Lost Masterpiece Hung Over Hotplate – IOTW Report

Lost Masterpiece Hung Over Hotplate


“Christ Mocked”, by the 13th-century artist who taught Giotto, is estimated to be worth between four and six million euros ($4.3 million $6.6 million), according to the Old Masters specialists Turquin.

They said the work was owned by an old lady in the northern French town of Compiegne, who had it hanging between her kitchen and her sitting room.

It was directly above a hotplate for cooking food. More

11 Comments on Lost Masterpiece Hung Over Hotplate

  1. I love stories like this…

    Like finding a copy of a Federalist Letter or something, behind the ole’ crap shit painting, spit, landscape copy.

    I can smell the crepes…

  2. To me this truly defines art, not the bajillion bucks people salivate over, just some little old lady with real art over a hot plate…Christ is like that, to heck with fancy museums, i’m gonna hand out with this little old lady..,

  3. Which NAZI did she do to get her hands on that painting? Or does granny just have sticky fingers.
    A common peasant doesn’t just have a rare painting hanging in their kitchen. What is the rest of the story?


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