Lucid Answer By Ex-Democrat as To Why He is Voting For Trump – IOTW Report

Lucid Answer By Ex-Democrat as To Why He is Voting For Trump

7 Comments on Lucid Answer By Ex-Democrat as To Why He is Voting For Trump

  1. There are two ways to get ahead. Number 1: Do a good job and hope people notice or number 2: Make yourself look good by making your competition look bad. The last three nights all the communists did was try to make their competition look bad. They have nothing else to offer.

  2. This gentleman is 100% right in asking why anyone would vote for Kamala Harris. The choice is between Trump and no tyranny and Harris who would give us tyranny and nothing in exchange for voting for her. More Americans people are waking up to Harris being a full-blown commie and will not vote for her because she scares the shit out of us with her demonic grab for power and the ascension of a new world order which would totally fuck everybody over for at least the next 2 to 3 generations.

  3. Congratulations for shedding your diaper and using your brain for once as opposed to feeling your way. The rest of us have been here all along while your side ridiculed us for using logic instead of emotion in making political decisions.


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