Low Carb Diet May Take Four Years Off Your Life – IOTW Report

Low Carb Diet May Take Four Years Off Your Life

Lancet Public Health is reporting today that eating a high animal fat / low carb diet may take weight off, but at the cost of four years of life. Those who get the majority of their energy from carbs (65% or more) were found to live an average of 1.1 years less than those who ate a moderate level of carbohydrates and relied on more plant sources for fat and protein (legumes and nuts). More

The experts say it’s OK to use the Atkins Diet for a short time to lose a few pounds, but don’t stay on it. 

36 Comments on Low Carb Diet May Take Four Years Off Your Life

  1. And this is as opposed to being how many pounds overweight? You have to take this in context and consider the source (a bunch of nanny state socialized medicine “experts”).

  2. Are these “experts” paid by the govt? If so, I don’t believe them because govt diet “experts” have been wrong so many times in the past. I can remember when eggs, for eggsample, were good for you, then bad, and now good again. Do you remember when high fructose corn syrup was supposed to be a healthy alternative to sucrose/sugar? Hah!

  3. I’m on the Ribeye diet and if it makes matters better, then I’m willing to throw in some rigatonis with Italian sausage, basil and parm….mayhaps some mozzarella….

  4. Look at what they used to say about coffee. Now all the latest studies say it’s is healthy and in pretty robust quantities. I’m going to be here forever.

  5. Cookout tomorrow at willysgoatgruff’s place!

    These so-called experts just don’t like us eating meat. If I can’t eat meat, what’s the point of living longer?

  6. After 6 doctors, 10 scripts, 11 surgeries, 5 years, I had enough. The scripts made it all worse. Stopped it all 18 months ago, the damage was done. The “cure” for me by all the team of “Docs” and pills, side effects were worse. Found it better to be distracted, like back when I a teen. Wish I still had the contacts from back then. Marinol works great, if you can afford it and if Jeff Sessions was not a control freak. Filet Mignon for all!

  7. Yeah, and I’ve heard that I can add an hour to my life for every hour I exercise… I did the math and couldn’t justify it.
    Coffee in excess, carbs in moderation, fish and avocados and tomatoes in abundance, all washed down with wine. It’s working so far.

  8. Keto is great for type 2 diabetics. Go off keto or atkins, say hello to pills and or Insulin. Who concocted the study, drug companies?

    Been on Atkins since ‘98, transitioned to keto several months ago. Full on keto now. Pi$$ing off the drug companies one company at a time.

    Will let you all know when I die if it shortened my life.

  9. These type of studies are notoriously inaccurate:
    “In the study, published in The Lancet Public Health, 15,400 people from the US filled out questionnaires on the food and drink they consumed, along with portion sizes.”

    Would like to know who PAID for the study! Follow the money.

  10. Been a lo carber now for 15 years. I walk 5-6 miles a day (they say it will add years to your life). I don’t smoke which will add more years to my life. I like wine but have limited that as well, they say drinking adds years to your life. So, despite lo carbing will shorten my life, I’ve taken measures to cancel that out! Give me a steak, eggs, and fat head pizza and I’ll keep walking my butt off. Don’t listen to what those naysayers say, read and get educated.

    What If It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?


  11. @PJ, glad for you, sincerely! For me, just changed my diet. Went from 11.2 to 6.1 for my age and body type, normal. Made me think that Type 2 turned into the new Tonsillitis to raise Dr’s wallets,, Best health and regards,,

  12. @F16 Guy: “Would like to know who PAID for the study! Follow the money.”

    Hostess Twinkies, CocaCola, C&H Sugar, Nestles, Gold Medal Flour, Welches Fruit Juices, Smuckers, Kelloggs, Starbutts, etc….

  13. I have eaten MEAT (all kind- some I personally killed) all my life. Have gained 100 lbs the last 52 years. Ask me if I give a s—! I will eat meat till I die!
    Wife + daughter tried too push me to Pritikin 40 years ago. Failed! I eat meat! My kin eat meat (with 1 or 2 exceptions)


    I had a guy tell me 45 years go that I was so argumentative because I ate so much meat. I do not care.

