LOTS OF NEW READERS – Time for a reader survey – IOTW Report

LOTS OF NEW READERS – Time for a reader survey

Since the election we have gained a lot of new readers –

Periodically we run reader surveys so that new readers can get to know their compadres here, and also to draw out some lurkers so that they can become fixtures as well.

I love when I see a new name participate and then in a matter of a week or two they are commenting and it’s like they’ve been here for years.

Copy and paste these questions into the comment box and answer as many as you feel comfortable answering.

1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?  Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

3- Your first car?

4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

5- Footwear you most often wear?

6- Athlete you admire most?

7- Trophy you’ve received?

8- Best subject in high school?

9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

12- Cake or pie?

13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

140 Comments on LOTS OF NEW READERS – Time for a reader survey

  1. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    I don’t think I could eat, but KFC would be alright.
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    I like “Secondhand Lions”.
    3- Your first car?
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    I’d like Texas I think.
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Don’t have one.
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    What’s a trophy?
    8- Best subject in high school?
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    130 mph
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    pie with ice cream
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Bret Bair (sp?)

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Nancy Pelosi
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? KFC

  2. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Mom’s cooking,just because.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    I’m past feeling a tad faggy so I can’t think of one
    3- Your first car?
    66 Ford Galaxy lost to quaaludes
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Tennis shoes

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    That gay guy that went into the NFL just because he is gay. I’m feeling a tad faggy right now.
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Little league baseball 2nd place and I was the worst player on the team
    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    F**K YOU I’m to paranoid and old for both
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    About 100

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    lots of them
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Burger Chef even though its not around anymore.

  3. I’m old old gal with bedroom eyes, I love IOTWR, Straight A’s in school, in college a D in chemistry, first car was new Olds Cutlass (heh) because I have worked since age 17 (picking tomatoes as a kid was a career building experience), driven a car 90mph, rode in a Viper at 180mph. skinny dipped for sure, cake AND pie and ice cream, throat punch nobody – that’s not me, unless I have to defend myself.

  4. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Hamburger meat loaf w/mashed potatoes, lima beans, gravy.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Movie – Tie – Blazing Saddles or Guardians of the Galaxy

    3- Your first car?

    1972 Yellow Ford Maverick

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    Island of Crete (Greece)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Sneakers or barefootin’

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    Baseball player Daniel Murphy

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    Softball Championship in Navy

    8- Best subject in high school?


    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Sky Diving but hate bugs and snakes

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    140 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    Oh my yes.

    12- Cake or pie?

    Pie, there is always time for pie!

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Tucker Carlson gives me a thrill up my leg.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    So many are needy but few are worthy – have to be George Soros.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Hardee’s – just love those Frisco Burgers

  5. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    One of everything on the menu at Delia’s Grinders (local sandwich shop)

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Die Hard— Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!

    3- Your first car?
    1962 Corvair

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    athletic shoes

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Buster Posey

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Most improved bowler for the league 1992

    8- Best subject in high school?
    Creative Writing

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Scuba diving (spiders)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    85 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Yes-snuck in several times to the local high school swimming pool after hours!

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Walter E. Williams

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    George Soros

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Carl’s Jr

  6. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    32oz Ribeye with garlic mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Sweet home Alabama

    3- Your first car?
    78 Corolla

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Tie: Switzerland and Israel

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Cowboy boots

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Chili cook-off champion

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Tomi Lahren

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Ex father in law

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Red Robin

  7. 1- “death row” last meal? Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans

    2- your guilty pleasure movie Mystery Men

    3- Your first car? Rusted out 1962 VW beetle

    4- Country: Australia

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Desert Boots

    6- Athlete you admire most? Joe DiMaggio

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Also Ran

    8- Best subject in high school? Astronomy

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? Both, Phobia- Bugs

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 130

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Hells Yeah

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality Judge Jeannine

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Schumer

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? In and Out

  8. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Steak, medium rare. German chocolate cake for dessert.

    2- Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    13 Hours

    3- Your first car?
    Ford Ranger

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    None. This is the only country I want to live in

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Socks. I work from home.

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    I got nothin’

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    I’ve been given two plaques, but no trophies.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Skydiving. I’m too claustrophobic to want to be under water.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    I don’t know. 80-85 mph.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    In the bathtub.

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Mark Steyn! Oh, and I have this weird thing for Trey Gowdy. But don’t let it get around.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    George Takei.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    I don’t eat fast food. I’m too poor to waste $ on that.

  9. 14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Alex Trebek
    that arrogant puke ruins an otherwise worthwhile tv show.
    He insults his high IQ contestants, yet his sole ‘talent’ is reading from cards.

  10. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Soft Shell Crab and shrimp

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Shawshank Redemption

    3- Your first car? 1964 VW bug

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Australia

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Athletic shoes

    6- Athlete you admire most? Tim Tebow

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Basketball Queen!

    8- Best subject in high school? Chemistry/Biology

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)Scuba Phobia–calling people

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 110

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes

    12- Cake or pie? Cake

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Anyone who is willing to stand behind Trump

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds

  11. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    A: Lasagna.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    A: Immortal Beloved

    3- Your first car?
    A: 1972 MGB

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    A: New Zealand

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    A: Military Surplus Bellevilles

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    A: Eddy Mercx

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    A: None

    8- Best subject in high school?
    A: History

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    A: Sky Diving

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    A: 100

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    A: No

    12- Cake or pie?
    A: Pie, Pecan

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    A:Mitt Romney, but God knows looks don’t count for much.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    A: George Soros

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    A: Chick-Fil-A

  12. 1- Filet Mignon, Lobster tail(s), Baked tater, Brussel sprouts

    2- Dan Fogelberg’s Captured Angel

    3- 1969 VW Squareback

    4- New Zealand

    5- Nike kicks

    6- Brooks Robinson

    7- Baseball

    8- Art

    9- Scuba diving bonus: Dentist

    10- 140

    11- Oh yeah

    12- Cake

    13- Got a thing for Michelle Malkin

    14- Soros (and I’m swinging with all I got)

    15- Meh

  13. 1 Enchiladas
    2 Talented Mr. ripley
    3 ’57 DeSoto
    4 Belize
    5 Crocs
    6 at the moment, Dak Prescott
    7 nothing
    8 English
    9 Scuba, i’m a bit acrophobic
    10 100mph
    11 in a pool
    12 pie
    13 dana loesch
    14 right now, Larry Wilmore
    15 Del Taco

  14. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    med filet, stone crab, asparagus, deep fried cheesecake w/fresh berries & at least a couple bottles of good champagne

    2- Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Goodfellas

    3- Your first car? 1972 cutlass salon

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.
    Virgin Islands

    5- Footwear you most often wear? cowboy boots – they’re must have footwear in the country

    6- Athlete you admire most? NONE
    7- Trophy you’ve received? NONE

    8- Best subject in high school? math

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? sky diving, I need to be able to breath without a contraption (Bonus- biggest phobia – dying a violent death)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 115 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? maybe ..

    12- Cake or pie? pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    haven’t a clue

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Soros

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Burger Tex

    16- How did you find IOTWREPORT?
    clicked on a Who is Harrion J Bounel article, loved the wicked humor so I saved to my favs

    17- Funniest IOTWREPORT headline – Dicking Bimbos

  15. Last meal: Corned beef,cabbage,spuds,butter. Pint of Guinness.
    Movie: Josey Wales.
    Car. VW Bug. (1st New. 72 Duster.
    Country: Italy.
    Shoes: Footjoys.
    Athlete: Tom Brady MAGA
    Trophy: Waterford Vase (Golf)
    Subject: The fine art of avoiding being punched by Christian Bros.
    Diving: Neither
    Speed. 75MPH
    Never skinny dipped.
    Pie with ice cream.
    Pundit: Bret Baer
    One punch: Shepard Smith
    Fast food: Wendy’s

  16. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    16 oz Tbone, med rare, tater and asparagus

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    never felt faggy

    3- Your first car?
    1957 Ford fairlane

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) belize

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    tennie wompers

    6- Athlete you admire most? none, used to but outgrew
    em when the overpaid prima donnas started bitching about inequality.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    8- Best subject in high school?
    study hall

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving?
    scuba (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    147 in a dodge super bee

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    oh yeah, lots of times

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? no one rings my bell right now

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    oh that’s not fair. there’s so many deserving pindehos out there right now. I guess Schumer. either one.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Whataburger (its a Texas thing)

  17. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? A premium filet mignon, creamed spinach, baked potato and a glass of wine. Dessert would be tiramisu and ice cream.
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?  Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Any Clint movie.
    3- Your first car? Fiat 1300 $800 bucks, but it wouldn’t run in the rain.
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) New Zealand
    5- Footwear you most often wear? Tevas
    6- Athlete you admire most? Cal Ripken, Jr.
    7- Trophy you’ve received? Lots of swimming trophies, but Best Female Vocalist for my high school class was the greatest!
    8- Best subject in high school? Music
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Both are phobias
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 90 in a classic Cobra
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Of course – 1989 in the middle of hurricane Lenny on Nevas – there were white caps in the pool!
    12- Cake or pie? Cake
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Eric Bolling
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Chuckles Schumer
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-e

  18. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Ribeye, medium

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Rocky Horror Picture Show

    3- Your first car? early 60″s Chevy II

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Not leaving US alive

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Sneakers

    6- Athlete you admire most? Terry Bradshaw

    7- Trophy you’ve received? H.S. football letters and plaque

    8- Best subject in high school? English

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Love to fly but stay in plane, too claustrophobic to Scuba, trapped under water

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 110-120

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? As often as Possible

    12- Cake or pie? Depends

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Sarah Palin

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Obummer

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-A

  19. 1- last meal? Korean Chop Chae – Mixed Vegetables With Beef And Noodles. Desert would be Bryers Butter Pecan ice cream.

