Lt. Col. Scheller Rebuffs The Donald And Donald, Jr., But… – IOTW Report

Lt. Col. Scheller Rebuffs The Donald And Donald, Jr., But…


Prior to MAGA Trump supporters raising more than $2 million to help with his legal costs, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller publicly denounced help from the former president and his son, saying he would “rather sit in jail” than accept their support. The following day, Scheller clarified…More

52 Comments on Lt. Col. Scheller Rebuffs The Donald And Donald, Jr., But…

  1. That second video this guy did, in the old bus, was pretty disjointed. I’m not so sure he’s not rowing his boat with one oar. No matter, if nothing else he’s a useful tool right now.

  2. I don’t see where he did himself any favors with his little “clarification” other than prove he’s a snitpuss. Had I contributed to the funds raised for him, I’d want my $ back. Fuck him.

  3. Brad — yeah, my thoughts, too. He’s a more than a little scattered, but at least his “stuff” is being blown in the right direction. It’s too bad he was given so much MAGA support, though. I think I’ll gin up a ’cause’ or a ruckus, ’cause it seems there’s just no end to the people who will line up to throw money at something.

  4. Divide the country, are you freakin’ kidding me? There has never been a more divisive polarizing figure in the WH then right now. Biden has called good honest people who philosophically disagree with him every name in the big. He is the one that has erected an unassailable wall, not on the border but between his sycophantic lackeys and those Americans that still value freedom and personal choice.

    “Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices.”

    Fuck you, you insufferable asshole. Trump has been the most pro military president in my lifetime. He has also been the one president, along with Ronnie, where there was never a scintilla of doubt as to where his loyalties lie or needed to where his patriotic bonifides on his sleeve.

    If I was one one his contributors to his defense fund, I would want my money back.

  5. He’s doing a dumb thing. He needs friends and a lot of them. He fell on his own sword.

    In any case I don’t care about “bringing us together”. Other than a few friends, I mostly want to be left alone.

  6. He contradicted himself a couple of times. To give him the benefit of the doubt, I could say that he is an example of perfect being the enemy of good – looking for the perfect leader, while dismissing the best one in decades. But I don’t really believe that. I think he suffers more from TDS than PTSD.

  7. You guys know every communication he has from prison gets reviewed by Democrat censors, right?

    Were this a hostage video, he’d have his shoulder with the flag pointedly facing the camera while “denouncing” the TRUE President of the United States the whole time…

  8. The country has been divided since its founding. That is why they set up the government the way they did. Sadly it seems most people have no experience with history outside of Netflix productions. And though Trump delivered some disappointments he truly wanted to unite the country. He never said half the country was worthless and was the most pro American POTUS in my lifetime.

  9. “In any case I don’t care about “bringing us together”. Other than a few friends, I mostly want to be left alone.”

    My sentiments exactly. Not only is “bringing us together” not achievable, but it is not desireable. If I ever find common ground with those pukes I would have to question my entire belief system. What they want, I don’t want.

    “You guys know every communication he has from prison gets reviewed by Democrat censors, right?”

    Yeah, I’m not buying it. No doubt there were some military personnel that voted for Biden. There is nothing in this guy’s jacket that would indicate right leaning proclivities. He brought this personal animus against Trump of his volition, and it was stupid.

  10. ““In any case I don’t care about “bringing us together”.”

    That ship has sailed. Hell, they won’t even let us vote. It’s either us or them. We should probably get in the damn fight.

    ““Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices.”

    If I hear that one more time from some ex dotmil I’m gonna shit twinkies. How about Man The Fuck Up Tinkerbell.

  11. BB — I thought he sounded like most Democrat voters. They have a lot to say, but most of it is unintelligible and has no basis in fact. The sorriest thing of all is I know they can hear themselves but they have no governor in their heads that tells them to just admit they don’t know what they’re talking about or, at the very least, to shut up.

