Lucianne Goldberg Has Passed – IOTW Report

Lucianne Goldberg Has Passed

Announcement at the top of today

Dear L Dotters.
We are heartbroken. Our beloved Lucianne passed away peacefully and surrounded by loved ones in her own home, the way she wanted.  But she has left a whole in our lives that we can never fill completely.

Lucianne was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother.  She was also a patriot who expressed her love of this country with both political fierceness and penetrating wit.

In that part of her world this site became her home, her community, and her voice.  She also wanted to endure and she made arrangements that it would do so – just as it has for the past 25 years. The same loyal staff, the same policies, and the same principles. ( And before you ask, her son Jonah will not be involved.
She loved her son without reservation, but they saw politics differently from time to time.  So, we’ve worked it out. 
The team will stay on and Jonah will stay out of it.)

Obviously, no one can replace Lucianne. But we can carry-on in her name.  We’re not asking you to send money or make donations to anything.  We’re just asking you to stick around.  We think that’s the best way to honor and keep her memory alive. Please keep her light shining.

19 Comments on Lucianne Goldberg Has Passed

  1. Hers was one of the first sites I ever followed many years ago. When she had a blonde pony tail and gold rimmed glasses I sent her my photo and told her we looked like sisters! She even used some photos I sent her. All so long ago….

    RIP dear Lucianne. 🙏

  2. I’ve visited the site daily since Bubba was wallowing in a blue dress…
    If Jonah is staying out of it, then the site will continue to prosper–she never favored any of his work over opposing viewpoints, and I’m sure there were some interesting discussions over it.

  3. Lucianne was a friend. She took me under her wing early on. She was the reason my Breitbart is Here art went viral. There was a memorial in NYC at a bar. She said, come early, I leave early. And I don’t drink alone. I met her and talked for about an hour. She had lots of stories. She worked in the Johnson administration. She was the woman who convinced Linda Tripp to do the right thing in regards to Monica Lewinsky. She was a nice woman. Her son, however, is an asshole.

  4. Very sorry to hear. If only her Ronny hater son would join her. Sometimes conservatives have radical left kids! Ronny’s son Ronny (he is not Jr.!) is like Joana; has hated his dad for 60 years!
    When LAT wanted to smear Ronny first choice was R.P. (not W) ; and he’d lie about how bad his dad was!

  5. I became familiar with her site about the same time as the Drudge Report. They both proved the phonyness of the Main Stream Media during the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. I had been on the “internet” with a U.S Robotics modem at home… not much to say there, but I bought a new computer in ’96 and got introduced to the broadband network connection at NASA where I tapped into the Drudge Report and eventually Lucianne (as a link on Drudge). Drudge splashed the Lewinsky scandal – with the rotating gumball – for weeks. I was still a regular watcher of the Evening news at after dinner at that time and wondering why there was no mention of this on the news. This went on for weeks and then finally it made the MSM “news”. That’s when I had my epiphany about the so-called network “News”! I have not watched 5 Seconds of Broadcast Bullshit since! The Drudge Report faded out, but Lucianne has maintained its standards consistently for 25 years! They deserve a Pulitzer for what they’ve done over the years, but the Pulitzer has unfortunately been reduced to a prize available in a box of Cracker Jacks!
    RIP Lucianne.
    To whomever is running it, keep up the good work and don’t sully her reputation!


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