Lots of ways to interpret this guy’s presentation on morality – IOTW Report

Lots of ways to interpret this guy’s presentation on morality

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26 Comments on Lots of ways to interpret this guy’s presentation on morality

  1. He’s conflating beliefs and actions (traditions). And what have either to do with his example of slavery (unstated beliefs and assumptions in there.)
    He is manipulating.

  2. It depends on one’s perception. A persons mood can affect their perception.

    Case in point:

    When I was about twenty I had a girlfriend that I thought gad a really cute butt, after we broke up I thought she had a big fat ass. The size of her booty had not changed, but my perception certainly had.

  3. He distorts the meaning of the word tradition. Slavery wasn’t a tradition, it was an economic tool widely used around the world back when it was practical to do so. We seem to be the only modern nation that can’t seem to forgive itself for utilizing the practice. It doesn’t help to put it in the past when so many find dredging it up for exploitation useful for purely selfish reasons.

  4. This guy just explained today’s modern day “trans phenomenon & theory”.

    Tell people a lie enough they begin to wonder if its true….

    The truth is there is only 2 sexes, 2 genders.

  5. He passes smoothly from perception to morality – which are in no way related.

    Many traditions had their origins in the harsh realities of the times in which they developed – Suttee, for example, a widow could scarcely support herself. The Plains Indians abandoning their elderly to the tender mercies of the wolves and weather being to difficult to feed and carry. The Esquimos and their ice floes sending the aged into the vast sea instead of watching them starve to death. Celts’ sick children being left to the faeries. The Athenians tossing deformed children into the ravine. The North Africans killing orphans who could not feed themselves.
    These weren’t “perceptions” but hard realities. The “morality” underpinned the actions, it didn’t result from those actions.
    He is absolutely correct that an often-enough told lie takes on a patina of truth – such as “Jeffrey Epstein killed himself” or “Joey Biden was elected Presidunce in a free and fair election” or “Kamala Harris is perfectly qualified to take over the Presiduncy” or “the FBI did not frame President Trump and commit Treason” or “the Demonrats believe in Democracy” or “socialism is about equality and justice for all.”
    There are many lies perpetrated and promulgated to delude and confuse the ignorant.
    They do NOT, however, form morality, but, contrarily, destroy it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. His opening point is solid and important, but I would balance it with this: Just because a particular belief is new and fashionable doesn’t mean it’s superior to the convictions — or the traditions — from which it deviates. Neither what is old nor what is new can automatically be held to be superior!

    Sound morality always conduces toward improved survival, prosperity, and happiness — not necessarily for every individual, but for Mankind as a whole over time. Traditions should be judged by the same standard.

  7. People define “morality” as anything they want to be, anything that supports their particular motivations, with no genuine reliance on anything greater than themselves.

  8. The big lie of modern times is that black folk are oppressed.
    The white circle is privileged, while the black circle is owed reparations.

    -> -> According to Labor Department statistics released Friday the unemployment rate for black Americans spiked, despite dropping for all other racial demographics. The overall jobless rate dipped to 6.2% while the rate for blacks climbed to 9.9%. White, Hispanic, and Asian-Americans all saw proportional declines as well.

    Some might interpret this as: black folk are oppressed.
    Maybe… juuuuust maybe, at the end of the day, people (including hypocritical Liberals) just don’t want to hire a woke-pain-in-the-ass demanding everything under the sun simply because of skin color!

  9. The world needs a universal ‘Lemon Law’! Case in point: All those African nations sold the countries of the world, including the US, a seriously flawed and dangerous product and now we want to return it and get our money back with interest!

  10. The only conclusion to be drawn here is that the person asking which circle is bigger is himself intellectually dishonest.

    He probably works for Dominion or is a climate change researcher too LMAO

  11. Remember, when a white person doesn’t do or say anything racist, they’re just trying to mask their innate racism. There is literally no one more racist than a non-racist white person. /derp


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