Luther Strange Encouraged to Mount Write-In Campaign After Moore Accusations – IOTW Report

Luther Strange Encouraged to Mount Write-In Campaign After Moore Accusations

NTK: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) told reporters that she had spoken with Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) about mounting a write-in campaign against Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore, following reports in The Washington Post that Moore had sexual encounters with a 14-year-old when he was in his 30s.

Moore stands accused of pursuing relationships with at least four different teenaged girls when he was in his 30s, according to the report, including one as young as 14 years old, when he was 32.

Murkowski knows a thing or two about winning write-in campaigns.   read more

28 Comments on Luther Strange Encouraged to Mount Write-In Campaign After Moore Accusations

  1. Deep State Oligarchy is trying to get rid of Trump & anyone else that may be on his side by making baseless accusations & hoping they’ll stick w/ just enough voters to allow the ‘fake’ votes on their side win the day

    Russian hookers, white men running down latinos & muslim children, child molestation, cops systematically killing blacks, using murdered Christians to further the destruction of our rights
    … there is no ‘low’ that they will not hesitate to go ….

  2. … this also proves that the RINO’s would rather split the Republican vote & give the seat to a demonRat, rather than let a Trump ally win

    god, I so despise these crapweasels

  3. Everything here is too “pat”. Within a couple of hours of the story breaking, the media was given practically the same exact statement from more than a dozen “republican” senators. Which was followed shortly by Murkowski advising the defeated establishment choice of Luther Strange to mount a write in campaign. All based on a single, unverified story making 40 year old allegations against the man who defeated McConnell and Strange, and who was also supported by Steve Bannon.

    You’re right Moe. The turtle may as well have signed his name to the story in the Washington Compost. This is McConnell’s revenge against Bannon and Moore for embarrassing him in the AL primary. The republicans are on their way to replacing the dems as the official opposition party to America.

  4. Unbelievably lame attempt to drown Moore in swamp sewage using a 37 year old allegation lacking any proof whatsoever. This is as transparent at wet rice paper. The GOP establishment is behaving as if they’re in on it or they’re too stupid to understand that people who support more are gonna see through this and that people who believe the story were never gong to vote for Moore in the first place.

  5. Moore’s the legitimate Nominee. Strange lost and is out.
    Moore needs to stand strong. 34 year old no-proof accusations? Puh-lease.

    Ignore the RINOs. Win the election. Go to D.C. Support Trumo, and MAGA.

  6. Roy Moore has been making waves for more than 20 years. National level, high profile wavemaking.

    In all that time, there has never been any kind of accusation. Then he beats a RINO and suddenly he’s a straight Kevin Spacey.

    Sounds like bullshit to me. The Establishment Strikes Back in coordinated fashion with a media that’s more than willing to help.

    Saw this on the evening news and they were like “Even fellow Republicans like Luther Strange were coming out against him”. Yea, the guy he beat is available for comment and doesn’t like him and deeply, deeply concerned.

    Strange bedfellows, indeed.

  7. It’s not a 37 year old allegation. It is an allegation about something from 37 years ago.

    This has McConnell stank all over it. Remember what the GOP did to voters in MS who had the temerity to prefer Chris McDaniel over Sen Cochran.

  8. As I stand here (trying on dresses, so no one will accuse me of being a True Conservative), I thought I should point out the circular firing squad that The Regime looks forward to (some of) you lining up for. You’ve seen the kill zone laid out before.

    Proud propagandist of The Hero Squad goes on Fox News. As the “balanced” act of “fair and balanced”. Stays on script. No matter how obviously the lies are exposed. In real time. Even by the proud propagandist of The Heel Squad on Fox News.

    Proud propagandist (doesn’t even need to be the same proud propagandist) of The Hero Squad goes on CNN. Stays on script. And announces The New, Improved Truth has even been seen on Fox News.

    Now everyone “knows” The New, Improved Truth — “It’s Truthy”.

    So, the proud propagandists of The Regime have told you that this not nomenklatura (harrumph), this week (sigh), of The Regime, might have engaged in the exact same things as you’re mewling on, and on, and on, and on, about. Instead of working! Working For The Greater Glory!

    If you say “This not nomenklatura might have done what the nomenklatura do. Burn him!”, they don’t have to silence him, themselves.

    If you say “This not nomenklatura might have done what the nomenklatura do. Let’s wait for The New, Improved Truth. To be revealed. By Regime Titled people. Eventually.”, they don’t have to waste any more time responding to your mewling about what they do. At least until they decide to reveal The New, Improved Truth. But, by that time, what difference does it make?

    If you say “This not nomenklatura might have done what the nomenklatura do. But he’s one of us. So it’s all Good.”, they know you’ll agree that all these scurrilous stories about what nomenklatura do, are just gossip. Screeched by jealous people. About Good people. Rich people. Important people. (Straighten your bow tie, xon. You’re making True Conservatives look bad.)

  9. @Not that Anonymous – wtf are you talking about?

    I think Moore will still win but he’ll be forever tainted by this story and the vile left (and RINOs) will continue to use it against him.

  10. I sincerely hope that Alabama voter can see through this blatant last ditch effort by the opposition to smear Moore. When the campaign is over then Moore should sue the shit out of Wapo and make them retract or confirm these allegations.

  11. Follow the $$$$$ and see what the “accusers” have been paid and from who. The swamp needs a big bulldozer to run over the creatures like McStain and the others who have become rich while being “public” servants. Alos remember Murky was a daddys girl who paid the poor to vote for her.

  12. Democrats, once again, figure out a way to split the republican vote. And once again, the republican establishment blissfully follows along like lambs to the slaughter. Idiots, effing idiots.

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