Lou Dobbs and John Solomon Discuss Adam Schiffty’s Meeting With Fusion GPS – IOTW Report

Lou Dobbs and John Solomon Discuss Adam Schiffty’s Meeting With Fusion GPS


CTH: Lou Dobbs and John Solomon Discuss Adam Schiff Meeting With Fusion GPS.

In February and March 2017 House Speaker Paul Ryan forced HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes to step aside from leading the house intelligence committee investigation because Nunes went to the White House SCIF to review executive office documents giving the possible impression of a conflicted relationship with the White House.

In February 2019 HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff is outlined as having inappropriate contact with a witness testifying to the house intelligence committee; however, it is virtually guaranteed House Speaker Pelosi will not make a similar demand.

Lou Dobbs and John Solomon discuss the issues, conflicts and hypocrisies. WATCH

5 Comments on Lou Dobbs and John Solomon Discuss Adam Schiffty’s Meeting With Fusion GPS

  1. On the basis of this fact alone
    Adam Schitt
    Should be investigated and ethically
    hauled down ever so vigorously
    As President Trump has been

    The smellocrats would have to acknowledge
    That all these investigations
    Were designed to destroy President Trump

    Regardless of





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