    2- Ladies: favorite “tough guy” movie? Anything with Clint Eastwood.

    3- first car? Ford. Don’t remember the model, just that is was a square box. Bought it from my dad for $200 in 1970.

    4- Country. Used to be Canada, but not now. Then it was Australia, but not now. Israel? Switzerland? I don’t think any place is better than USA. Sorry I wimped out on this question.

    5- Footwear? None, prefer bare feet. First thing I lose when getting home is my shoes. If I go out it’s flip flops in summer, slip-on flats for work, sneakers the rest of the time.

    6- Athlete? Tim Tebow for his devotion to Christ and family. And he is hot (that just slipped out)!

    7- Trophy? No participation awards ever. Did get 2nd place in my horsemanship class final dressage.

    8- Best subject? English and art. Oh, get real. It was daydreaming.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) If I have to pick, it would be scuba diving. I won’t leave an airplane as long as it’s functioning; you’d have to push me out. I’m not going to tell you my biggest phobia. Don’t you remember what happened in 1984?

    10- Fastest car? 85 mph. Never owned a car that wouldn’t shake itself to death if I went any faster!

    11- skinny dipped? Yes. In high school, my best friend and I swam out to the middle of a lake and removed our suits. Then some cool guys came by in a motor boat and asked if we wanted to go skiing with them. Good thing the water wasn’t very clear!

    12- Cake or pie? Cake as long as it is moist and the pie choice is cooked fruit. If the pie is fresh fruit, then that’s the one!

    13- Nicest looking political personality? Joe Pags. Love those bedroom eyes! https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=8bLDO9ck&id=DFDD837F90FA1EF3A5A8B29EEDFA335AA4E822C4&q=joe+pags&simid=608039092690552575&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0

    14- throat punch? Can I have a head bonk instead? I want this person to be able to talk after I’m through scrambling his brains – Obama. I want to slap him upside his head so hard that he can’t lie. Then I will put him in front of a group of people (all recording what he says) and admit to every evil anti-American thing he ever did and name all of his accomplices.

    15- fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-A, and they are finally building one near me! WhooHoo!

  20. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    I love Indian food. Goan fish curry, Indian hot, Batada wada, fish pakora, onion chutney. Garlic naan, saag and paneer, chicken makhani, vegetable korma.
    Dessert – lemon meringue pie or strawberry rhubarb

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Anything with John Wayne

    3- Your first car? an AMC Gremlin

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Easter Island, does that count as a country?

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Winter – Merrell’a, summer – running shoes or barefoot

    6- Athlete you admire most? Tim Tebow

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Decades ago an art and creativity trophy and supplies

    8- Best subject in high school? Now that’s dredging the memory banks. Math, algebra

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) I’ve been sky diving. Biggest phobia is giant endless bridges with low sides especially in a wind storm even worse than big hairy wolf’s head spiders

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 100mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? No

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? the Trump sons

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    This one is hard! There is a long list of politicians. I would reserve the throat punch for the next person says to my face ‘Pisslam is a religion of peace.’

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Chik-Fil-A

  21. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Grilled Porterhouse!

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Forrest Gump?

    3- Your first car? 56 Chevy Conv.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Japan…Oregon

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Anything I don’t have to bend over to tie!

    6- Athlete you admire most? NONE!

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Some bullshit trophy that involved golf and drinking lots of beer!

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)SCUBA

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?Maybe over 100…faster on water!

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Hell Yes!

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Sandra Smith

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? NASTYFUKIN’ PELOSI!

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? DQ

  22. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Carolina oyster stew, she crab soup, whole hog bob-a-coo with Maurice’s yellow hot, fresh cob sweet corn, corn bread, sweet potato pie (Justin Wilsons), Chatham Artillery punch.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    3- Your first car?
    First motorized transportation Cushman scooter, then a 52 International p/up, 57 Plymouth Fury, first car.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    New Zealand

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Keen sandals

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Wa-Tho-Huk aka Jim Thorpe

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    All state band, all state orchestra, all state marching band, they gave us medals.
    Science seminar, included a trip to the cape, rockets and stuff. You had to take a test, boy were the pseudo smart kids pissed.

    8- Best subject in high school?
    Biology, Physics, Math

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Scuba, I have jumped, just to prove I could/would.
    Phobia, Progs, not frogs, those are delicious

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    ’69 440 sixpack Hurst Charger R/T, 120mph
    Kow M/C 1400 6cyl, 140mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    You’re supposed to wear clothes?

    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie, maybe this one could answer #2 as well.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Kimberly Guilfoyle, Harris Falkner

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    John Owen Brennan, CIA traitor

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    16- Favorit rifle/handgun.
    Browning 30.06, left handed bolt, Kimber 1911, simi, S&W .357 627 wheel gun, CC .38 hammerless S&W Airweight.

  23. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Carls Jr hamburger fries choc shake (no whipped cream)

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Pink Flamingo’s

    3- Your first car?
    65 ford mustang 289

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    top siders

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    best in class 6th grade

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    scuba diving in St. Lucia

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    110 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?
    pie (lemon)

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    all the fake blonds on fox

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    john (im a hero) mccain

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    carls jr

  24. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Fliet mignon

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Die Hard

    3- Your first car?
    VW Beetle

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Can’t imagine living anywhere else, but I’d love a penthouse vacation apartment in Paris if they wake up and get rid of the muslims.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    N/A Not even a participation trophy 😉

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Sky diving

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    Maybe 90

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Tucker Carlson

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Del Taco

  25. I don’t watch “gay” anything. First car a 68 jeep. I can’t think of any country to move to that isn’t screwed up, and I HAVE thought about it. Not into sports anymore, used to like Joe Montana. Got a few trophies motorcycle racing.
    Best subject history, otherwise hated school. Fastest car 110 mph in the desert on a deserted highway way back when. Never skinny dipped, too skinny.
    Best looking pol; Michelle Bachmann. Throat punch; any left wing newsperson or rino or former you know what.
    Fast food; any good burger joint.

  26. 1. White Castle Double Cheeseburgers
    2. Jet Lee’s Unleashed
    3. 72 Dodge Omni (used-4door for the guests Lol)
    4. South Korea
    5. Dromedaris
    6. None
    7. None
    8. Science
    9. Sky
    10. 90
    11. Yes
    12. Cake
    13. President Trump
    14. Sarah Silverman
    15. White Castle

  27. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? I wouldn’t be able to eat.
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? NA.
    3- Your first car? ’53 red Chevy wagon.
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Australia.
    5- Footwear you most often wear? Loafers.
    6- Athlete you admire most? None.
    7- Trophy you’ve received? No trophy.
    8- Best subject in high school? Science.
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) I like terra firma.
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 95.
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Not as much as I would like to.
    12- Cake or pie? Definitely pie.
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Sara Palin.
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Not a fair question, there’s too many to pick from.
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Home of the Wopper.

  28. OK Fur. I know you’re spying for the government but I’ll do the survey anyway.
    1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Vietnamese food.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Pretty Woman.

    3- Your first car?
    1956 Chev 2-door hardtop.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Moose slippers.

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Kevin Durant.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Best decorated bike in our town 4th of July parade.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    No frickin’ way.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    108 mph. I got a ticket for it too.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Sarah P. of course.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    George Soros.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    If Pizza counts it’s Papa John’s.