    He shot his chance on a national platform and got the gong.

  12. Brad, you throw around a bunch of military epithets, but I’ve never seen you talk about you MOS. I’m kind of new here. Maybe you have. Also your LEO experience might give better me knowledge of your opinion.

  13. Anonymous October 4, 2021 at 7:26 pm

    I see, unless I wear a badge or served my opinion doesn’t count. I have an idea. How about fuck off.
    I hope that clears things up for you.

  14. Mike Flynn might have gotten off the hook much sooner if he’d denounced President Trump and distanced himself in a very public way, but he didn’t do that and went through hell for it. Flynn was probably given several opportunities by the deep state to fold, but he couldn’t be broken.

    Scheller appears to have taken his first offer to fold, and he ran with it. Now he’s trying to walk it back a little, but it can’t be done. The deep state broke him like a twig, and they’ll make him grovel a little more, then turn him loose with a slap on the wrist. Nobody, left or right, will care.

  15. I’m hoping… HOPING, mind you… that just MAYBE… like George Patton, Jr., he just doesn’t give a flying “F” about politics, or politicians – and truly his ONLY concern, is the well-being of his fellow warriors.

    I’ve known two other “lifer” O-5’s (1 Army – 3 tours in Vietnam; 1 Navy – 2 tours in Vietnam), and they do seem to march to a different drummer. And like Patton, they each had a complete lack of tact, which I’m sure prevented both from making O-6.

    I’m HOPING… that’s what makes this Marine tick, although I feel bad that his LACK of tact will make him no friends, and probably lose him many more. 🙁

  16. Brad, Mr. Anonymous apparently doesn’t see the self-contradicting irony of an anonymous person asking for someone’s credentials. Either the bulb’s not too bright, or they’re wearing a clothes pin on their nose, or, speaking from an ivory tower. I’m guessing the latter – so, you’re being TRACKED, guy!

  17. The left only wants to come together when they are in power so can screw all Americans. When Trump was in the WH it was -resist- 24/7. Somehow they didn’t count that as dividing the people.
    And if I could, I would ask him just who would it of been to bring us together? Keep in mind that the left in lower now want us as a slaves or dead. I don’t see getting along with them, but be in a great divide to people that want us dead.

  18. This guy’ll throw in with the Antichrist who is coming in the next few years because that is the only person who going to unite the people of the world [except for the Jews (they will be betrayed) and the Christians (they know who he really is)]. Nobody is going to unite “US” before that time.

  19. The decisions this Commander made knowing full well the UCMJ implicatiobs indicate to me he snapped from the internal cognitive dissonance caused by the universal disgrace known as Joe Biden.

    The fact his Commander then had him committed for mental health evaluation also indicates a snap.

    I’m not saying his viewpoint was wrong but he should have resigned his commission first and made his thoughts known as a civilian. Same as the Space Force LTC.

    You simply are not allowed to use either the uniform or the backdrop of your service environment on social media to express any personal point of view to others. The military cannot be used to endorce your personal opinions.

    Both violated this law, but this Marine warrior has taken it even further and is now in serious legal jeopardy. His response to the financial lifeline extended by sympathetic supporters was to snarl and bite that hand also.

    Again indications of a snap.

    I have all the sympathy for this warrior I can muster while the Spaceforce guy ways just shilling for book sales.

    The entire structure of our military is built on good order and discipline. If we allow every service member to use their AD status as symbolic ammunition on social media then oue effectiveness as a military is lost.

  20. never dreamed until this morning(October 5) the lieutenant was such an ass hole. I’m thinking you’re deserving a cell of your own.
    No one,, NO ONE ever did more for the military then our president Donald Trump. You are the trash in the dumpster.

  21. Hes a product of his generation and lifetime of progg indoctrination, which gets more intense the more you go up the ladder of education and success The furthest you can go is “Both left and right suck”

    Apparently it takes more than one red pill to turn them

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