  14. I tried adkins eons ago, lost 45, stopped the diet and thought I was mindful of my intake. Over the course of the next year I gained every single ounce of it back and then no matter how I ate stayed there for about ten years. In late 2015 I stopped all sugar (and sweet tasting stuff) intake an by May ’16 had lost 45 again. Still drink bourbon scotch and beer, eat moderately as before but 0 sugar (haven’t had a diet coke in nearly 3 years) or sweetened things. No fast food and no sodas and I am still at -45. I would like to lose 15 more but that would require cessation of alcohol and at my age……. ain’t gonna happen.
    The part that actually has something to do with this article is: so how many years do I have left given at least one cigar per day, red meat nearly every day infused with fish from time to time and grotesque amounts of spirits?
    just wondering…..

  15. This article is bull shit. And some of you over weight “I love my meat” guys are missing the point of Keto. (currently due to work I include myself in this category). Chow down on anything that bleeds. Stop eating carbs. Switch the burner from Sugars, to Fats. That’s the deal.

  16. @ Claudia…..the pool table will be here about Tuesday/Wednesday….C’mon by!….ribeyes,aparagus, wedge salad with blue cheese and homemade french baguettes….Rigatonis’ and sausage in the morning with poached eggs and homemade sourdough bread…..you betcha ya know!….

  17. Hubby and I tried Keto 6 weeks ago to support our 17 year old who wants to do it to get off her seizure meds. She achieved ketosis in less than 2 weeks. Check up with her doc to try to start weaning off her meds next.

    It’s freaking delicious because fat is delicious as God intended it to be because we need it.

    However the keto diet also became a diagnostic accident for me. As a result, my gall bladder should be coming out next Wednesday. The keto didn’t harm it, it just illuminated it’s extremely low level of functioning.

  18. Yeah… well… he was dead Brad, he probably didn’t care at that point.

    But the lifestyle…… tits.

    Had I known how life consuming and frustrating auto mechanics was gonna’ be I would have t-boned an insurance salesman too.

  19. @PJ

    Type 2 here… I’m managing to stay below 7% on Atkins & minimal meds… Oddly enough, once you go on the meds, you either break your diet, or stop exercising. I’d rather exercise, and cheat a little…

  20. @Hoo Hoo Nay Nay…

    I have never seen any connection between Keto and seizures. However… Your gallbladder is from Cholesterol. The stones are crystallized cholesterol… Likely low HDL. Try some Lipitor…

  21. Had a very athletic friend that was the picture of health, lived right, ate right, exercised (Bicycled 80+ miles a week), didn’t smoke or drink.
    He ate Beef. Got hit by a truck when bicycling when he was 40.
    Yep, that beef will kill you.

    I’m not going to fret over death or how it may arrive.
    It’s fact no one gets out of life alive.
    You can’t change the events of yesterday, you never know what tomorrow will bring or if it will arrive, Enjoy today.
    Don’t worry be happy. https://hooktube.com/watch?v=L3HQMbQAWRc

  22. @ Aaron Burr….James Dean was perhaps as queer as Rock Hudson and they both had a crack at 1955ish Elizabeth Taylor…..I don’t understand how you could be that queer…

  23. @Crackerbaby: Whiskey, vodka, bourbon, gin, have 0 carbs. Drink them, your body will burn the alcohol off. Beer does have carbs, wine especially dry wines have far less carbs. Alcohol can lower your blood sugar – the ones with 0 carbs, and wine too.

  24. @ Kali Refuge

    Sounds like that works for you. Good. I can’t cheat even a little. Need tight control because my exercise is minimal during the months from mid September to early June. Pool is closed. I can’t exercise walk like I was accustomed to do for many years.

    If I had no carbs during the day, I allow myself 1/3cup of icecream a couple times a week.

  25. Kali Refugee… irony being I have no stones, confirmed by the scan. However my gall bladder does herniate. It has ever since I was 15, it was originally diagnosed as merely a sports injury, since symptoms acutely and severely presented during softball practice. Last week my doc laughed and said “Okay, it’s an old sports injury involving your gall bladder”. Working theory is that 32 years of herniation and compression has slowly degraded it’s functioning and it’s finally giving up the ghost, functioning at 9%. That, and I fulfill 3 out of 4 of the qualifying F’s for gall bladder dysfunction. I am in my Forties, Fair-skinned, Female…. but am not Fat. Odds are against me.

  26. The Lancet has been a joke of a publication for DECADES. Not to mention that the health benefits of low-carb and very low-carb nutrition, including longevity, goes back over 100 years. Ditch the carbs, sugar and crap, and in 10 short days, you will be curing your diabetes, fatty liver, and starving cancer cells.

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