  29. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Filet Mignon and Yorkshire Pudding
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    3- Your first car?
    1946 Ford pickup
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Tim Tebow
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    8- Best subject in high school?
    Auto Shop
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie, Rhubarb pie
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Mia Love
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    George Soros
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Panda Express

  30. I love these answers! Some are so surprising. I’ll answer a couple:

    Death Row Meal: Nothing. If I was on death row, I’d be clinically depressed and couldn’t eat a bite. But last meal on earth I hope is: One perfectly thin cracker w/fine caviar, minced shallot and creme fraiche, one bite of the lip portion of a prime rib steak (rare), a single, raw Kumomoto oyster on the shell w/mignonette, Nova Scotia lox w/capers, a frosty mug of the best champagne — and keep ’em coming.

    Sky Diving/SCUBA: Definitely SCUBA. Got my certificate in jr. high — taught by my shop teacher.

    Phobia: Cannot eat any food which I suspect is ‘bad’, worst one is canned tomato products past their pull date. Can’t eat food someone else double dipped in or touched with their unwashed hands.

  31. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Roast leg of prosecuting attorney.
    Or, 2nd choice: prosciutto and melon to start; 20 oz. rib-eye Pittsburgh rare, golden potatoes mashed with sour cream and butter, grilled asparagus with Hollandaise; sliced pears; crème brûlée.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?
    Die Hard. The radio conversations between Willis and the cop are so touching I get weepy.

    3- Your first car?
    1963 MG-B with Abarth exhaust

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.
    Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. 2nd choice: Turks and Caicos.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Sandals. Specifically, Vionics sandals.

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Al Oerter. Or Juan Fangio. I dunno.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    1. 100 yd High Hurdles, 2nd Place, 1965 State Meet (Virginia)
    2. Expert rating, hand grenade, Ft. Benning GA, 1969 (seriously)

    8- Best subject in high school?
    Trig, Analytic Geometry, Calculus

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Neither. I love hang gliding and snorkeling. No phobias, though

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    driver: 120 mph in my 1985.5 SVO Mustang.
    passenger: 170 mph in a Viper at Chelsea Proving Grounds track.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Yes. It is less fun than I expected it to be because the, um. follow-on activities were negatively affected by cool water exposure.

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    I don’t really pay that much attention to appearances because I mostly read what they’ve said rather than listen/watch. If I have to pick somebody, I’ll pick Lyndon Baines Johnson because it’s so nice that he’s dead.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Oh darn – only one? So many to choose from. OK, it comes down to two US Senators: Schmuckles the Clown and Al Franken. Take your pick, I don’t care.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  32. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Steak and lobster w/the works

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Sound of Music

    3- Your first car?
    74 Galaxy 500

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    South Korea

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Keens hikers

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Citation for Smallmouth Bass

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    (Bonus- biggest phobia) Drowning LOL

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie (My birthday is in July so my “cake” is always watermelon)

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Local weather girl Nikki De Ray (She also speaks her mind at times)

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Myself at 22

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  33. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? I’d kill myself before I went to prison.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Don’t have one. However, “My Dog Skip” makes me get choked up every time that scene rolls around.

    3- Your first car? In 1985: a 1968 VW Baja bug with a stinger exhaust. Thing was louder than a Harley and I had to keep a case of oil in the back seat.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. Norway or Switzerland depending on my finances.

    5- Footwear you most often wear. Business shoes unfortunately.

    6- Athlete you admire most? None.

    7- Trophy you’ve received? 2nd place, U.S. Invitational Sword fighting competition, 1999. Broke 2 ribs and a finger.

    8- Best subject in high school? History.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? Sky diving, phobia: parachute won’t open….

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? Autobahn, 2015; 180 mph.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Numerous times.

    12- Cake or pie? Cake. But I love fresh blueberry pie.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Mercedes Carrera.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? I have two hands and I’m fast; Obama first then Michelle and if Hillary is close by she gets one also.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? None. That stuff is poison.

  34. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Fried Clams, full belly of course. Gawd I miss East Coast seafood, but not the weather.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Moulin Rouge

    3- Your first car?
    1963 Peugeot 403

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    New Zealand, maybe (No desire to leave the soon to be great again U.S. of A.)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    David Ortiz (Kurt Warner, George Brett, Bobby Orr)

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Won a few Bowling tournaments 30 years ago

    8- Best subject in high school?
    Math – many disciplines

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    It’s a tie. I did parasaile once in the Bahamas

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    115 – 1685 Saab 900 Turbo

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie, cake is too dry

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Katie Pavlich

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Oh so many, Maybe Diblasio, ’cause he can still do a lot of damage.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  35. 1-Spaghetti
    3-1962 Buick Skylark rag top (w/cracked block)
    4 Georgia
    5 Croc’s Sandals Not those UGLY Dutchy ones.
    6 Gordie Howe
    7 Eng Lit Art,Drafting
    9 Hot air balloon
    11 Yupper
    12 Scones from Meijer’s Blueberry the best.
    13 Breitbart, Geert Wilders,Nigel Faragean of course
    14 Any NASTY woman,oh too many!
    15 Taco’s,Burger w/Mushrooms an Cheese
    16 Favorite Snack,Skinny White cheddar Popcorn

  36. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Fried Chicken and corn on the Cobb with Lemon (real sour, not too sweet) meringue pie

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    ALIEN series

    3- Your first car?

    VW bug. With mix mix sticks.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    British Columbia

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Bare feet or sneakers

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    Sea Biscuit

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    Dang, not talented enough. Work awards for doing my job, don’t count, in my mind.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    Vocabulary or Algebra

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Either as long as NO SPIDERS!

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?


    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    Well, does bathing in a lake or river, while camping count?

    12- Cake or pie?


    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Is that one of those oxymoron questions?

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Gads- long list; Obama, both Clintons, John worthless Kerry, Megan Kelley, SHEPHERD SMITH, any CNN or MSNBC idiot, liberal professors, etc, etc, & to infinity.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?


  37. 1- What’s your “death row” last meal?

    Sirloin steak (medium rare), plus Turkey and Cornbread dressing, topped off by apple pie, black coffee and a cyanide pill for dessert.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?

    Kate and Leopold (2001)

    3- Your first car?

    1957 Ford Custom 300 (used)

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.

    ‘Straya, maybe. Would’ve said Germany, before the Muzzies arrived.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?


    6- Athlete you admire most?

    Don Meredith, for being able to put up with Howard Cosell.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    Participation medal, recent Southeast Asian war.

    8- Best subject in high school?


    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving?

    None of the above.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    90-100 MPH, if I remember correctly.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    Not intentionally.

    12- Cake or pie?


    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Julia Bonk (Germany) http://tinyurl.com/ju944ba
    I would’ve said Helen Thomas, but she’s dead.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Bill Maher, no contest.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Burger King, for the Whoppers. Then swing by McDonald’s to get the fries.


  38. 1. Baby back ribs and a good beer.

    2. Blazing Saddles, but it doesn’t do anything ‘faggy’ to me.

    3. ’67 Wildcat.

    4. I liked Sardinia, Italy, but it doesn’t take much to entertain me.

    5. Ariat boots.

    6. Not a fan.

    7. Fighter Ace – Jump into an Extra 300 and shoot down the bad guys.

    8. Science.

    9. Skydive! Public speaking wierds me out.

    10. About 220… Kph!

    11. Yup.

    12. German chocolate in a bowl with some milk.

    13. Michelle whatsername.

    14. Hannity. Sometimes I want to hear what his guest is saying, and he won’t shut the hell up.

    15. In-n-Out.

  39. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Charcoal-grilled Standing Rib with Horseradish Cream, Rosole Potatoes, Oven-roasted asparagus, Guacamole from Jose Andres, Pistachio Macarons from Paul Bakery– and a growler of Founders IPA

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Army of Darkness

    3- Your first car? Bitchin avocado green Ford Maverick with an 8 track blarin’ Toys in the Attic and the Ramones

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. New Zealand

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Chucks

    6- Athlete you admire most? Jesse Owens

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Most likely to Make Sense

    8- Best subject in high school? Class Avoidance

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Scuba (and yeah I’m skeert of loud noises–popping balloons/guns/etc)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? Phantom

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Hell ya

    12- Cake or pie? Cake

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Milo

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Ashley Judd

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Sonic

  40. 1- last meal – A case of Labbatt Blue and a 1.5L bottle of Skyy (call it suicide)
    2- guilty pleasure movie no idea
    3- Your first car? 1972 Chevelle

    4- Country you would live in – Scotlansd
    5- Footwear you most often wear? – athletic shoes, black
    6- Athlete – Mario Lemieux
    7- Trophy you’ve received? Second place in a down-river whitewater kayak race
    8- Best subject in high school? Literature
    9- Sky diving. Biggest phobias are falling, heights, and drowning
    10- Fastest – 125 MPH in a 1973 Mazda RX-3. Zoom zoom.
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Oh yes.
    12- Cake or pie? Pie. Blueberry.
    13- Nicest looking pundit – Katie Pavlich
    14- throat punch – Pelosi
    15- Favorite fast food – Burger King

  41. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    No preference, I won’t be remembering it.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?

