#Losing! – IOTW Report


ht/ c. steven tucker

8 Comments on #Losing!

  1. I’ve been loosing for 6 years with Turdeau, and now he called an election.
    I got 4 more years of loosing on the way.

  2. I’m of the opinion that this debacle marks the end of the Pedos illegitimate reign. His dementia can no longer be excused away as he hides in his bunker and refuses to address the crisis he created.

    The ginger gaslight geisha has run for the hills knowing the next week is going to be the end of the vegetable in chief.

    More rats will jump ship soon.

  3. Fake news, fake election, fake president, fake pandemic, fake leaders in Washington.
    Not hard to see if you keep your head screwed on straight and believe in what you know is true!

  4. Losing?

    Not to Democrats.

    They WANT to arm our enemies with modern weapons paid for by deplorables.


    They WANT to damage American prestige and destroy any fear of or respect for American military might.


    They WANT to demoralize the military and inspire patriotic soldiers to leave.


    They WANT to show the world’s population that it’s suicide to aid American interests in any way.


    …so it’s only “losing” from America’s point of view. From the point of view of her internal Democrat enemies and their external masters, its ALL upside.

    And don’t forget that they hope it opens the door to the endgame.

    That would be to cause further division and internal strife in America, hopefully (to them) to the point where they can credibily false-flag a “White Supremacist” attack on the Pedo (maybe even take him out, depends if they’re done with him) that will be the reason to start disarming the populace.

    That is the TRUE globaliat goal. That’s why they’ve been marching a replacement population in from the South, so they can either go kinetic on Americans, or simply unleash the other half of the binary weapon they are currently trying to force “at least 70%” of Americans to take…


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