Lying Chuck Schumer Proves His Fake “Immigration” Tears Were Real – IOTW Report

Lying Chuck Schumer Proves His Fake “Immigration” Tears Were Real

Chuck Schumer wants to prove to you that his fake tears were real.

How does he do it?

He goes on The View and says he cried at his daughter’s wedding.

But upChuck, those are tears of happiness.

He says he cried at the end of Free Willy when willy got away.

But upChuck, those are tears of rejoice and happiness.

He says he cried when Harry Reid stepped down.

But upChuck, let’s be real, those were tears of happiness too, weren’t they Mr. Minority Leader?

No, sirTearsalot, I will stick with the assessment of the man that was with you on 9/11, the one that said your cold sorry ass never shed a friggin’ tear on that day.

Bernie Kerik testifies.


16 Comments on Lying Chuck Schumer Proves His Fake “Immigration” Tears Were Real

  1. “IF” they were truly tears of sorrow. It reflects an emotion that makes you so emotionally attached to the Islamic culture that they have taken over your heart and mind.

    Or, as I believe, they were false, “fake”, emotional tears of a deceiver who betrayed his faith, pandered and hoodwinked a now significant muslim voter block of the democrat party.

    Schumer, have you ever shed a tear for the hundreds of thousands of victims at the hands of islam?

  2. There y’all go, bad mouthin’ my Senator. Y’all musta taken lesson from my Uncle Sean who used to say: If ya can’t say somethin’ nasty about a son-of-bitch, then keep yer fooken trap shut!

  3. Politicians are actors who are not good enough at their craft to work on stage or in movies (more like “commercial” actors) so they’ve gotten into politics because the acting is less demanding, the pay is astronomically better, and the sinecure is for life.
    Schmuckles is little better than slime mold at his best – more akin to rancid toe jam on a normal day.
    He is evil, disingenuous, a liar, a thief, and a pretty mediocre actor.
    The world will heave a sigh of relief when he passes.

    izlamo delenda est …

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