Lost Boys – IOTW Report

Lost Boys

Saving Our Boys … Lost in a Post-Masculine World

23 Comments on Lost Boys

  1. Did you know that it is illegal in certain states for health care providers to offer conversion therapy to young kids who don’t like being afflicted with same sex attractions…….and at the same time it is being made illegal to refuse kids who want to attempt to change their sex?

    illegal to not help a little boy kid to try to be a girl.
    Illegal to help a kid who doesn’t want to be homo.

    What kind of a lunatic comes up with this.

    Destroying childrens lives. One at a time. –the democrat party

  2. The Left does not want a strong America so the sow chaos and confusion to blur the lines and wussify the country. Yet oddly enough when you search for “sow chaos and confusion”, our wanna-be Masters at Google will gladly display articles and images of Donald Trump!!

  3. Screw the left. To you young parents out there, turn your boys into men anyway. You can do it with some careful thought on how you parent.

    Our very nature and the reproduction of our species precedes ‘culture.’

  4. …it’s only the WHITE boys, the BLACK ones are actually ENCOURAGED towards stereotype dominant male behavior, because “dat dey kultur”.

    …this makes it unsurprising, then, that White girls choose male-acting Blacks over feminized Whites. This is encouraged, by law, by education, and by popular culture.

    …all part of the White Genocide service, just another part of the plan…

  5. Important. Forwarded this link to many.

    Years ago I met a four year old boy who plaintively asked me if I was his father.
    Being raised by a single mom, he was desperate for a male role model. I showered him with attention for the few days I was there. It was a funeral and the kid did the same with every male he encountered.

    Years later I found out that he was in prison for murder.

    Just sad.

  6. I am so thankful that my 3 brothers and I grew up back when we could be boys and not have to worry about being sissified by the culture. My dad as well as my grandfather and uncles and friends older parents were always there for us. And we all turned out normal more or less after growing up into men. Maybe since I didn’t have a sister also helped and living in a neighborhood that was mostly boys was a good thing. There were girls around but they were almost always in the background including my future wife living unknowingly down the street for a while when I was growing up.

  7. And it certainly doesn’t help when once reliable organizations for boys (the clergy, Boy Scouts, Big Brothers) have been overtaken by homosexual predators. Unheard of in my day.

  8. As the culture rots, parents need to withdraw their use of it’s rotting tools. Pull back from the all the bullshit, corrupted organizations (including social media) and learn to raise your children independently AGAIN by YOUR values, not someone else’s. It’s hard, but there’s no other way to control the outcome of your parenting.

  9. Russian women are feminine, not feminists. They despise effeminate men and expect their men to be masculine. They have no desire to challenge men for their role like most American women do. They want men to be men so they don’t have to be. They want to be women.

  10. When you think about it, it was a brilliant plan by the communists to feminize our boys. They have no
    fight in them. No survival skills. No street smarts.

    When invaders arrive they welcome them and serve them machiato lattes, lisping and up talking.

    How easy was that?

  11. I just read an article on why EUROPEAN WHITE WOMENZ are flocking to Mooslem invaders. It appears their natural born country men have been so emasculated that they can’t fulfill a woman’s natural born impulse of having a mate that can protect them.

  12. If you have boys in public school you see the attempt to feminize boys. They want boys to sit still for hours on end and give them detention when they don’t. Boys are not wired the same as girls. It’s been going on for decades.
    There are “Girl Power” posters everywhere. No “Boy Power” signs or posters.
    Most of the male teachers are left wing soy boys and not good manly examples to boys or to the girls. Girls need to know what a real man is too.

  13. Hambone September 15, 2019 at 1:27 pm

    “They have no desire to challenge men for their role like most American women do. They want men to be men so they don’t have to be. They want to be women.”

    You were talking about Russian women. From my experience, I can tell you that real women in America want the same thing. Many of my single women friends ache for real men.

    With all you men here, it makes me feel that they have a chance. Men, please keep your toxic masculinity!

    For all my women friends; good luck, ladies! They are out there.

  14. The other thing about the left, they teach kids that there’s never a reason to fight never a reason to hit back.
    Sometimes violence is the best answer. Otherwise the world will be ruled by bullies.


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