Low Blow – IOTW Report

Low Blow

26 Comments on Low Blow

  1. Just let it go.
    No one was in danger
    I don’t agree with the arm less guy, but he has enough of a Hill in Life.

  2. Slinging around racist comments is wrong, stupid and dangerous. Assaulting others for it is wrong, stupid, dangerous and criminal. Black people have been led to believe they have the right to assault others for speech they don’t like. Hell, they have been led to believe they have the right to assault people just for being white. That’s the dirty little secret of Black Privilege. Does that mean I can assault them for wearing their pants down around their knees?

  3. If the big black attacker had picked him up instead and shoved a binky in his mouth, I would have been impressed. As it is, he’s as big an idiot as the armless kid.

  4. The no-armed dude should have known that in these the United States of Apartheid you don’t even look cross eyed at a privileged African
    as they can strike with complete immunity granted to them by their government!

  5. Keep your mouth shut and be armed/able to defend yourself around people that might attack you. Do not know if the 90 lb armless kid learned a lesson from the 300 lb nigga.

  6. Reminds me of motorcyclists that eff with cars and trucks.

    Ya gotta be stupid to not know you are no threat to them and you’re risking your life for nothing.

  7. evidently some feel that freedom of expression & being a bigot is lawful reason to assault the ‘offender’.

    & yes, I understand one shouldn’t call people offensive names, buuuuuuut ….
    ‘Sticks & stone will break my bones, but names will never hurt me’
    it actually gives someone power over your actions … if you allow them
    & btw, this armless guy’s most likely had a shittier life than most … cut him some slack? ….. nope

    we no longer believe in The Constitution (or any other form of law), do we? what counts w/ the new ‘justice’ system is how one ‘feels’ … great way to run a society

    sad, just sad

  8. Is that an old video? If not, might I suggest giving a wide berth to people still wearing masks? If they’re not as stupid as they look, then they’re either mentally ill or they’re up to no good.

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