“Love has no borders” – Wall Mural In San Diego’s Chicano Park – IOTW Report

“Love has no borders” – Wall Mural In San Diego’s Chicano Park

The San Diego Tribune published a piece about a pro-illegal immigration mural painted in a San Diego public park and writes, “some who support Trump’s border wall are upset at the mural’s message.”


Let’s look at this ridiculous article.

One of the first artists to paint in San Diego’s Chicano Park has finished a new mural, one depicting the plight of migrant workers and denouncing President Trump’s planned border wall.

The wall is an enemy to legal migrant workers? It’s not a problem for Americans working in Mexico, is it?


The mural shows a worker sending money back to his family in Mexico while being strangled by two hands. One hand represents U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is responsible for deporting people from the U.S. The other hand represents Mexican government officials, whose corruption makes it necessary for Mexicans to migrate for work, Barajas said.

So, if you’re here illegally, our border enforcement is depicted as “strangling” Mexicans?

And why should the U.S. be required to give up its sovereignty because the Mexican government is corrupt?

“We are minorities, and minorities have been oppressed for so long,” Barajas said in an interview at the park. “We have to express our feelings. We have it in our DNA.”

You’re not minorities in Mexico. If being a minority is a horrible experience, I have a solution. Stay in Mexico.


“It’s great work, especially for the community around here,” Amaro said when asked about the mural. “It’s a whole united message, everybody coming together and standing for everybody’s rights.”

What rights does an illegal alien have?

And now the San Diego Tribune introduces the villains of the piece-

“The artist has talent, but, in my opinion, much of it is offensive and anti-American, especially the ICE agent choking the migrant worker,” Suellen Shea said via email. “American Citizens want safety & sovereignty (enforced borders) for our country. Nothing strange or racist about that – Mexico does too.”

Lucid, logical, factual.

Several San Diegans who were bothered by the new mural, as well as other murals at the park, said they don’t think public parks should have art with political messages.


“San Diego has many parks,” wrote Carol Hamilton, an Imperial Beach resident who also received an email about the mural. “Only one is splattered with garish posters and anti-American slurs — Chicano Park. A national shrine? I don’t think so. It’s time to whitewash it and use it as a park and not for politics.”

You see, these people received “emails about the piece.” They mention this several times in the piece, that the complainers only know of the mural through emails. They are the interlopers.


Isidro Ortiz, a professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies at San Diego State University, said the act of claiming land for a park was in line with one of the principles of the Chicano movement — self-determination.

“The community has the right to determine its own destiny,” Ortiz said.

But not the United States.


Comments from article-

The wall is actually Pro-American. It keeps out unknown, desperate people and helps stem the need for additional housing and tax revenue to support these people. It protects American citizens from the burden of non-US citizens. – Ben Giley

That mural represents hate. Hate for our laws, our borders and our way of life. At the same park they have murals of Che Guevara, he isn’t even an American, he is a foreign communist that murdered thousands of people. A disgusting pig. The park should never have political murals put up, its a public space. It should not be a park for a particular ethnic group either, that’s racist and unacceptable. – Tim USMC

Many years ago on 60 min. the President of Mexico’s wife was stating that they had a problem with the poor people in the country who refused to use birth control. She was pushing it because she could see a problem in the future with a large, poor population. It was going to be a burden on her country. She said that among the men there was a desire to have large families. She called it “machismo”. The idea being that at some point your children would be supporting you. Well, now we know why Mexico supports not having a border. Their economic situation supports the American dollar being returned to Mexico from the undocumented. They need our border open for their economy. In the meantime we have inherited Mexico’s economic problems. We are not receiving well educated and trained workers. We are receiving their “problem population”. We are also receiving the “problem population” from Central America. It is time for a wall before our economic situation worsens. – Sticker

15 Comments on “Love has no borders” – Wall Mural In San Diego’s Chicano Park

  1. Just as sugar is spun into cotton candy, lies are spun into a comforting illusion.

    America has no use for you.

    Go home. Stay home. Don’t bring your pollution and rat-ways here. Your country is corrupt because you accept corruption, you thrive on corruption – and you are helping corruption to fester here. You bring misery, filth, and disease. Stay in your own cesspool and wallow – I’ll clean my own pool and make my own bed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The San Diego Union Tribune is now a fully owned subsidiary FISH WRAP of the LA TIMES….we used to have a logical and conservative view but the paper is simply unreadable now….it is such as shame that a beautiful piece of land has to be desecrated with homage to the shithole that is mexico that forces it’s citizens to criminally enter the US to escape their country.

  3. Yeah? Well love also means zero tolerance for the billions of dollars worth of drugs, violence and destruction of life that goes along with it. Love also means driving sober and not killing innocent people. Love means no gangs. Love means keeping your nose clean and staying out of prison where someone else has to pay for your existence.

  4. @JT, good luck with that.
    The wall design I am hoping gets selected is a 30 degree south from vertical, slat design, kind of like a Venetian blind.
    The individual slats are at a 30 degree slant to horz.
    The slats are made of long strand glass fibers orientated in the “puffed” cement medium.
    The edges are broken bottle sharp, not much for hand holds, the slats are bristling with glass fiber ends.
    Each slat is motion sensored, it’s really cheap now, RDF.
    In my youth, the nice houses in downtown Savannah had high walls, crowned in broken bottles set in cement, with a BBD(bigblackdog).
    Nothing new is there?

  5. @Zonga April 18, 2017 at 10:24 am

    > Migrant workers, legal or not, are essential in agriculture and in slaughterhouses.

    Because there aren’t enough degreed art history and gender studies experts to fill the positions? Or there aren’t enough college degreed amongst the un(der)-employed willing to do that work for minimum wage?

    The former is a problem. The latter is an expense. And while I understand loote… er, I mean bankste… uh, um, mangeri…al, yeah, that’s the ticket, interest in loot… I mean, shift…ing expenses onto everyone else, leaving more money on the table for them to, uh, pocket (hey, I’m gettin’ the hang of this), that doesn’t make it any-one, let alone every-one else’s problem.

  6. When illegal Mexicans overtake American cities and bring the stench of TJ is that ‘Love’?
    Was the illegal who rear ended my car costing me $6,000.00 to repair expressing his “Love’?
    Meanwhile, if Ryan doesn’t want to fund the wall send him to Mexico and take away his citizenship. He’ll be crying for his Mommy in no time.

  7. @ A Non a Moose;
    California’s Covered in Graffiti ???
    Where the Hell did the travel agent send You ?
    You were supposed to leave LAX after landing !
    California has graffiti problems in isolated areas,places a tourist would never find and locals barely know these areas.

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