Loud lesbian sex mistaken as a fight – IOTW Report

Loud lesbian sex mistaken as a fight


It all started when two clerks working at the front desk of the hotel got a call from one of the rooms.

During the call, the workers reportedly heard two people fighting in the background, prompting the on-duty security guard to call police.

Arriving officers spoke with two women who were supposedly in the room when the commotion was heard. Each told police they were not fighting but were having sex.

At the request of the security officer, police ordered the women to pack up and leave the hotel.

One of the women thought she left a cell phone in the room, at which point an officer escorted her back to look for it.

When they returned, the other woman, 34-year-old Allison Daughtrey had gone into the lobby and began to argue with hotel staff.

According to the guard, Daughtrey pulled out a handgun and pointed it at him.

The guard then tried to take the gun away and wrestle Daughtrey to the ground, causing the gun to fire and strike a door frame in the lobby.

Meanwhile a Baltimore County Police officer was outside feet way, heading back to his patrol car when he heard the gunshot.

The officer came inside to find Daughtrey being restrained by the guard, and arrested her.

Police wrote in the charging documents that surveillance footage shows Daughtrey entering the lobby, getting into an altercation with the guard, and later pulling out a gun.

In an interview with police, Daughtrey says the guard hit her first, at which point she alleges to have taken her purse and swung it at the guard which caused the gun to fall out and fire. Daughtrey admitted to police that the gun was hers and she bought it in North Carolina.

No one was struck during the incident, but according to police the security guard had to be taken to the hospital after being bitten by Daughtrey during the argument.


ht/ cynic

Oh, here’s the perp. Be honest. If I showed this pic on the front page, would you have clicked?

21 Comments on Loud lesbian sex mistaken as a fight

  1. Haha – that was my first whimsical thought: ‘were they hot?’
    A childhood friend’s girlfriend has the same name as an actress known for being attractive, and was pretty good-looking when I first saw her on FB 10 years ago. The friend notsomuch.

  2. HOmosexuality is very clearly a dangerous affliction that puts all of society in danger and everyone harms way.

    We must find some way to stamp out this malody before it destroys our society.

    and not only that, but


  3. I would have clicked just to read the story. Seeing the picture though (ugh) makes me wonder what the other chick looked like. Gives new meaning to the term “bumping uglies.”

  4. These two freaks are atypical examples of the mental illness that is homosexuality.
    Hoodrat “Blondie” must have that blond weave/wig sewn on really well. Doesn’t look like it was ripped off during the fight with that poor guard.

  5. I stayed in a cheap motel room near an Interstate one time. Suddenly, thru the cheap walls, I started to hear this rhythmic Whap! Whap! Whap! And I cant make out what it is. And then the “Whaps” started coming faster and faster. And I should have guessed what it was by then, but I didn’t

    Then, finally came this huge grunting sound like a water buffalo rutting. And I had to cover my mouth to avoid laughing out loud. I damn sure didn’t want to piss off anyone who could make a noise like that.

    The next morning I see this huge trucker in the lobby, who’s just as cheerful as can be,and he said “Good Morning” to me. And I joked to him, “What put you in such a good mood this morning?”


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