoyable video were it not for that pussy screaming in the background. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed it – it just needs a better soundtrack.

  3. I don’t want to give them (protesters) any advice but a good pair of ski goggles with foam that seals around your eyes are not that expensive. If you are going to protest come prepared, dumbass.

  4. Okay, protect the eyes, mickey. But they still have to breathe.

    There are compounds so vile that they make anyone gag and puke.

    Stink bombs for the stinkers!

  5. stirrin the pot,

    “…it just needs a better soundtrack.”

    How about a Rolling Stones song?

    You can’t always get what you want…
    But if you try sometimes you just might find
    You get what you need.

  6. Call of the wild? My dog came running down here to find out what was going on. I replayed it for him. I love when he tilts his head from side to side. Doggie face: WTF is this? LOL!

  7. Would have been oh so satisfying if they would have shot them with bean bag rounds. Douche bag with sign looks so beta with those skinny shorts. Soy sucking assholes.

  8. For you ladies out there who aren’t quite comfortable with carrying a sidearm for self protection try this:
    Get small plastic Visine bottle and replace contents with ammonia.
    Aim for the eyes and it’ll be over instantly.

  9. We used to buy Ten Dead Horses, from a Dr in the Bitterroot Valley IIRC. It came packaged in two cans packed in a larger can. There were also rubber gloves in the can. It was so vile that I have never seen anyone not puke when it was mixed together.

    I’m thinking that it may be effective at dispersing these rioters.

    On another note: these are interstate highways for the most part. Make it a federal offense to block them , or even enter onto them, as an act of protest. That takes enforcement into another arena and out of the hands of local and State sympathizers and coconspirators.

  10. JDHasty
    JUNE 21, 2020 AT 3:22 PM
    “We used to buy Ten Dead Horses, from a Dr in the Bitterroot Valley IIRC.”

    …can’t get it any more if this is true, and it’s an outdoorsman forum so no real reason they’d lie…

    “05-16-2016, 11:11 PM
    Its actually a collectible now ! I have a few cans , The doctor that invented that recipe died and left a whole bunch of them in a shed , The widow won”t sell that I know of , she is looking to sell the recipe I believe, There was a rumor that this recipe was lost also . so it,s difficult to find the real story .
    Its made of two parts ,one is enzymes and a blood serum? the two need to be mixed to work . you must mix this with so many pounds of hamburger and it then reacts and spreads through out the mix.it will do a whole hind quarter from one mix.
    The gloves supplied with the lure are really not sufficient to control the mixture from contaminating your hands , Use better gloves . and dont let it touch nothing else , as far as a repulsive smell I suppose it depends on the person, I found it actually fairly mild !
    I will make a bear climb a tree and it works very well ! It,s likely the best I have ever used on bear .”

  11. After the 2016-2017 Atlanta Trump elected Protest/Riots that had thugs blocking I75/I85 and stomping on and then yanking White people out of cars. I started carrying 2 large canisters of BEAR MACE $34.95 ea. and a R-870 with a folding stock. The Bear Mace shoots stream over 50ft out. The R-870 is racked with custom hand loaded plastic pellets.

    I have used the Bear Mace once since then, leaving Shopping center blockaded by protestor seeking to damage vehicles. It was very effective.

  12. Fairly mild compared to what?

    That stuff was unbelievably stank. I couldn’t be around it w/o puking.

    Here is the trick. You put that out, but only a little and they come to it from miles around, but you also put out your pickanik basket a quarter mile or so away and keep it stocked with old bread and pastries for a month or so. You can get them to pick that up using bacon grease or jello. If they are within half a mile they won’t miss it.

    They will eat the Ten Dead Horses and that taints their meat. So you just use it to start them with and then switch them onto apples or pastries. That makes them good eating. Once they are on apples or pastries they come back by a couple times every day to check their pickanik basket.


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