Lying actor/comedian Steve Rannazzisi says he told his lie when he was young and stupid – IOTW Report

Lying actor/comedian Steve Rannazzisi says he told his lie when he was young and stupid

Here he is repeating the lie in front of his wife and child –

17 Comments on Lying actor/comedian Steve Rannazzisi says he told his lie when he was young and stupid

  1. The point is that anyone that ever hears of him from this point forward will be doing so because he is a pariah.

    He doesn’t deserve celebrity status, the kind that affords one a good lifestyle.

    We’re making sure of that.

    Have you ever heard of the guy who tries to steal valor? Should we leave the guy alone because you never heard of him?

  2. So he’s a liar. And stupid. And unfunny.

    The lie isn’t even convincingly detailed. It sounds exactly like the impulsive, ridiculous lies that the troubled 14 year old down the block makes up about himself to try and impress adults.

    Hope this guy has self destructed. Nobody hears from Andrew Dice Clay anymore, for similar reasons.

  3. You know what else jumped out at me? That he says he went downstairs and outside and when he saw the second Tower get struck, he “ran, ran, ran.” But his wife was possibly up on the 23rd floor in this scenario? He didn’t call her? He just left?

    I know he is lying about it, I’m just amazed he could tell the world a story that he ran away without checking to see if his wife was safe. Didn’t he check to make sure his yarn was dignified?

    I just can’t understand this flaming POS. I can barely talk about that day without crying–and I was nowhere near the Towers. (As in London, Ontario nowhere near.) I know not everybody mourns the same way as me, some people don’t cry. I get that. But that he is capable of telling such a horrible lie and not even blink? How???

  4. I read too fast sometimes, and for a second I perceived the name in that last sentence as “…Andrew Dice Claymore…”, and I thought it was somehow appropriate if his career really did blow up. ; )

    Actually, though, he seems to be making a bit of a comeback these days, with a small part in a Woody Allen film, some Vegas shows, and even his own series on Showtime next year.

    I guess you could say the Diceman’s on a “roll” again…


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