Low IQ Andrew Cuomhole Repeats Idiotic and False Etymology For the Pejorative WOP – IOTW Report

Low IQ Andrew Cuomhole Repeats Idiotic and False Etymology For the Pejorative WOP

Idiot, Andrew Cuomo, the brain addled dope and governor of New York, once again said in a speech that he is an immigrant and that if Trump wanted to deport immigrants (which he doesn’t) he should start with him. It was a demented rant, one that left everyone with an IQ above Paris Hilton’s wondering what he was talking about.

He even went on to say that he is undocumented. (!!???!) (Cuomo was born in the United States. His parents were born in the United States. This guy is an embarrassment.)

To “prove” he is undocumented, Cuomhole continued his fever dream with this tidbit:

“I’m an Italian-American. I came from poor Italian-Americans who came here. You know what they called Italian-Americans back in the day? They called them wops. You know what wop stood for? Without papers.”

Uhhhhhhh. No, it didn’t. Immigration papers weren’t required in America until 1918. The term wop was already in use.

Most historians agree the word comes from the Italian word guappo, which means thug, and it’s a word Italians used to call one another as a macho thing.

Cuomo is a dope.



15 Comments on Low IQ Andrew Cuomhole Repeats Idiotic and False Etymology For the Pejorative WOP

  1. Here’s what the OED has to say:

    wop, n.2 and a. slang (orig. U.S.). Also Wop.
    [Origin uncertain; perh. ad. It. dial. guappo bold, showy, ruffian, f. Sp. guapo bold, dandy, f. L. vappa sour wine, worthless fellow.]

    An Italian or other southern European, esp. as an immigrant or foreign visitor… Now considered offensive.

    There are citations/quotations back before 1918, including P. G. Wodehouse in 1914. (As if we needed any more evidence of Andy’s assholiness.)

  2. Yea well he came from civilized
    Euro stock like my Irish grandpa
    did not some muzzie negro savage
    ape ass $hit hole country.
    See the difference you commie F*** !!!

  3. my great-grandpa Rizzo & his bride came over on the boat in 1900 … no ‘papers’
    Census counts him living in NYC w/ his wife, 4 kids, brother Frank (future mobster) in now what is Chinatown, NYC
    yes, we have embarrassments in all our families … the Italian part of me is embarrassed by idiots like the Coumo’s

  4. @Zonga: When I had a Chevrolet Corvair I could tell the car had an Italian influence,
    because when I went to start it, it would go “Guinea, guinea, guinea, guinea,…!”


  5. “Kill your Officers;
    Jews and Wops.

    Smash em in their ugly Chops”
    (National Socialist fliers dropped on Socialist Russians during WWII)

    “Heard about them Italian tires?”
    “When Dago flat, Dago – Wop, Wop, Wop.”

    (Told to me by an “Italian-American” who considered himself an “American”)

    Sorry, Andy, I just don’t give a fuck about you. I can’t understand why New York tolerates you.

    izlamo delenda est …


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