Love the name. Hate the team. – IOTW Report

Love the name. Hate the team.

Congrats Patriots.

By the way, I didn’t watch one game this year, including this game.

The NFL is dead to me. It’s run by a bunch of progressive jerk-offs, and I don’t connect emotionally with the majority of players on the field.


47 Comments on Love the name. Hate the team.

  1. Sucks for you. You only missed the greatest Super Bowl game in history. Now, respect. Haters have to respect what they’ve done. TB 12 is the GOAT. Deal with it. Looking forward to seeing them at the White House.

  2. I love the name and I love the team. If you’re a non athlete you won’t get it. Brady had no pocket, no protection. It took him three quarters to figure out how to win. On paper the Foul Coons should have walked away with this. They didn’t, and that’s epic by itself.

  3. Best Super Bowl I ever saw. Hell, even Lady GooGoo put on a good show. Plus I got to watch parts of Casablanca when the Patriots were stinking up the stadium, but I switched back in time to see the big comeback. First football game I’ve watched this year, though, and I used to be a big fan. Kinda sad, in a way.

  4. When you consider a couple dozen Pittsburgh Steelers and staff suffered food poisoning at the Boston hotel and then a 3 a.m. false fire alarm the night before the Playoff Game, you can see why the New England team is so hated by so many.

  5. Hate Goodell (what cursory handshakes from Brady and the 2 Krafts). Love the Patriots! Greatest team, coach, QB ever!

    I watch for the sport and (try to) ignore the politics and exorbitant salaries.

  6. @Navigator ~ Egg Zack Lee!!! … was telling She Who Must Be Obeyed that this win was reminiscent of the election

    Loser way ahead …. until the very end … then ‘Whoops’ … game over!

    Congrats to Brady, Belichick & the Pats …. greatest ever!

    … & IN YOUR FACE NFL!!!!

  7. The Steelers were sick before getting to the hotel with the stomach flu, not food poisoning. That would be fake news. The idiot who pulled the fire alarm is, well.. an idiot, and does not represent the organization.

  8. @vietVet, yeah i suckered for parts of Casablanca too, came back to the game and was shocked, shocked i tell you, to see the Pats and Brady fighting and crawling back. Patriots, like Trump they are winners. (The Dirty Birds were hillary.)

  9. All I ever watch is “Puppy Bowl” with my family. The NFL long ago lost me as even a casual viewer with their politics, anti-gun policy, and long list of world-class A-hole athletes. Zero patriotism.

  10. Really sorry after all these years that so many IOTW/IOTWreport folks don’t support the underdog.

    Falcons were the underdogs. Whipped the Patriots for three + quarters. Fell down and the end of the game.

    Where are the “not Patriots” peeps?????

  11. I spared my wife and didn’t watch a minute of it. I knew I’d be yelling (cussing) at the T.V. just for the SJW commercials, but did see the lyrics of one of ladygaggag’s songs and I knew I had made the right decision.

    First year of not watching ANY professional football thanks to the NFL and the players that weren’t dealt with by the owners.

    However, it was a great night watching: Captains Courageous, Casablanca, and Cat On A Hot Tin Roof.

  12. i swore off the NFL as soon as krapperdik dropped a knee. I cam crawling back when the vikings became 5-0. but i wont support any advertiser this year. Even muted or changed channel wh one came on. Refused to watch halftime.

  13. Yeah, TRUMP was also down going into the 4th quarter!! Like Hillary, the Falcons started counting their winnings while still at the table!

    I hate Pat’s fans, but I love Tom Brady and admire the heck out of Belichick, both of whom are pleasantly disposed towards the aforementioned U.S. President!

  14. @Charlie WalksonWater – pause the game, go watch a sit-com or whatever. Then come back and skip the ads and just watch the game. NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL et all are superb athletes and most are in it to win. I grew up enjoying sports and still am impressed by the athleticism and competition.