    Looking over my DVD shelf, really can’t say I have one. Maybe SOMEWHERE IN TIME but thats mainly for the music.

    3- Your first car?

    ’74 Olds Cutlass 2 door, birdcrap yellow

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.

    There’s nowhere else left.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Brown suede desert chukkas the kids tell me are out of style. Don’t care.

    6- Athlete you admire most?


    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    DD-214, SW Asia service ribbon with bronze star.

    8- Best subject in high school?


    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving?


    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    85 or so.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?


    12- Cake or pie?

    Toss up.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Faggy question.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Myself, sometimes.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    DQ/Hardees/Cap’n D’s/CFA (can’t decide)

  42. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Buffalo Hummingbird tongues.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    The day the Obamas disappeared.
    3- Your first car?
    51 Ford

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    My socks

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    That tennis playing’guerilla’

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    7 inch erection. 1st and second place

    8- Best subject in high school?
    Girl’s breasts and clever ways to touch them

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Going down

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    Hasn’t happened yet

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Is this anything like muff diving?

    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie-noche (a southwest thing)

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Michelle Malkin

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Richard Fowler

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  43. 1. My last meal would be a big loaf of Italian bread and a big pot of fondue.
    2. My favorite tough guy movie is Fight Club
    3. My first card was a royal blue plymouth laser.
    4. The country I would live in outside the US is Iceland…No muslims as of yet.
    5.Footwear I most often wear are my dansko’s shoes. Not pretty, but they work.
    6. Athlete I admire most is a team… The US 1980 Olympic Hockey team.
    7. I never won a trophy but I know I never cried about it.
    8. My best subject in HS was History.
    9. I would choose Sky diving over Scuba..My biggest phobia are large crowds.
    10. I think the fastest I have ever driven a car is around 85mph.
    11. Yes, I have skinny dipped but it was dark and I was alone. 🙂
    12. Definitely a cake lover.
    13. Nicest looking Political pundit- The boyish good looks of Tucker Carlson.
    14. Bill Kristol earns a throat punch from me.
    15. Fav Fast food place is Burger King…home of the whopper !

    welcome newcomers !!

  44. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Chicken and dumplings, black eyed peas, green beans, sliced tomatoes and cornbread.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Anything Clint Eastwood

    3- Your first car? Mercury Capri

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) None.

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Around the house, socks or barefoot. Merrill’s if I have to wear shoes.

    6- Athlete you admire most? Hank Aaron

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Twirling

    8- Best subject in high school? English

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) My two biggest phobias are heights and water.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 90 MPH

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? No.

    12- Cake or pie? Cake.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Shannon Bream

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Soros.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-A.

  45. God forbid) last meal? beer
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?  Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    3- Your first car? pinto wagon
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)TEXAS
    5- Footwear you most often wear?iron worker boots
    6- Athlete you admire most? Jeremy Mcgrath
    7- Trophy you’ve received? ice racing (motorcycle)
    8- Best subject in high school? machine shop
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)sky diving phobia heights
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?flat out t bird super coupe
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? nekid right now
    12- Cake or pie? pie
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?Michel Rempil (Canadian mp)
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? trudeau
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? beer store

  46. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    3 piece Chicken dinner (all dark meat) from the Chicken Manor in Strasbourg OH with French fries and coke slaw.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?  Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Blade Runner

    3- Your first car?

    Honda CRX, red

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    Isle of Skye, Scotland

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Toss up between my Uggs and a beat up pair of riding boots.

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    Jockey, Ron Turcotte

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    LOL Best Artist at my high school Senior dinner.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    Um, art.
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving?
    (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Neither! I will not participate in any sport where I might be responsible for saving my own life in a panic situation-because I’d probably fail.

    Phobia- public speaking

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    90, TR-7 back in the 80’s

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?

    Pie, any kind of berry pie. Not warmed up or with ice cream. Plain with a cup of coffee

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?


    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Mr. Illustr8r’s former co workers. I have a list. LOL! No, seriously.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Arby’s (Beef and Cheddar with curly fries and a Jamocha shake)

  47. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? New York Strip Steak.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Dan In Real Life.

    3- Your first car? Dodge Colt

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Ireland

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Asics

    6- Athlete you admire most? Walter Payton

    7- Trophy you’ve received? 2nd in state Judo

    8- Best subject in high school? Physics

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Sky Diving

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 120MPH

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? No

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Margaret Thatcher

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Obungles

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? ChikFilet

  48. 1-pizza
    2-The quiet man
    3-1972 Volkswagen Beetle
    5-white sneakers
    6-Armando Galarraga (sp?) Pitched 28 out perfect game. Classiest act I have ever seen in sports.
    9-scuba. Hate snakes
    12-Cake, yum
    13-Ann coulter
    14-so many throats, so little time. Michael Moore I guess.
    15-Steak n Shake

  49. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Ribeye steak (rare) – baked potato – salad with blue cheese dressing. Apple pie for dessert.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Out of Africa

    3- Your first car? 1953 Chevy sedan delivery

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. New Zealand

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Lace up leather boots.

    6- Athlete you admire most? ???

    7- Trophy you’ve received? 2nd place finish as a coach for a youth baseball team. The kids improved so much over the course of the season.

    8- Best subject in high school? Civics/government.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? Motorcycles at 120.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Who hasn’t?

    12- Cake or pie? Can’t we have both?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Katie Pavlich

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Soros

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Jack in the Box

  50. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Shrimp and grits with home-made red eye gravy. None of the sissy stuff.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? The Princess Bride – but hey – lots of violence!!

    3- Your first car? ’67 Ford Mustang Fastback 2+2

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) I’d rather be dead but if forced – maybe western Canada – in the Rockies.

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Boots made of actual animal hides.

    6- Athlete you admire most? Ty Cobb – complex, misreported, ol’ SOB is probably still laughing at the pantywaists playing ball today.

    7- Trophy you’ve received? silly clay shooting thing

    8- Best subject in high school? Science/Biology – the science was required, the biology secondary to the Miss USA runner-up in the upper class.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)Scuba diving. biggest phobia – third term Democrat presidents

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 115 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? yes, but no worries, we made sure to hit the water with a stick to scare off the snakes.

    12- Cake or pie? Pie – with ice cream!!

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Pam Bondi – FL Attorney General – just unpretentious and natural.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Gee – first thought is the previous prez (I don’t use the name) but for length of desire I would happily dig up Ted Kennedy and punch until I got tired. Then rest up a bit. I’m getting old. And then start again.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Hardee’s

  51. 1. Baklava until I expire on my own;
    2. “Breakfact at Tiffany’s”;
    3. 1956 Land Rover;
    4. N/A I live in TEXAS;
    5. boots (‘cowboy’ assumed);
    6. Roger Staubach (Scholar-Warrior-Athlete-Christian-Father);
    7. NCAA Div. I Men’s Football National Champions;
    8. History/Football;
    9. Skydiving (67 jumps);
    10. 150+m.p.h. (too scared to look down);
    11. yes;
    12. whatever’s ready to eat;
    13. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic (Hawwwwwwwt!);
    14. Impossible to answer;
    15. What-A-Burger;

  52. @ Illustr8r:

    I LOVE the Manor! Excellent bird. My first time there was over 40 years ago. Strasburg is one of my “via” points when I’m heading south; bypassing Canton via 21 is one of my favorite rides.

    Bought one of my favorite guitars from a guy in Strasburg, a Martin HD28.

  53. 1. Lobster
    2. Sound of Music
    3. Jeep Sahara
    4. Scotland
    5. LL Bean Gumshoe
    6. Walter Payton
    7. Physical Fitness Award Secret Service Academy
    8. History
    9. Scuba Phobia Being buried alive
    10. 130 mph got caught license taken away lol
    11. Yes
    12. Pie
    13. Kimberly Guilfoyle
    14. Anthony Weiner
    15. Wendys

  54. Ok- since we had to arms- there will be 2 throat punches.
    1.0 John McCain
    2.0 George Soros
    Of course, if you take out GS- you will get McCain as well
    Both of them are getting some kind of satanic blood infusions.

  55. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Prime Rib & Bottle Cabernet

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Can’t think of one, maybe Lassie?

