Lunden Roberts Reveals Her Cell Phones Were Mysteriously Wiped After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby – IOTW Report

Lunden Roberts Reveals Her Cell Phones Were Mysteriously Wiped After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby


Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s ‘love child’ Navy Joan Roberts, appeared on Megyn Kelly’s podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show” to discuss what she has been through since finding out she was pregnant with Hunter’s baby.

Hunter had a child with Lunden Roberts after meeting her at a DC strip joint where she worked as a stripper.

The lovechild, Navy Joan Roberts, was born in August 2018.

Roberts told Megyn Kelly how her cell phones were mysteriously wiped shortly after she found out she was pregnant with Hunter’s baby, and how it appeared someone was deleting records of her relationship with Hunter. more

14 Comments on Lunden Roberts Reveals Her Cell Phones Were Mysteriously Wiped After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby

  1. “Let’s face it, there are spooks in our fucking government whose sole purpose is to keep Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, & bidens* out of jail.” -LocoBlancoSaltine

    How dare you speak the truth!

  2. Snowden told you years ago that there is
    no privacy anymore. The feds can see into
    your phone,computer,TV and car anytime
    they want to……. They know how fast you
    drove yesterday at 3:45 PM.

  3. She allowed that creepy piece of shit to schtupp her and she’s worried about her phone?

    She may need a reality check – rearrange her priorities.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I knew something wasn’t right when I wrote the comment above, but it didn’t come to mind right away. Biden wasn’t president at the time she boinked Hunter, but still she figured he was her meal ticket. She probably never imagined the whole family is such a disgusting group of criminals and TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!


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