Love Letters To Karl Marx – IOTW Report

Love Letters To Karl Marx

The crank who gave us communism was born about 200 years ago and a number of leftist are marking the occasion by declaring their undying love of Karl Marx. The shower of praised started with a op-ed letter in the New York Times titled “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” Another piece declared that its our own misunderstanding of Marx that so much evil was done in his name —> Here

Not to be left out, everyone’s least favor filmmaker, Michael Moore, got in on the act by tweeting out his well-wishes to the failed social philosophy whose beliefs led to the death of around 180 million people.Here

16 Comments on Love Letters To Karl Marx

  1. The genius of Marx is that he found a way to live off “the fat of the land” (leeched off his family and friends and had a patron in Engels) and make it look like an acceptable lifestyle. Of course they love him! He gives them legitimacy. And the evil done in his name? Oh, that’s where “socialism/communism wasn’t done right.”

  2. The funny (not for the World, but Cosmically) thing is, Marx was attempting satire. Lion Philips (of Philips Electrical / Philips Magnavox fame) was his uncle and kept telling him “If ya wants another loan that youse never gone pay back (he talked funny cuz he was Dutch) ya needs ta rite some funny drivel that could maybe sell some copies … huh?”
    So he figured “What the fuck? Uncle Lion bees a pretty smot guy an gotz lotza money and shit (he talked funny cuz he was a Kraut) and I be kinda sad my kiddies be starvink and sick alla da time. Maybe I jus rite da dumbest yokel shit I can tink of and da dummies would buy it!”

    And thereby came the “philosophy that destroyed civilization.”
    The dummies and morons bitterly cling to their lazy, worthless, lying bullshit philosophy because studying anything real takes effort.

    Fat fukkin tubs of shit like Michael Moore have little choice – too dumb to read and too lazy to learn – it’s easier for him to just stuff his face and blather inanities – actually studying takes EFFORT – much easier to mouth slogans between pizzas.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Hmmm…

    Population of America… population of America’s hat… Europe… (still gotta count Grate Britain)… percentage of people on the right side of history… carry the 1, move the decimal point…

    Yeah, I could easily go for another 180 million.

  4. Marx himself said communism wouldn’t work, so idiots who embrace communism all think they are smarter than the guy who dreamed it up in the fisrt place. If you know anyone who embraces communism/socialism, ask him if he’s read the Communist Manifesto. Most have not. They’re lazy morons jumping on a bandwagon with no wheels.

  5. Karl Marx let 3 of his children starve to death rather than find a way to earn a living. His devotion to writing down his ideology was more important than his childrens’ lives.

    I guess that’s why Pelosi celebrated “funemployment benefits”?

  6. The flaw lurking in many social/economic models is the failure to integrate human behavior.
    A quick survey of history, from tribal societies, city-states, to the rise of Empires, Nationalism and, finally, totalitarian states will illuminate this.
    Pure democracy is a chimera.
    Manhood suffrage (i.e. unlimited franchise) will promote the lowest common denominator, that is, the antithesis of excellence.
    Mob rule/anarchy will result in despotism. (See the French Revolution for example.)

    Marx missed it.
    Rousseau had it wrong.
    Asimov hinted at it in the “Foundation” trilogy.
    T.H. White’s parable of the ants is brilliant.
    Ayn Rand and Geo. Orwell got it right.
    The Founding Founders’ vision has been subverted because of it.

    A glance at recent European events trending toward a “benevolent” , one-size-fits-all, I’m OK, You’re OK One-World Government will exemplify this all too prevalent type of horseshit.

  7. By the way-
    The Hittites and the Babylonians knew it.
    As did the Persians.
    Spartans knew it, and eventually the Athenians.
    The Romans knew it.
    Attila, Tamerlane and Jengis knew it.
    Their victims came to know it, to their dismay.
    Charles Martel, Charlemagne and the Norman William I knew it.
    Kaiser Bill was a little late to the party,
    but Hitler fixed that up.
    Il Duce was a dilettante with a passable knowledge of it.
    T Roosevelt knew it, and Churchill as well.
    Stalin was born knowing it.
    barry’s string pullers know it.
    And you can bet Cankles knows it.

    Now you know it too.


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