Louis Gutierrez says he’ll help build the wall in exchange for DACA – IOTW Report

Louis Gutierrez says he’ll help build the wall in exchange for DACA

Lubricate your eyes, because you will definitely be rolling them.


Breitbart: Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) on Saturday offered to go the U.S.-Mexico border with bricks and mortar to help build the “offensive” and “insulting” border wall in exchange for a permanent Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) fix.

“I’ll take a bucket, take bricks, and start building it myself,” Gutierrez reportedly said. “We will dirty our hands in order for the Dreamers to have a clean future in America.”

He made similar comments on CNN after saying he believed “it would be a monumental waste of taxpayer’s money to build a monument to stupidity.”  MORE

28 Comments on Louis Gutierrez says he’ll help build the wall in exchange for DACA

  1. READ MY LIPS: “No new third world ILLEGAL immigrants and wanna-be dropped baby citizens in my country. Take your brown, tan, and White asses home now.”

  2. I’ve seen his kind too many times. They guy who doesn’t know how to work wants a job, and the first day on the job he gets “accidentally” hurt and files for permanent disability. No thanks.

  3. Moose, I’d say a compromise on that would be to take the 800,000 “dreamers” and make them build the wall in return for amnesty, giving them room and board in work camps along the boarder while they’re doing it. They would have an incentive to get it done. No worky no amnesty.

  4. Call their bluff.

    Since the DACA recipients are only here because of illegal entry, let them stay with the provision that they are permanently barred from ever voting. Democrat support would evaporate instantly.

  5. @Braden Lynch January 21, 2018 at 1:02 pm

    > Since the DACA recipients are only here because of illegal entry, let them stay with the provision that they are permanently barred from ever voting. Democrat support would evaporate instantly.

    As a Republican member of The Chamber of Commerce, I apporve this message.

  6. Run Gutierrez through a wood chipper, put the contents in the concrete mix and make him part of the wall as a warning to other anti-American socialists who wish to destroy the fabric of our nation.

  7. @cato January 21, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    Not much of a warning. How about big “carbonite” plaques? Where we’ll find enough to decorate both sides of the entire wall is beyond me.

  8. How can he build the wall if he’s imprisoned for sedition (it’s coming).

    When this FISA memo gets released the shit is gonna hit the fan.

    The atmosphere of the nation will go through a paradigm shift overnight.

  9. If he builds like most mexicans the wall won’t last a year.

    Calvert Memorial was expanded with mexican labor and the brick courses made me sea-sick.

    izlamo delenda est …

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