Lyft Has Their Virtue Signals Stuck On Left – IOTW Report

Lyft Has Their Virtue Signals Stuck On Left

Lyft lives in the shadow of Uber. The ten times smaller than Uber company desperately wants to break out and they think the path to that success will be to be an uber (sorry) leftwing organization.

Valerie Jarrett is on their board and they donated $1,000,000 dollars to The Southern Poverty Law Center when Uber continued to take passengers to airports during Trump’s “Muslim Travel ban.” (Taxis AKA: Muslims, refused to take people to the airport as long as trump’s travel restrictions were in place. Uber D.G.A.S.)


Lyft provided free rides to students attending March for Our Lives rallies last weekend and, according to co-founder John Zimmer, is trying to figure out how to address issues of racial equality after Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old unarmed black man, was fatally shot by police last week. “We want to figure out how to use what we do to help effect change,” Zimmer told a group of reporters in Washington yesterday.

Why it matters: Lyft sees this as a moment to highlight “having obvious ethical values” as a ride-hailing company vs Uber. In yesterday’s gathering with reporters, Zimmer was joined by former Obama White House official Valerie Jarrett, now a Lyft board member, and the two repeatedly highlighted the company’s commitment to equal pay, safe work environments, and continued activism to “protect our community.”

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Lyft will continue to take sides on certain issues, like gun violence, and gender and racial equity, Zimmer said: “If we disagree with the policy we’re going to be transparent about it and we’re going to explain why.”

Jarret discussed her decision to join the company in the context of its culture against sexual harassment. “You learn more when the bosses aren’t in the room than when they are in the room, and I think that reflects the overall culture,” she said.

But, but, but… Zimmer was also certain to note of Lyft: “We are not an activist organization.”

Bottom line: Lyft is probably more like Uber than they care to admit. They share a business model and a fixation on autonomous cars and reshaping transportation markets. Zimmer said the recent Uber accident would be a tragedy if it delayed autonomous vehicles by even one day; “that could be 100 people’s lives that are at risk,” he said.

But is Lyft really so different than Uber?


Despite the fuzzy moustaches and messages of inclusivity, Lyft’s fundamental business model is the same as Uber’s. This means that Lyft drivers are not categorized as employees and so do not benefit from a broad range of legal protections. Independent contractors are not entitled to minimum wage, overtime, health insurance, workers’ compensation, unemployment or lower taxes. They also have to pay for gas and car maintenance. It was only after California drivers filed a lawsuit against the company that Lyft agreed to provide additional driver benefits, while maintaining their independent contractor status.

The company has yet to introduce an appeal process for people who get kicked off the app and has recently reduced the rates it pays drivers.

“If Lyft is so ‘woke,’ why did they cut driver pay in a race to the bottom with Uber?” said Ryan Price, executive director of the Independent Drivers Guild.

Even drivers’ independent contractor status isn’t permanent, as both Lyft and Uber plan for a driverless future. In both cases, the drivers are providing the training data for the autonomous systems that will eliminate their jobs in the future. Ma (Lyft muckety muck – bfh)emphasized that it will take years for the entire fleet to be driverless and that there would be a “huge role for humans being part of the autonomous transition”.


Zimmer is in pursuit of a dollar, and he thinks the quickest route is to virtue signal.

This is the worst kind of user, a$$hole, liar.

ht/ ChiGuy

15 Comments on Lyft Has Their Virtue Signals Stuck On Left

  1. The left is OBSESSED with taking your freedoms away. The right to drive your own car any damn place you feel like going bugs the crap out of them. THAT’S why they are obsessed with driverless cars. It has nothing to do with safety.


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