LuASS Gutierrez – IOTW Report

LuASS Gutierrez

Wait’ll you hear this rabid little puke—

22 Comments on LuASS Gutierrez

  1. BABY Jesus was KILLED?! 😮 That’s news to me, and BILLIONS of other Christians throughout history!

    Maybe Chihuahua oughta try attending church in the next few days. I know they’re having services on Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday (although HE wouldn’t know that)… 😳

  2. He should read Dianny’s Rant from yesterday (and years before) not to mention The Bible itself. Mary and Joseph were not “flee”ing. They were following a GOVERNMENT mandate to report and be counted.


  3. If he does not change, I am glad that I will not be spending eternity in heaven with him around. Now, I hope he repents and finds Jesus, but I am dubious he will come around.

    Jesus came to Earth to be our Savior. That is the whole point of Christmas and he missed it.


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