Low Brain Wattage De Niro Goes To Dubai and Says This… – IOTW Report

Low Brain Wattage De Niro Goes To Dubai and Says This…

… with no sense of proportion, the idiot Robert De Niro (no, seriously, he is borderline mildly retarded. Have you ever heard him in an interview?) says in the United Emirates that the United States is a backward country.

You sit in Muslim country and call your own country backward. Dubai, an emirate, literally imports Southeast Asians to the country and uses them as slaves.

More HERE.

Seeing De Niro in a university cap and gown is like showing a rodent at Westminster.

24 Comments on Low Brain Wattage De Niro Goes To Dubai and Says This…

  1. Had a brother in law get sick In Dubai. Passport pulled and enslaved till he paid off the bill. Lucky he made it out.

    They don’t travel or work in any muzzie country anymore.


  2. Best friends sister took contract for us taxes as a accountant/tax expert in Dubai.

    I don’t know what happened but she will no longer travel outside the us.

    Fuck De bozo and his new yawk values.

  3. Celebrities and Intelligence are negatively correlated.

    (Like watching a train wreck: Celebrity Big Brother – during a recent contest 2 of 6 “celebrities” couldn’t spell a 4 letter word correctly.
    I’m sure they folded under pressure)

    Neither Sean Penn or Matt Damon are mensa members.

  4. I bet the biggest cost in making a movie these days is the endless retakes by semi-retards. Remember when the big Hollywood fad was showing all the actors’ goof-ups as the credits rolled? Not so much anymore. Wonder why not?

  5. Oh, heck.
    He’s an actor! He acts!
    Someone, infinitely smarter than him, wrote his script. He has no more idea what he was saying than does a Macaw screaming “PEANUT!” Give him a break.
    (and this applies to ALL actors – born pretenders – like parrots and monkeys)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. His father was a second rate artist that never went anywhere. That may be why this overrated actor has harbored so much anger all his life. And just like a petulant child he lashes out every chance he gets.
    We get it Bobby, you’re an angry little man.

  7. Just look up how many of these self appointed experts on everything because they get paid millions to pretend to be someone else are high school dropouts. De Nero, Johnny Depp, Robert Downy Jr.,…. the list goes O’Malley

  8. Just look up how many of these self appointed experts on everything because they get paid millions to pretend to be someone else are high school dropouts. De Nero, Johnny Depp, Robert Downy Jr.,…. the list goes on.

    Spellcheck came up with that O’Malley

  9. DeNiro got paid millions to play a murderer, a thug and a vigilante for almost 40 years.

    But hey, yo, we gotta tough guy over h’yere.

    You cannot tell me that somebody with a moley kisser like that hasn’t raped and drugged more than his fair share of his co-stars and subsequently waitresses and staff at his restaurant.

    Right. Mario Batali was the only one with a rape room.

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