LSD is in Clinical Trials for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression – IOTW Report

LSD is in Clinical Trials for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression


The FDA has bestowed breakthrough therapy status on an LSD formulation found to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression with a single dose. Mind Medicine’s MM120 (lysergide d-tartrate) is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder. Twelve weeks after receiving a dose in a Phase 2 trial, 48% of patients were in remission and 65% saw significantly improved symptoms, according to the company. “The clinical improvement for many patients was more than double what we see with today’s standard of care,” MindMed’s chief medical officer, Dr. Daniel Karlin, assistant professor of psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine, tells CNN. “This occurred at all levels of anxiety, from moderate all the way up to severe.”


28 Comments on LSD is in Clinical Trials for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression




  2. The first step to recovery is understanding the cause of the disease; liberalism is toxic and unhealthy.

    Of course, they would prefer the populace medicated, docile and pliable, much easier to control.

    But, as the saying goes, you can’t help those that refuse to help themselves. Eradicating an ideology that mocks individual responsibility and promotes victims, one that values quotas over meritocracy, hates religion, choice, and free expression, and devalues all those things that made us great, no recovery is possible until this is accomplished.

  3. Most of the people using LSD had already lost their brains way back in the 60’s and 70’s. Don’t think there is much difference today in the 2024’s. Am definitely not dialed into the Oscars so just count me out. I think a lot of us on still have a resemblance of sanity so lets just say we are are coming from the same place. SANITY…

  4. I have a first hand account on this. A causal friend (high school days) was discussing the fact that most drugs weren’t making him feel the way he’d hoped to feel. He was a depressed kind of guy and I think there were home problems as well. Anyway, there was an abundance of acid in town at the time and someone said, hey give that a try. He did, and he did acid for about a week, then shot himself in the belly with a shotgun. I’m not an advocate for treating depression with LSD. It’s possible that a bunch of government white coats would love to experiment on vulnerable minds but I picture a MK Ultra event taking place.


    Agreed. There’s some bad shit coming. People better open their freaken eyes.The Oscars are on tonight? Yea,no thanks.
    I’ve been wrenching all day on the LBZ Duramax. Nothing on a diesel is easy. And right now I’m feeling pretty damned old. Two Glow Plugs, shocks, brakes. I did a disk conversion on the rear. Easiest tasks so far. It stops so fast the paint comes off.

  6. The oscars is queer shit.

    I’ll watch some Derek Bieri, or some Rory Gallagher.

    Zero interest in queer shit.

    Brad, I was just talking with my brother about the Mercedes OM617 engines.

    Tough engines. Astounding.

  7. Eric, a Rory Gallagher fan? I saw him 3 times back in the festival seating days, we were always elbows on the stage. That guy could play a guitar. He always came onstage with freshly pressed jeans, a flannel shirt, and a jean jacket, then proceeded to kick ass. He was never the headliner but he always made the headliner regret that he came on before them.

  8. joe6pak, quite a fan. I never saw him, but he knocked me over. Like Vaughan Williams, and Beethoven.

    He was a Master. I play guitar. But that dude shattered the mold.

    Million Miles Away, For The Last time, and many others make my hairs stand up. “I know my dog when I hear him bark”


  9. Erik, you would have loved him in concert! Even though he started off with freshly pressed jeans and flannel shirt he ended his show looking like he put in a 12 hour shift of hard labor. He was great! I remember one show in particular, he played just before Deep Purple back when they were a hot band. After about 3-4 songs by Deep Purple people were walking out, us included. Rory Gallagher put out their Smoke on the Water!

  10. Psychedelic drugs like LSD, Peyote, Ayahuasca, psilocybin, and others, help us to see beyond the barriers of perception and to see that the universe is nothing BUT the divine and original nature of everything. These drugs, if properly taken, with sound “guidance,” can help one identify and truly transcend the problems that are destroying your happiness. But these are REAL solutions, not chemical bandaids like Prozac and the host of SSRI drugs that “claim” to restore happiness. Leary and dozens of others (the Harvard Psilocybin Project) figured all of this out in the 1960s, but then Nixon started the “war on drugs” in earnest, which shut down all of the significant and serious research that was underway. Obviously even then bigPharma couldn’t allow REAL cures to get out and truly help people…especially for very low cost and ZERO profits for their bank accounts.

  11. MrLiberty, where you are mistaken is that in fragile and weak minds psychedelics will ruin a person, if they are not already ruined. These are the people that the MK Ultra bastards prey on. Oh yeah, be sure to have your heavy duty tin foil hat on before you dig too deep into this.

  12. I was clear about “properly taken and with sound ‘guidance.'” But the truth of their potential is valid. Abusing anything has its risks and the government is filled with criminals.

  13. Brad, that’s good stuff. But WTF is is this word “masterclass”, and why is every asshole saying it now? I was told that I couldn’t say “master bedroom” anymore because the word “master” has racist connotations, but now the goddam woke set is saying it everywhere, and pairing it with the problematic word “class” to boot!

  14. Will they see early 70’s Ford LTD’s smile at you with their front grills and stare at you with their headlights blinking on and off and breathe in and out scaring the hell out of you in a McDonalds parking lot. And for letters on a card to start dancing frantically and melt before your eyes. No thanks, I did enough of that shit only once to know that it was evil in how it made me hallucinate and see things that weren’t there. Didn’t these dumbasses ever learn anything from the 70’s that LSD, psylocibin, peyote etc. were poison to the mind. Tell that to Art Linkletter’s daughter who killed herself after an LSD trip. JACKASSES!

  15. Psychedelic drugs are the reason that I absolutely and hate and detest the Moody Blues album On The Threshhold Of A Dream. I hate sitar music. Also, White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starships album Blows Against the Empire. And don’t you dare listen to any of this shit ever with headphones on all alone by yourself at night and end up scaring the shit out of yourself by invoking demonic forces. Enough was enough and I ended up on calling on God to deliver me, which he did and I’m eternally grateful for. I tried transcendental meditation once during a very heavy thunderstorm after attending a lecture during the Summer of 1971 at EWSC (EWU now) on TM which also scared the shit out of me. No good ever came from the use of psychedelic drugs or smoking pot. Psychedelic drugs also killed a very good friend of mine back in the late 70’s when he jumped off the Monroe St. Bridge in downtown Spokane to escape his demons. To me, it’s personal.

  16. Tune in, turn on, drop dead. Why is it that Harvard always has had foolish academics like Timothy Leary acting as a pied piper to lead a foolish generation blindly like stoned mice into the oblivion of using mindless, soul and spirit destroying drugs? Watch the old episode Blueboy on Dragnet with Jack Webb from the mid to late 60’s for example.

  17. Mr. Liberty,

    Don’t waste your time. Peer reviewed clinical studies using strict controls with multiple participants and published results are meaningless to people with anecdotal stories about their second cousin’s, next door neighbor’s dental hygienist’s one-time experience with some street drug that might have been LSD or something close.

    Horse, water, drink

  18. 1971. We had been tripping all night out at the Beagle Trails. The sun was coming up and I was sitting on the ground. Drops of dew sparkled like diamonds in the grass. Someone started playing an acoustic guitar and it sounded like bells ringing. I felt like I had grown right out of the earth, I’d never had a feeling of belonging like it before.


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