    3- Your first car?
    Ford Granada

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Scotland – after all the progressive die out

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Dress shoe

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Lou Gehrig

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Bowling – 294 avg. for tournament at 17

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia
    Neither. Spiders

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie ala mode

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Who cares

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  56. Meal- Fried catfish maybe ribeye steak. Ask me again when it’s time.
    Chick flick- Schindler’s List. (H/T G. Costanza)
    Truck- ’56 Chevy pianel
    Move? not likely
    Shoes- Tevas or PF Flyers
    Athlete- Jerry Miculek
    Trophy- Blue ribbon 7th grade science fair
    Subject- English
    Diving- nope!
    Speed- Not sure, speedo only goes to 120…
    Dipping- yeah, but there was some shrinkage…
    Mom’s German Chocolate cake, otherwise cherry pie
    Attractive- some nice ones on Fox.
    Throat punch- Only one? You bastard!!
    Fast food- only in an emergency.

  57. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Jessica Biel

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? I don’t watch chick flicks.

    3- Your first car? ’68 VW

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Chile

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Altama desert boots

    6- Athlete you admire most? Laird Hamilton

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Not competitive in useless things that they give trophies for.

    8- Best subject in high school? History

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) I don’t jump out of perfectly good airplanes, and I don’t swim with things that have sharp teeth.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 130 MPH

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? No

    12- Cake or pie? Honey, I like pie. h/t George Carlin

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Tomi Lahren

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? John McCain

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Subway

  58. I like snakes, beautiful colors and patterns, and love public speaking. Maybe I need an intervention.

    How come Cookie never answers his own surveys?
    His death row meal would be Chipotle. Favorite fast food Panera. Footwear – fuzzy bunny slippers. The Hawt one would be Mark Lamont Hill or Geraldo Rivera. Phobia – enraged Messicans in WalMart.
    There, I got you started.

  59. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    I doubt I could eat and besides, I wouldn’t want to ruin the memory of my favorite meal with the thought of dying. Instead, I would have a nice, calm, hot cup of hearty English Tea with lots of honey.

    2-Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    “They Were Expendable” 1945 Robert Montgomery and John Wayne and many, many more greats. They were tough guys in WWII that did what they were told and did their jobs most well.
    Breibart Big Hollywood had at least a 6 part article on it if anyone is interested in reading about this awesome movie…


    3- Your first car?
    A beautiful white Toyota Tercel hatchback. It looked very sporty.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    If it were not for the moose limbs, I would pick France and I would make myself learn to speak French.
    I have always wanted to see Ireland though.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    The Gipper, Ronald Reagan – he was a very good lifeguard. 🙂

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    I won a ribbon for the Hop, Skip and Jump in grade school.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    I’ve done both, but Sky Diving hands down.
    (Bonus-I am afraid of heights so I could never rock climb) and yes, sky diving is different for some reason.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    80 mph, but my brother took me for a spin on his motorcycle on the Autobahn in Germany and we went well over 100 mph.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Tucker Carlson – he is the cute guy-next-door type.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Taco Bell

  60. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    sausage, bacon, eggs, and pancakes smothered in syrup

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Wise Guys

    3- Your first car?
    VW Golf

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    N/A bad question for a woman

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Joey “Jaws” Chestnut

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    awards never trophies

    8-Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    scuba, dying with nobody home

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    pie with ice cream
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Allen West
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Nancy Pelosi
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Taco Bell

  61. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    3- Your first car?
    72 Toyota Corolla
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Running Shoes
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Doug Flutie
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Too long ago
    8- Best subject in high school?
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Sky Diving — Claustrophobia
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    120 mph
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Michelle Malkin
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Rachel Maddow over and over
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Burger King

  62. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Not applicable, if I did anything worthy of death row and was found out, I damn sure wouldn’t be taken alive.
    However, Mom’s Ham, Navy Beans, Dumplings and CornBread, with a glass of cold milk were to die for.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Pride and Prejudice

    3- Your first car?
    1956 Chevy two door (The Blue Bitch). Used more oil and brake fluid than Gasoline.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. Australia. Served with the Aussies at Nui Dat, VN Went twice on RR, wonderful people.

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Wool lined slippers.

    6- Athlete you admire most? Stan Musial/Ernie Banks

    7- Trophy you’ve received? None, not even a participation trophy. Should have gotten one for shortest drive from the Tee, but you had to hit the golf ball past the women’s tee to be eligible. I got screwed.

    8- Best subject in high school? Geometry/History

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Both sky dining and scuba, No phobias, but if I see a spider I kill it.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 140mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Yes, a hot springs in the New Mexico Mountains.

    12- Cake or pie? Pie, Cherry

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Michelle Malkin

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    I wouldn’t get close enough to punch.
    I’ve got a short list, I prefer longer distances.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? None

  63. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Thick Filet Mignon, medium rare, Garlick Texas Toast, Baked Potato with sour creme and chives, Guinness.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? “Legally Blonde” Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    3- Your first car? 1970 Ford Maverick Grabber, grabber green, racing stripe, 8 track tape deck.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Australia

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Sketchers

    6- Athlete you admire most? Doug Atkins & Michael Jordan

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Scout of the year, twice

    8- Best subject in high school? Math. I’m a genius there.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Done both. Prefer Sky Diving

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? Only 120 MPH in a 35 zone.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Hasn’t everyone?

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Dana Loesch

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? BO – about June, 2008 if I could time travel.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell

  64. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Pussy

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Sideways

    3- Your first car? 1953 Packard Clipper

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Poland

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Toni Llamas

    6- Athlete you admire most? Curt Schilling

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Don’t need no stinkin’ trophies

    8- Best subject in high school? Study Hall

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Skydiving as trained by Uncle sam

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 110 (not the Packard btw)

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Every summer in my pool.

    12- Cake or pie? Both

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Liz Clayman FBN

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Obama

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Hardees……can’t beat their biscuits.

  65. 1 meat and potatoes 2 West Side Story, one of the few musicals I like other than Singing In The Rain 3 My first car was a baby blue and white 53 Chevy with a 2 speed power glide tranny, Wash. license plate CAR 475 4 I wouldn’t want to live anywhere but the US, Canada maybe either Alberta or BC 5 Anything (generally good working shoes) but Converse since they have no arch support and kill my feet 6 Gil Meche, former major league pitcher for the Seattle Mariners and KC Royals who walked away from a guaranteed contract after he couldn’t pitch as well as he used to and Edgar Martinez and Ken Griffey Jr. 7 placed 2nd in the 6th grade spelling bee until my best friend made me laugh and I lost my train of thought and I won a Green Weenie Award (this was the mid 60’s) in shop class as the most the most inept student, this is why I’m not a mechanic like the rest of my family 8 History and English, especially reading and spelling 9 Neither, I don’t like spiders and I don’t like large crowds or heights 10 I’m sure it was well over 100 mph and once at least 120 + in an early 70’s Datsun 240 Z with a friend on I-5 in Portland 11 probably at some point when I was kid but I didn’t run around naked like 2 of my 3 brothers and my cousin did at my Aunt’s house, she was blind as a bat and couldn’t see that they were naked 12 German chocolate cake 13 Michelle Malkin 14 either John Kerry or George Soros, take your pick and 15 Jack In The Box, I love Jumbo Jacks and their 2 tacos for a buck.

  66. 2- Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? ALL Clint Eastwood, and MOST John Wayne movies.

    3- Your first car? ’73 Dodge Charger

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. Spain

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Slippers

    6- Athlete you admire most? Ballet dancers

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Hahahahaha

    8- Best subject in high school? Art class of course

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Scuba, phobia (now a days) is heights

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 110 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Noooo

    12- Cake or pie? Cake

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Oh – this one dude on Fox, I think mostly mornings. Can’t recall his name.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? John Fucking McCain

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? A&W

  67. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Steak Submarine (sliced steak, mozzarella cheese, mushrooms, green peppers on a toasted soft submarine roll. Onion rings and a chocolate shake. A little pedestrian I know.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    “The Awful Truth”

    3- Your first car?
    1972 Mercury Cougar, 351 Windsor Block, deep metallic blue with a dark blue vinyl top.
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Wyoming (maybe Texas)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Sperry Docksiders

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Russ Jackson, QB for Ottawa Roughriders in Ottawa. Won a couple of Grey Cups all the while teaching high school Math.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Best Project Presentation from Honeywell Education Services.

    8- Best subject in high school?
    History (English and then Chemistry)

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Done both actually. Biggest phobia is spiders. If one sneaks up on me Heart rate goes to 200, blood pressure to 190/120 and I become a little girl. Damndest thing.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    About 110 mph. At least that’s what the ticket said.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?
    Bot of both, Boston Cream Pie.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Sarah Palin.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    George Soros but with Hillary, Bill, Barack, Pelosi, Frank with honorable mentions.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    McDonalds if you get the right one at the right time the food is great. To be open though I did work at one 40 years ago and the food back then beat what they have now.

