Luckily this Simpkins kid didn’t put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk – IOTW Report

Luckily this Simpkins kid didn’t put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk

An “insurrectionist” died in jail awaiting his due process.


15 Comments on Luckily this Simpkins kid didn’t put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk

  1. The video of Simpkin’s so-called “bullying” incident shows Simpkins himself attacking and beating the living shit out of a smaller white or hispanic kid. This entire narrative is classic BLM bullshit. All the usual democrat trash are pushing the exact same lie at the exact same time to get this psychopathic scumbag off the hook. Simpkins isn’t even a minor.

    Just yesterday, a white kid got arrested in Dallas for punching and body slamming a deaf kid. They’re coming down way harder on the white kid, and he is an actual minor.

  2. Have people still not figured out we are no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of men? We will continue to lose until we realize the rules have changed and that there are none.

  3. I’m sure anything he did wrong isn’t his fault because whitey put him in that position, so it’s really the fault of the white man from people like Kyle and if you don’t see it that way you’re probably one of those racist Fox news types, besides he has a whole lifetime plus deathtime to vote democrat.

  4. @ Benito the Bombed Beaner OCTOBER 8, 2021 AT 2:41 PM

    I knew all of that going in, I was a little sketchy on the details of how they would attempt to implement it. One thing we have going for it is that the implementation couldn’t be being handled by a more transparently inept outfit that this clown show.

  5. The media aren’t giving details on his parents. There are quite a few Simpkins in Arlington.
    They obviously have money and know the right people.
    I’m guessing Dem contributors or the media would be saying where they pi##ed last.


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