Lunatic Leftism Steps On Their Own Trans Dick – IOTW Report

Lunatic Leftism Steps On Their Own Trans Dick

National Review-

The organizers of Free Pride Glasgow in Scotland have hit a snag in their mission to plan a totally inclusive event: Some activists think drag queens are offensive to transgender people, others think banning drag queens is offensive to transgender drag queens, and still others think allowing only transgender drag queens is offensive to cisgender drag queens.


Although drag performances had been part of Free Pride Glasgow for years, the event organizers announced in a statement on Saturday that they would not be allowing them this year because some transgender individuals found “some drag performance, particularly cis drag,” to be offensive because it “hinges on the social view of gender and making it into a joke.”

In the original statement, the organizers maintained that since they felt it would “not be appropriate to ask any prospective drag acts whether or not they identified as trans,” they would just cancel drag performances altogether. You know, just to make sure that no one would be uncomfortable.

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14 Comments on Lunatic Leftism Steps On Their Own Trans Dick

  1. Hmm. Now I wonder if the whole history of British comedy will be erased/banished for all the cross dressing they do.

    Hey, isn”t it true that all actors were male at one point, which is why cross dressing actors came about anyway?

    Somebody must be sued, dammit. Hundreds of years of dissing women! Or something.

  2. I’m watching a TV show right now on TLC that features a kid from Detroit who’s cancer turned his face into a smelly necrotic mess, a group of four Nepalese sisters with a disease that causes their bones to break with virtually no effort, and conjoined Ecuadorian teenaged brothers who share a digestive system and a pair of backwards legs.

    And they all have smiles on their faces.

    Gender dysmorphia? Transsexualism?

    Pussies, all!

  3. “Lunatic Leftism Steps On Their Own Trans Dick”

    Mr. Hat, I do believe this story slug is the greatest in the history of IOTW, with excellent alliteration, creative imagery, and the usual sense of the lefty-dumbass-divine.

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