Lots of chatter about a CIA whistleblower taken down Obama and Co. – will it amount to anything? – IOTW Report

Lots of chatter about a CIA whistleblower taken down Obama and Co. – will it amount to anything?

I have to admit, I am cynical about this type of stuff. I would rather wake up and read in the news that indictments have been made, not that “proof is forthcoming” that will lead to indictments, we swear.

But I will pass along the info and be humble and contrite if this amounts to anything.

CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team- Claims to have Documented Proof

ht/ multiple sources

19 Comments on Lots of chatter about a CIA whistleblower taken down Obama and Co. – will it amount to anything?

  1. I ain’t celebrating anything until the old bitch is trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey and carted off to prison! Then maybe there will be some confidence that someone has the balls to take care of the rest of ’em!!

  2. Biden blabbed that Seal Team 6 was responsible for OBL’s death when he was trying to suck the missions responsibility for his benefit. That led to the trap and downing of Extorsion 17’s helicopter. Sleep well Joe you POS.

  3. In a world where nothing seems beyond the democrats search, reach, and grab of/for power nothing seems beyond belief.

    Anyone who thinks Obama was beyond shenanigans is an idiot and you don’t spend 40 years in public service like joe did without some shit spattering and sticking,

    I guess we’ll believe it when we see the perp-walks,

  4. To me, this “I have the evidence that will prove ble bla bla” is always a crock. If I had evidence of that nature, I wouldn’t make a video saying I have evidence of that nature. I would make the video with the evidence.
    Why give the people you are indicting a chance to wriggle out of it by having you killed?

    It’s a little like when a villain in a movie catches the bad guy and puts him in a device that will kill him in 5 minutes (think Batman TV show) and then the villain leaves.

    Why leave?
    Because it’s the only way the good guys can escape.
    Makes no sense in real life, makes sense when writing a fictional story.
    That’s what the whistleblower is doing, in my estimation, writing a fictitious story.

  5. I am making a great illegal income from home $1200-$2500/second, which is amazing, considering I have no business experience. I thank satan every day I was blessed with being the son of a totally corrupt politician, but don’t expect me to pay it forward and share it with anyone, FOAD America!

  6. They always come up with a lurid, easily disproven scamdal, then they spoon feed the debunking to their pet journos, who dutifully use their “scoop” to debunk the scamdal. Then the journos associate actual scandals with the debunked scamdal to cast doubt on actual scandal investigations. So predictable.

  7. Cynical isn’t the right word for how I see these stories…sick to my stomach would be better. If they had video of Obama, Hillary and Biden killing puppies and throwing them on a burning alter of bibles nothing would happen. There is a two tier justice system in America…one for powerful democrats and one for the rest of us.

  8. I’ll wait for the news report of a judge handing down a long prison sentence followed by video of the perps entering the prison gate, and a recap summary of who and what evidence broke the case open, and made the conviction possible.

  9. If you really believe President Donald Trump has put himself through this hell to be denied justice you are mistaken.
    The truth is coming out and they will pay for their crimes.
    I’ll come back and say “I told you so when it happens.”


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