  15. Yes, Patriots. Glad they won. Definitely, reminded me of the political and spiritual battle to make this country great again.
    Nice to see Lady Gag Gag behaved herself. The commericials were, in general, awful.
    NFL still needs to clean up their act by deflating leftist players radicalism.

  16. It was a good game and a good half time.
    Better than most.
    Curse me out if it makes you feel better,
    but the best team won.
    The Falcons played a hell of a game.
    Brady, like him or not, made the difference.

  17. i thought it was a great game…..only….

    i’m starting to think it looks more and more like WWE, or whatever it is they’re calling that “professional wrestling” game these days – all scripted and choreographed beforehand…..

    oooh the drama…….underdogs ahead 28 to 3 at halftime…..then!!!! the Amazing Comeback*tm in the second half…..i hate to think this might be the case, but, guess what???


    not to mention all the other FIRSTS……

    i have loved my football since before the first superbowl……i DO NOT want to start thinking it’s just “entertainment,” like hulk hogan, or any kind of political crap, like kapernik (that’s a weebit of ancient USSR lingo)…..i want my NFL to get back to its roots, and rid itself of this political and/or commercial virus…….


    if you can’t do that, i can always crochet up another afghan or knit another sweater or read another book….there’s no law says i have to watch NFL games……

    oh, and if i really want to watch FOOTBALL, i can always watch the oldentimes games, the ones i grew up with……we have youtube and dvds now, ya know…..

    i can go back to the good times, i can go back to when the game was still mostly purely sport, and not commercial or political…..i can have my football, and eat it too!!!

    without you…….without paying you one single cent……straighten up, and you may still have an audience….

    or not….keep on telling us what morons we are, what bigots we are, what just plain rotten people we are – that’s the message most of your famous superbowl commercials sent tonight – and keep on watching your audience shrink away to nothing…..

    up to you, of course……i’m sure you believe you’re
    “doing the right thing”……

  18. Didn’t watch this game, or any other game, for my entire life. Seriously. I’m 55 and I’ve not seen a single football, baseball or basketball game, ever.

    It sickens me when I see fellow citizens unable to tell me who their congressman is, or any other elected official, state or federal. But those same people can rattle off the stats for all their professional sports teams.

    Bread and circuses.

  19. Wife had it on and I looked up ever now and then. After Atlanta started out really strong I made a remark along the lines of “Hope we don’t see a Braves season compressed into one game.”

    Oh well, right again.

  20. I’m with you Hat.. I spent Sunday hiking and fishing the Ramapo in Mahwah with the dogs then did the brakes and flushed the rear end fluid of my CRV during the Stoopid Bowl. But that’s me, if other folks enjoy good for them, too many angry people right now. The question I have is – What are they going to do next Sunday?

  21. What a game plan by Belichik!!

    Intentionally eff up for three quarters so that the Falcons build a 25 pt lead, which basically causing them to mentally check out of the game. Then sputter back to life which makes the Falcons think they’re just trying to make it look respectable.

    Then suddenly, you’re within two scores of tying the game, which forces the Falcons to get serious again, but hey, once you check out it’s hard to get checked back in again.

    Then you get to within one score and the Falcons are in full panic, cause they could be the team that goes down in history as the biggest chokers in Super Bowl history.

    Then once you’ve tied the game, you dont do anything stupid, because you know you’ll walk over them in OT. Like i say, the guy’s a genius

  22. And now for something completely different, like a real analysis of what happened. At the beginning of the game, the Falcon defense was just too fast for the Patriots, which really screwed with their minds. You could see it in passes being dropped, passes being overthrown

    But all the plays the Pats ran in the first half to no effect on the scoreboard still had an effect. It wore the Falcons out which slowed then down. And the longer the game went on, the slower the Falcons D got, the more the entire Falcon team panicked.

    I played on both offensive and defensive line in high school. The difference is dramatic. When I was playing defense I was dog tired at the end of a game. When I played offense, I could have played two games in a row and still have been fresh.

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