  68. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Soros’ head on a platter with a side of Obama limbs.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?
    The Sound Of Music.

    3- Your first car?
    1967 VW Beetle.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Not a big sports fan.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    five Emmy Award Honors.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving?
    Never done neither. Scuba’d be my choice.
    (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Insecure heights.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    Meh, maybe 90.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    If I did I can’t remember it.

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Any conservative.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    I’d punch Obozo in the throat right after my fist first goes completely through Soros’ throat.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Tommys’ Burgers.

  69. 1 Last meal. Ribs. 2. Movie. Don’t watch many movies, most of them suck. 3. 1st car. 72 Nova 4. Country move. Not sure. 5.Footwear. Work boots. 6. Favorite athlete. None. Don’t watch stick-and-ball sports. 7. Trophies received. Custom car building. 8. Best subject in HS. Math. 9. Sky diving or scuba. Neither. 10. Fastest speed in car. 140. 11. Skinny dipped. Yes. 12. Cake or pie. Pie. 13. Best looking pol,etc? Tomi Lahren 14. Throat punch. Too many too list. Probably Shumer. 15 Favorite fast food. I hate fast food, but would eat at Taco Casa if had to choose.

  70. 1. I’d donate my last meal to an LGBT halfway house, just to see what it feel like, once in my life, to be a proggressive douchebag

    2. My tastes in movies is so hardcore and primal that I felt faggy watching “Fury” .. probably because of Brad Pitt

    3. My first car was a piss yellow Ford Pinto that was a hand me down from my sister. I was so embarrassed by it, that I was actually relieved when it got rear ended and exploded into flame

    4. Would have loved to have seen Russia when I was younger, but one Russian winter would probably kill me in my current condition

    7. Never got a trophy, but I was once awarded a participation ribbon — for playing on a State Championship Football Team!*

    8. Best subject in school — SAT Verbal

    9. Biggest phobia — I have this strange anxiety about Muslims committing an more than their fair share of terrorist attacks. I dont know if there’s an actual word for it.

    11. Stumbled onto a nude beach once on the Isar River in Munich. You know that funnny feeling you get when you’re in the midst of hundreds of naked people and you’re the only one with clothes on?

    14. Bill Maher. Except I’d rather hit him with one of those Bugs Bunny, airplane-propeller-whirl right crosses that start down by my shoetops and pushes that huge proboscis of his over to his right earlobe — so he can enjoy the smell of his own earwax

    *(OK, OK we were second; and yeah, we did get our asses handed to us in the Final, and yeah I kind of sucked in that game and let my teammates down. Dont remind me)

  71. 1. Champagne and lots of cold jumbo shrimp
    2. Patton
    3. Plymouth “Gold” Duster
    4. Ireland
    5. Flats
    6. Wilma Rudolph
    7. Irish dancing (pre Riverdance of course)
    8. English
    9. Neither because of my phobias
    10. 90
    11. No! Against every Catholic school rule.
    12. Pie
    13. Tucker Carlson. Not just because he reminds me of my husband. He’s just what we need now.
    14. John Brennan. A disgrace to his heritage and this country.
    15. Don’t eat fast food, but willl stop at Chick-fil-A on the road.

  72. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Turket w/ All the trimming – Thanksgiving since I would have Confessed ALL just prior.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Jerry McGuire

    3- Your first car? 12-year old 1963 Galaxie 500 390 4 Spd rebuilt from a ugly mess

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Australia

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Red Wing Work Boots

    6- Athlete you admire most? Tie John Havlicek / Jesse Owens

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Best Defensive Lineman Sr. Year HS

    8- Best subject in high school? History

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Sky Diving …

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 128

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes

    12- Cake or pie? Pie – Blueberry

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? No One Comes To Mind

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Bill Clinton

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Johnny’s Beef

  73. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Boiled cabbage and a raw, rotten potato. If I’m about to be put to death, give me something that’s gonna make me want to die.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Steel Magnolias.

    3- Your first car?
    1984 Chevy Celebrity

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Sark. Look it up.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Slip-on leather shoes.

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Reggie White.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    “Computer Graphics Award” – 1989 (I was in 8th grade. All graphics coded on an Apple IIe.)

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Skydiving. I have the buoyancy of a cinderblock.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    98mph on I-40

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Not intentionally.

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Ted Kennedy (but only since Aug. 25, 2009)

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Whoever made the rule that I only get one throat punch.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Panda Express

  74. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Mom’s spaghetti
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    3- Your first car?
    Chevy Celebrity
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Don’t care about athletes
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    8- Best subject in high school?
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    Neither. Thanks anyway
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    I don’t mess with those

  75. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Let’s see… I’m allergic to nuts, so I guess nuts. They’d have to give me something to counteract the allergy, so
    that I won’t die. 😂

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    They Live.

    3- Your first car?
    Mike n Ike

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    Well, I’d have said Greece, but never mind now.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Bare feet. lol. But otherwise sneakers.

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    That video of a Marine guy that Dianny found and I posted here. Remember? He did all the crazy calisthenics stuff?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    ‘most improved player’ trophy. I hated being on the team anyway and it felt more like a participation trophy. Ugh.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    English. I’m very well at it.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Oh hell no. Gravity’s a bitch and I don’t want to get my hair wet.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    Cops exaggerate.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    No. Germs, bacteria, sea weed… ew.

    12- Cake or pie?


    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?


    (juuuust suckin’ up.)
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    ONE?! How about this: I will trade the throat punch in if you let me do 20 nipple twists instead.
    20 sets.
    I got nuthin’ else to do.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Mad Greek.

  76. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Fogu… I always wanted to try it and if it’s gonna kill me… well..

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Pride and Prejudice… I’m a sucker for classics.

    3- Your first car? 1974 Celica gt

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)Greenland

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Boots… not cowboy boots… man boots.

    6- Athlete you admire most? Shorty Hitchcock

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Lots for playing billiards, 8 ball and 9 ball

    8- Best subject in high school? Pissing off teachers and faculty in general.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)Sky diving… clowns creep me out.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 120

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? you bet… it’s only natural

    12- Cake or pie? Cake

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? For some reason I just wanna throw one into Ann Coulter

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? The dick who shot my childhood friend and left her crippled for life.

    15- Favorite fast food…. A&W

  77. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Something healthy.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    A Little Romance

    3- Your first car?

    68 Chevelle SS… Mauve, but mostly rust.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    New Zealand

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Whatever slips on. I hate laces.

    6- Athlete you admire most?


    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    Lots of baseball trophies over the years. But the one trophy that stands out was for bowling over 150 in a bowling league when I was 11. I can’t bowl over 150 now.

    8- Best subject in high school?


    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    I’d rather sky dive, and I do not want to sky dive. (Phobia? Lightning)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    Just under 100… 98 ish (Never had a car where I trusted the tires.)

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?


    12- Cake or pie?


    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Emily Ratajkowski

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    John Oliver

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Baja Fresh

  78. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Perfectly grilled Angus Burger.
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Sick of movies in general.
    3- Your first car?
    Chevrolet 4X4 pickup.
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Cattle showmanship…..in the 70s.
    8- Best subject in high school?
    Business Law.
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Chuck Schumer.
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  79. Too late, they’ve already “pulled on one” and they are about to “pull on two,” but my mind is racing. My loveliest pundit is Laura Ingraham and my best punch would go to the throat of Smucky Schume…………….Ssssssssszzzzziiiiiizzzzzlllllleeeeeeee
    (The Green Mile)

  80. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    –Steak, baked potato w/sour cream, tomato salad w/catalina sauce (God forbid indeed – meal would be requested the day before. Fasting the last day)

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    –The Dirty Dozen (More than one tough guy in that gem)

    3- Your first car?
    –Chevy Chevette (better than nothing)

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    –Canada (yeah, I know)

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    –Sneakers (Over the hill comfort)

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    –Walter Payton (motto: Never Die Easy)

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    –Beauty contest (Yes,really)

    8- Best subject in high school?
    –Art (Started early planning my career)

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    — Scuba diving (Water is my friend. Not letting anyone know my phobia)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    –105 (Sometimes a thrill seeker)

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    –Never (Too late now)

    12- Cake or pie?
    –Pie (With cake on top)

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    –Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. (grrrowl. To bad he’s a democrat and married)

    14- You only have one throat punch
    – who gets it?
    –George Soros (Satan’s clone)

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    –McDonald (bada ba ba ba. Loving it. Especially the coffee)

  81. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Ruth Chris filler with mushrooms and garlic potatoes

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    3- Your first car?
    1962 Ford Falcon
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    New Zealand
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Walter Payton
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    State Class B doubles trap champion
    8- Best subject in high school?
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Bonus heights
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    120 mph
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Mia Love
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Chris Mathews
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Chicken Express

  82. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Prime Rib T-Bone, rare, twice baked potato, asparagas, home made cherry pie (real filling, not canned)

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Terminator 2

    3- Your first car?

