Low IQ Trump Detractor Does Her Best Giving Trump a Nickname – Her Best Sucks – IOTW Report

Low IQ Trump Detractor Does Her Best Giving Trump a Nickname – Her Best Sucks

Frederica Wilson tried her very best to tag Trump with a derogatory nickname (like Trump does so well) and ended up doing a face plant.

Here’s her witty barb—>

Don-In-The-First-Grade Reader

Did she expect this to be sweeping the nation?

Stick to your day job of being an untalented seat filler that benefitted from gerrymandering.

27 Comments on Low IQ Trump Detractor Does Her Best Giving Trump a Nickname – Her Best Sucks

  1. Kinda pathetic that blacks keep admitting that they are merely “colored” skin on bones and not like other humans who have character that can be questionable.
    Good job ya silly rodeo clown looking broad.

  2. Fred, you have had your 15 minutes of fame now STFU. PDJT was being nice when he called Omarosa a dog instead of the bitch he so obviously meant. Bitches come in all colors (white, brown, black, yellow and pink with purple polka dots) and in present day America BOTH sexes. Bitch is a omnisexual word in todays world. Of course you understood that being one yourself, didn’t you?

  3. Trump is wrong; Omarosa is not a dog. He knew what she really was when he hired her, but he did it anyway, just to be nice. He really needs to pay attention to what he is saying when he recites “The Snake”.

  4. “And then we’ve got to send a blue wave in November, and we’ll shut down all of this racism.”

    When that alleged racism gets shut down, she’ll be out of a job with Sharpton and the rest of the race bating democrats.

    What happened to shutting down the racism when Barack was president? OOPS, race relations got real good then, almost had it totally snuffed out and Hillary would have done just that, eh? hahaha

  5. She always reminds me of an immature four or 5 year old child that wants to wear their favorite cowboy/girl outfit everywhere they go. Both to casual places or formal places & their equally immature parents always permit it. As immature as she is – it’s hard to imagine the lower standard of the people who vote her into office.

  6. What an evil dingbat. Since when does a dog have anything to do with race. Her wig hat combo must be on too tight – compressing all that hot air around her tiny brain.

  7. Isn’t her objection both racist and sexist? We call people “liars” regardless of their sex or race. We call people “intelligent” or “sexy” without regard to race or gender. Why should calling someone a “dog”, if they exhibit doglike tendencies, be indicative of either race or gender?
    For example, if I were to say, “Frederica Wilson is as dumb as a box of rocks”, it would indicate neither her sex or race, but specifies a particularly intense kind of stupidity. Tempest in a teapot.


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