Louisiana Parishioners stop teen armed with rifle from entering church during Mass – IOTW Report

Louisiana Parishioners stop teen armed with rifle from entering church during Mass

ABBEVILLE, La. (KADN) – A tragedy may have narrowly been avoided at a Louisiana church, where police say a teen armed with a rifle was stopped by parishioners from getting inside as dozens of children were making their First Communion.

The chaos and panic Saturday at Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Abbeville was captured on a livestream of the service during which 60 children were making their First Holy Communion.

The video shows that 48 minutes into the service, a man approached Nicholas Dupre, the church’s associate pastor who was leading the service, and whispered something in his ear. Dupre stopped what he was doing then told everyone to sit and started praying the Hail Mary.

Attention soon turned to the back of the church. Witnesses say a teenager, dressed in black and armed with a rifle, opened the building’s back door. He was confronted by parishioners and escorted outside, where police later arrested him.

Police descended on the building around 10:35 a.m., even on the altar, where altar servers ran to safety and clergy crouched behind the altar. Witnesses say police made the sweep because they were concerned there could have been another person with guns inside the church. more

12 Comments on Louisiana Parishioners stop teen armed with rifle from entering church during Mass

  1. I’m wondering if there is a psy-op going on where nutcases are being persuaded to attempt these killing through social media.
    Either china or our own government…

  2. Another “trans” pervert?
    Or a raghead?

    If “he” was bent on murder and mayhem, why didn’t “he” shoot the parishioners who escorted “him” out?
    (unless they held a gun to “his” head)
    Something doesn’t smell right.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It is necessary to erase all history and religion to indoctrinate the new social order.
    Who will be appointed the new leader?
    Pelosi, Obama, Biden, Gates, Soros, Schwab,………..

    Remember when church doors were always open.
    When every pickup had a gun rack in the back window.

  4. and the FBI is investigating traditional Catholics, moms and dads, grandparents, not the potential murderers.

    Is it just me or does it look like the FBI want to facilitate church shootings?

  5. After watching one preposterous lie after another after another lie from this Communist administration, it’s really not too far fetched to think that they will begin to advocate shutting down Christian churches because “it is obvious that they trigger hatred and violence”…

  6. FiBbI/CIA, MK Ultra, psychotropic drugs, grooming, troubled teen, the teen DID NOT buy the gun himself……
    “Prove me wrong”


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