    Opel Cadet (terrible, but all I could afford)
    First new car – Dodge Challenger (72)

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    I’d come home to Western Michigan

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Something with support (darned bad feet)

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    not a sports follower, but Tim Tebow seems really great

    7- Trophy you’ve received?


    8- Best subject in high school?

    English (but I try not to be a grammar nazi)

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Big Hairy Spiders

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    85 or 90 when I was young and foolish

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    You bet – great feeling

    12- Cake or pie?

    my homemade cherry pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Bill Hemmer

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Not my way

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?


  83. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Grilled Ribeye steak – medium rare, twice baked potato w/ sour cream on the side, fresh salad w/creamy blue cheese, bottle of merlow, slice of banana cream pie,
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Any Tom Cruise movie.
    3- Your first car?
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    New Zealand
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Tennis Shoes/sneakers

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Clay Matthews III
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    8- Best subject in high school?
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Ann Coulter
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  84. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? anything Thai
    2- Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Hard to name just one, Lonesome Dove and The Searchers are way up there.
    3- Your first car? Late 70s Mercury Comet
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. Canada
    5- Footwear you most often wear? Sneakers
    6- Athlete you admire most? Probably any guy from the 80s Redskins teams
    7- Trophy you’ve received? Lots of basketball trophies a long time ago.
    8- Best subject in high school? English and art.
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Scuba. Biggest phobia, big bridges.
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 100mph
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes
    12- Cake or pie? Cake
    13- Nicest looking political personality ? Mark Steyn
    14- You only have one throat punch – who Fauxcahontas
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Local Indian place (Spice 6)

  85. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Everything. I want to create the worst mess for them to have to clean up.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    A Wonderful Life

    3- Your first car?
    70 Dodge Dart Swinger (225 slant six) – my Dad made me buy it or I couln’t be on his insurance. I have three older brothers and he learned his lesson by the time I turned 16.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    New Zealand or Switzerland

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Rockports for work. Hunting boots for play.

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Ted Williams

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    I can’t think of one.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Sky diving, but I have flown in gliders.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    2002 mustang GT – 120
    1980 Ducati SS (motorcycle) – 150+

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Lauren Southern

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  86. I didn’t know if the answers were supposed to be yes, no or essay.

    1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Grilled ribeye steak, crisp outside rare inside, baked potato and green pea salad; and, since it’s the last meal and all, taking into account that your calendar is clear for the immediate future and beyond, go ahead and top it off with a bottle of Jack Daniels.
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?  Lesbian Vampire Killers
    3- Your first car?
    1st car – a rusty “63” Chevy pickup, 1st new car “75” Datsun Z
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.
    I know it’s not a country yet but may be soon, California, as a lot of the locals out there still habla ingles.
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Back in the day cowboy boots; but, now comfort is king and house shoes are the thing.
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Tucker Carlson, heavy weight world champion of the cage match debates.
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    In high school got a 1st in state for a woodworking project; but, the most recent was award a $450 prize for being the last one through the intersection, it came with a photo.
    8- Best subject in high school?
    History – the instructor had been in WWII and participated in D-day invasion via one of those plywood gliders, he took history seriously.
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Both – being acrophobic, never had the urge to jump out of a perfectly good plane, actually I get a little queasy having to get on one; and tried scuba it was a bit claustrophobic.
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    On the ground, 130 mph – “78” Corvette.
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Well sure. But to get a better perspective of your readership the question might have been, “After a night of drinking have you every been involved in a traffic stop at 3am while you and your lady friend were still in the buff after skinny dipping?”
    12- Cake or pie?
    Pie – chocolate, pecan or chocolate-pecan.
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Laura Ingram is good looking; but, Sarah Palin is good looking too
    and she can skin a moose, so probably Sarah.
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Tuff decision, Bitch McCONall (sp?), I guess.
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Depending on how deep the snow is, if there’s not so much, Wendy’s baconator, or if there’s a lot, Fuddruckers 1/2lb jalapeño burger.

  87. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Carne Asada burrito smothered in ranchera sauce, with sticky toffee pudding for dessert.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Dirty Harry

    3- Your first car? Plymouth Duster

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) TEXAS

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Sneakers

    6- Athlete you admire most? Joe Montana

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Longest drive in a women’s golf tournament.

    8- Best subject in high school? English

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Sky diving

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 120

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Milo Yiannopolous.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Michael Moore (that’s assuming I could find his throat under all those chins)

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Wendy’s

  88. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Wooly Mammoth Steak, I read they are going to bring them back some day. . . so I can wait. . .

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Guardians of the Universe, yea, it’s a kids show.
    3- Your first car?

    ’73 Toyota Carolla , love them reclining bucket seats back in high school!

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    If I absolutely had to leave the United States I guess I could live in New England, hell, maybe even California or Oregon.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?


    6- Athlete you admire most?

    My grandson who’s on a track scholarship at college.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    HS salutitorian

    8- Best subject in high school?


    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Both my biological kids went sky diving at 21 to piss me off. I tried scuba but sinuses just wouldn’t take it.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    Probably 80-85

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?


    12- Cake or pie?

    What’s “cake”?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Michelle Malkin, but then, I’ve not actually seen Diogenes or any of the ladies here (thought Abigail Adams sure sounds cute!).

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?


    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?


  89. – What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Taco bell Mexican pizza and a medium Dr. Pepper

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    Anything Clint Eastwood, but my fave…Pale Rider. ” preacher! We love you preacher….”

    3- Your first car?
    1967 cougar

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) prince Edward Island canada

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Flat and comfortable

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Serena and Venus Williams

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) neither scared of heights, enclosed spaces

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? Maybe 70 scared of speed too

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yah!

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Tucker carlson

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Tough one….don lemon

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?taco bell

  90. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?-
    Leg of Lamb, Greek salad and the best bottle of Cabernet they can find.

    2- What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?-
    Clint Eastwood Movies

    3- Your first car? –
    Used 280Z

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)-

    5- Footwear you most often wear? –
    I grew up in the country so I don’t wear shoes 80% of the time. If I do they are sandals.

    6- Athlete you admire most? –
    Former LSU running back Jacob Hester. It’s a long story……

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    No trophies, just Blog Awards

    8- Best subject in high school?-

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?-
    120 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?-
    Hell yeah, I have a pool!

    12- Cake or pie?-
    Boston Cream Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    VP Mike Pence

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Chuck Schumer

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Don’t eat that crap!

  91. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?


    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?

    Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

    3- Your first car? 1966 Lincoln Continental

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. Iceland

    5- Footwear you most often wear? ECCO loafers

    6- Athlete you admire most? latest one – Curt Schilling

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Talent Show

    8- Best subject in high school? LUNCH

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)


    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 168-MPH

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Have I ever not.

    12- Cake or pie? PIE

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Pamela Geller

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Keith Olbermann

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?


  92. 1- last meal? Steak Skewer, Wood Shed Taters, House Salad w/ Blue Cheese Dressing at the Ye Olde Steak House, Knoxville, TN
    2- guilty pleasure movie? Out of Africa
    3- first car? 71′ Chevy Caprice
    4- Country you would live? Islay, Hebredies, Scotland (Best Whisky)
    5- Footwear ? Steel Toe Work boots
    6- Athlete? Don’t follow sports
    7- Trophy ? Best Harley Dresser
    8- Best subject in high school? History
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? Sky Diving (7 static line & 7 free fall)(phobia) That damn bridge over Charleston Harbor with the metal grated deck
    10- Fastest car? BMW motorcycle @ 110 mph
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Long time ago
    12- Cake or pie? Pecan pie
    13- Nicest looking political personality? Dana Loesch
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Oh, bummer
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Whatburger

  93. 1. Food to die for – Pizza
    2. Movie …Faggy- Austin Powers
    3. Car – 72 Chevy Malibu, it was Grandma’s old car -like new Hauled Ass
    4. Were to live – Belize or Costa Rica , both amazingly beautiful and full of new adventures.
    5. My Hiking boots
    6. Athlete -Jr Seau 55
    7.Trophy – Football, Baseball & Basketball
    8. Subject – Writing , definitely not Puntaution.
    10. Speed – 120
    11. Skinny dip -Oh yeah
    12. Pie
    13. Hot Person – Martha McCallen Fox news, She’s like a Kitty Cat.
    14. throat punch – Harry Ried….the big bad Boxer boy !
    15. Fast food – Carls Jr, or Robertos (mexican)


  94. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Dungeness crab, shrimp, and lobster with some rice pilaf and asparagus on the side…and my mom’s lemon meringue pie. Also, some Dom Perignon champagne. Gonna go out with a big tab!

