Low IQ Hollywood “Talent” Tweets Inanity About Rescinding Obama Era College Kangaroo Courts – IOTW Report

Low IQ Hollywood “Talent” Tweets Inanity About Rescinding Obama Era College Kangaroo Courts

The leading moron seems to be Judd Apatow, out in front with this gem –

Apatow deleted the tweet after a flurry of denouncements from people who have a little better grasp of what Betsy DeVos did. (The tweet implies that Trump is playing to that HUGE constituency – rapists. How friggin stupid is this Apatow moron. Keep in mind, Hollywood reveres Roman Polanski, a guy who gave drugs to a 13 year-old and then anally raped her in a hot tub.)

Obama’s dictate forced colleges- that wanted to keep funding- to create kangaroo courts where (usually) white males were guilty until proven innocent. Proving innocence was nearly impossible.


“The withdrawn documents ignored notice and comment requirements, created a system that lacked basic elements of due process and failed to ensure fundamental fairness,” the education department states.

Earlier this month, DeVos asserted the Obama administration’s heavy-handed policy – that forced colleges and universities to conduct “kangaroo courts” in dealing with accusations of sexual assault – has “failed.”

DeVos said, “Acts of sexual misconduct are reprehensible, disgusting, and unacceptable. They are acts of cowardice and personal weakness, often thinly disguised as strength and power.”

Unlike her predecessors in the Obama administration, however, she gave significant attention to the problem of those students who are accused of sexual assault and denied their due process.

“We need to remember that we’re not just talking about faceless ‘cases,’” the secretary said. “We are talking about people’s lives. Everything we do must recognize this before anything else.”


more of this idiocy- including weapons grade stupid tweets from Rosie O’Douhnuts and Sara Silverfish and a cameo appearance by the “1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in college” absurdity.



9 Comments on Low IQ Hollywood “Talent” Tweets Inanity About Rescinding Obama Era College Kangaroo Courts

  1. You have to give obama credit for being a devious and devoted Alinskyite. Alinskyites work to steer popular dissatisfactions in the direction of their leftist goals. Radical-In-Chief. Though commonsense pragmatism unfettered by ideology is their public theme, Alinskyites use polarization as a tactic. He played his role well.

  2. Typical Hollywood BS, especially from Silverman and Odonnell. If a woman is raped or has some other sexual assault committed upon her then call the police. They are equipped to handle this sort of an investigation and to apply the appropriate criminal charges, not some teenage tv lawyer wannabe’s who have in all likelyhood sided with the complaintant before the accused side is heared if that’s even allowed.

  3. What flounces me is that liberal womyn think that any hetero wants to rape them in the first place. Draw & quarter, okay, but rape? How beautiful do you think you are? You’re as ugly as maggots. And just as hygienic.

  4. Obamalogic: The only possible alternative to a leftist policy or proposal is racism, mysogyny, or some other horrendous crime.

    You don’t like single payer? You are condemning sick babies to death.

    You don’t want open borders? You are a racist xenophobe.

    You want college students accused of rape to be punished without trial? You are a rape enabler and a woman hater.

    Disagree with anything we say? You are an evil person.

  5. “Hollywood reveres Roman Polanski, a guy who gave drugs to a 13 year-old and then anally raped her in a hot tub.”- Bubba Fur
    How small must your dick be to ass fuck a 13 year old?
    I have never seen the urge of playing nekid in a sewer.
    Too many microbiology courses I suppose.

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