Louder With Crowder: Rudy Giuliani on the New Hunter Biden Leaks! – IOTW Report

Louder With Crowder: Rudy Giuliani on the New Hunter Biden Leaks!

Rudy Giuliani fills Steven in on all the details of the recent Hunter Biden leaks involving his crack-smoking, corrupt dealings with Ukraine, and new extortion with China (allegedly).

9 Comments on Louder With Crowder: Rudy Giuliani on the New Hunter Biden Leaks!

  1. So Classic… Hunter Bidens Lawyer actually called the store owner AFTER the story broke and asked for the laptop back. HA! Hunter and his Lawyer are a lot alike.

    Thank God for Rudolf Giuliani… I hope hope Trump shoehorns him in as AG in a recess appointment. Stick the knife in and turn it.

  2. The FBI supposedly has the original hard drive, and they (The FBI) have access to some of the most competent digital forensic analysts in the world and all I’m hearing are crickets. So, that leads me to believe the swamp creatures know it’s authentic and are working day and night to “find” a way to claim it’s a fabrication with, no doubt, rooskie “fingerprints.” Just sayin.


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