    2- Ladies: What’s your guilty pleasure movie? Patton

    3- Your first car? Mom’s Toyota

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    British Virgin Islands; Hawaii

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Slippers

    6- Athlete you admire most? Russel Wilson

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Softball

    8- Best subject in high school? Ummm…Art

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Sky diving – snakes

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 120 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes

    12- Cake or pie? Pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Melania Trump

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Shepard Smith

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Chik-fil-A

  95. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Popeye’s 3 piece spicey with a family size mashed potatos and gravy, and
    beans and rice.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Faggy? No, we killed that.

    3- Your first car?

    69 Grand Torino 2 door.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    Guam, I’m not going back to the US.
    5- Footwear you most often wear?


    6- Athlete you admire most?

    What is this thing?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?


    8- Best subject in high school?


    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)


    Phobia? Claustrophobia and heights.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?


    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    Only when nekkid.

    12- Cake or pie?

    Hair pie.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?


    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?


    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?


  96. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Lobster with lots of garlic butter, fettuccine alfredo, caesar salad…chocolate creme pie. SCOTCH

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Right now….Gran Torino

    3- Your first car?
    1965 Olds Cutlass 442

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    New Zealand
    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    8- Best subject in high school?

    Chemistry or Biology.. Ima nerd

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Sky diving if someone would kick me out of the plane first though. Phobia/fear Drowning in a car. Past life memory???

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    95 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?

    God YES….I was a hippie. It was required. I still indulge.

    12- Cake or pie?

    What? I have to choose? Pie.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Ivanka Trump

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Chris Wallace. Wipe that smug look off of his weaselly face.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Red Lobster. See a theme with the lobster?

  97. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Pizza. Good, real, Italian pizza.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?

    Anything set in the 1800s.

    3- Your first car?

    69 Chevy Malibu.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    I would not want to live anywhere other than the USA, and would viciously fight to stay here.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Columbia shoes.

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    Muhammad Ali.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    2 ARCOMs.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    Geometry. Long story.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    No reason to leave a perfectly good airplane, Not a fan of breathing underwater. I have done both.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 130, my Tbird will do 140, but haven’t pushed it that far.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?


    12- Cake or pie?


    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    All that have gone before are topped by Melania and Ivanka.

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Chuck Todd.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

    Hardee’s or Arby’s.

  98. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Delmonico steak, a few lobster tails, loaded baked potato, new york cheesecake and pecan pie.
    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying?
    Local Hero
    3- Your first car?
    1973 AMC Gremlin
    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States.
    New Zealand. 2nd choice Panama or Costa Rica.
    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    Rockport “Eureka” walking shoes.
    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Ted Williams
    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    I grew up in a time before everyone got trophies.
    8- Best subject in high school?
    Calculus & Physics (I know that’s two, but they sort of go together)
    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Haven’t done either yet but they are both on my bucket list.
    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    About 90 mph
    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    12- Cake or pie?
    Doing the low carb thing now, but I used to enjoy both pretty equally.
    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Ainsley Earhardt
    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Michael Moore (but with that throat, probably wouldn’t do much damage)
    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?
    Boston Market

  99. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? FILET MIGNON

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Can’t think of one for this

    3- Your first car? 4 Dr 6cyl 1957 Chevy grn/wht

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)Never thought of leaving the US for any reason but I guess Italy

    5- Footwear you most often wear? sneakers always

    6- Athlete you admire most? Dale Ernhardt Sr. The Intimidator

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Island Dragway NJ A/S 1st Place

    8- Best subject in high school? Biology (had a crush on my teacher – she was HOT)

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)Dislike heights and can’t swim…both

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 140+

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Many Many times LOL

    12- Cake or pie? Cake

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Ivanka and Melania currently

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Sheppy Smith

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Been patronizing BK since about 1967-68

  100. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? A rare steak

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? Mad max

    3- Your first car? 1965 Mustang

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) Australia

    5- Footwear you most often wear? Boots.

    6- Athlete you admire most? Tim tebow

    7- Trophy you’ve received? ??? No trophys but I have received some small business awards.

    8- Best subject in high school? Math

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) Scuba. Biggest phobia – radicalislamophobia. But is it a phobia if they really are trying to kill us?

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 90 maybe but I have ridden in a Bentley in England with a madman who must have been doing 110+ on the motorway.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes

    12- Cake or pie? Cake heavy on the frosting

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? Woman — Laura ingraham. Man Hugh Hewitt

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? Coco Sudek (sp ??). Liberal ass-chick who judge Janine sometimes has on

    Z15- Favorite fast food restaurant? Portillo’s Hot dogs. Come to chicago to find out.

  101. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? Steak and eggs

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Star wars

    3- Your first car? 1974 Ford Maverick

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. Costa Rica

    5- Footwear you most often wear? work boots

    6- Athlete you admire most? None

    7- Trophy you’ve received? Little league and track in high school

    8- Best subject in high school? history

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? neither

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 125

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? yes

    12- Cake or pie? pie

    13- Nicest looking political personality? Palin

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? killary

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? arbys

  102. 1.Bags of almond M&M’s and Italian Rainbow Cookies.
    2. Scarface
    3.1984 Nissan Pulsar
    4. Israel or Aruba
    6.George Brett
    7.Little League
    8.Language/Social Studies
    13.Eric Bolling
    14.Chuck Schumer/McCain (tie)

  103. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal? BEER.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie? LORD OF THE RINGS x3.

    3- Your first car? FORD TD CORTINA.

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”) I’m from Oz, so TEXAS.

    5- Footwear you most often wear? DOUBLE-PLUGGER THONGS (that’s FLIP-FLOPS, NOT THE UNDIES). Or my REDWINGS.

    6- Athlete you admire most? ALL MMA FIGHTERS.

    7- Trophy you’ve received? BEST & FAIREST, AUSSIE-RULES under 10’s.

    8- Best subject in high school? MATHS.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia) NO & NO, BUGGER BOTH.

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car? 100ish.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped? YEP.

    12- Cake or pie? PIE. THE MEAT KIND.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)? PETA CREDLIN (former Oz PM Tony Abbott’s Chief OF staff).

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it? DON LEMON.

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant? KFC.

  104. 1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?
    Probably wouldn’t be able to eat…

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?
    True Lies

    3- Your first car?
    First car I drove: 66 Mustang
    First owned: 72 Maverick

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)
    Wales or Scotland

    5- Footwear you most often wear?
    shoes….no heels…

    6- Athlete you admire most?
    Richard Petty

    7- Trophy you’ve received?
    Most Decadent Dessert

    8- Best subject in high school?

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)
    Neither…(biggest phobia: spiders)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?
    110 mph

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?
    Not intentionally

    12- Cake or pie?

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?
    Michelle Malkin

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?
    Al Gore

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?

  105. I am not a new readr, but I was offline for most of last year getting some rather intensive and unpleasant cancer treatment. The cancer will kill me, but I have a few years.

    1- What’s your “death row” (God forbid) last meal?

    Original recipe KFC with mashed potatoes, gracy and double helping their awesome cole slaw.

    2- Guys: What’s your guilty pleasure movie that makes you feel just a tad faggy for enjoying? Ladies: What’s your favorite “tough guy” movie?


    3- Your first car?
    1972 Chevy Nova

    4- Country you would live in if you had to leave the United States. (If you currently reside outside the United States, your question is, “what state would you want to live in the United States?”)

    Where else? Texas! 😉 If not there, Malta.

    5- Footwear you most often wear?

    Socks. I even wear them with sandals.

    6- Athlete you admire most?

    Not a huge sports fan, but I really liked Ozzie Smith of the STL Cardinals, he was a real class act on and especially off the field.

    7- Trophy you’ve received?

    Bowling, weight-lifting.

    8- Best subject in high school?

    Tie between History, Math and Science, (straight “A”). History was my favorite.

    9- Sky diving or Scuba diving? (Bonus- biggest phobia)

    Scuba. (phobia: drowning)

    10- Fastest you’ve ever driven a car?

    I think I’ve been up to about 140 on a closed race track.

    11- Have you ever skinny dipped?


    12- Cake or pie?

    Blackberry pie.

    13- Nicest looking political personality (politician, pundit, etc.)?

    Michelle Bachmann. Her husband is one lucky man!

    14- You only have one throat punch – who gets it?

    Is it legal to make threats against presidents after they leave office?

    15- Favorite fast food restaurant?


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