Lying Loon Delusional Doctor Says ER in Oklahoma Overrun With Ivermectin Poisonings – Hospital Issues Corrective Statement – IOTW Report

Lying Loon Delusional Doctor Says ER in Oklahoma Overrun With Ivermectin Poisonings – Hospital Issues Corrective Statement

The MSM ran with this idiot’s claims.

Rolling Stone Magazine happily reported this lunatic’s asinine claims.

The hospital issued a statement-

19 Comments on Lying Loon Delusional Doctor Says ER in Oklahoma Overrun With Ivermectin Poisonings – Hospital Issues Corrective Statement

  1. There ARE invermectin ODs. And they CAN be deadly. But they are very rare.

    And I can see how some of our alumni have tendered these situations as an idee fixe.

    In reality it’s rare that people OD on Ivermectin.

    The world is plumb full of retards, but it’s still very rare.

  2. I can tell by lookin’ at the moron that he’s an overemotional, lying, “crying in his sweater”, pathetic loser because he bears an amazing resemblance to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. I suspect that he is likely the biological father of Chris Hayes. That would explain why he is so anxious to make up huge lies as a means of gaining unwarranted attention. Now you know why Chris Hayes is such an effiminate drama queen ….. it’s genetic.

  3. ANOTHER know-nothing ShitbamaKare “specialist” – a $15-an-hour-Der-Kommissar-Shitbamassar subcontractor. 😡

    YOU can visit these shitheads if you like. I intend to DIE in the age of ShitbamaKare. I wanna see who resurrects me first.

    The Shitbamessiah. Or the TRUE Messiah.

    MY money’s on the LATTER…

  4. Ivermectin is dosed according to body weight. If it’s bought in a tube, calculating and accurately measuring out the appropriate dose may not be easy for some folks.

    While the veterinary form of this drug is equivalent to the human form, the manufacturing processes and standards are not. Finding a brand/source without possible harmful impurities would be important.

  5. Where did he get his MD?
    That he’s a liar is beyond doubt. That he’s a real doctor is questionable.
    I wouldn’t allow a doctor to attend me if I caught him in a lie.

    That anyone else would is mind-wobbling.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It seems weird to me that they contract their ER staffing to a doctor practice. Back in the day the ER was manned with house staff, usually a low ranking younger resident, because the senior attendings liked to sleep at night and considered ER work beneath them. The resident is mostly there to get beneficial experience on a wide variety of things as a young doctor NEEDS to do, that’s why they call it a PRACTICE, they need to PRACTICE their skills.

    These guys took a LOT of call, and were sometimes pretty punch drunk around Hour 36 or so, but they were still dedicated staff and employees of the hospital, so you got familiar with them as they were always there (until they moved on into private practice or specialty or became attendings or whatnot), and didn’t typically rotate between hospitals as the hospitals were not consolidated at the time and not every doc had, or needed, privileges at every hospital.

    I think it was a better system. I was in hospitals a LOT pre-Obamacare and have been in the SAME hospitals for different reasons since, and there’s really no comparison. Relative to pre-Obamacare hospitals, modern hospitals BLOW.

    And guys like this seeking a name for themselves, with minimal skills, minimal time in grade, a large amount of medical cowardace, and no connection to the community they are supposed be serving are the biggest part of WHY…

  7. If you politicize a disease, you have zero cred on anyhing relatng to it.

    Of the great scams of the 21st century, Covid, ‘obama’ and the 2020 election will never be topped.

  8. …BTW, ambulances do NOT sit outside ERs waiting for a bed to open up. Worst case, the hospital goes on diversion, dispatch tells the ambulance en route, and the ambulance diverts to another facility.

    What he’s describing does not happen.


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