Lynch refutes reports she spoke with Clinton campaign about FBI probe – IOTW Report

Lynch refutes reports she spoke with Clinton campaign about FBI probe

WaTimes: Emails purporting to show former Attorney General Loretta Lynch assuring Democratic operatives that the FBI would limit its investigation into the 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are not authentic, a spokesman for Ms. Lynch told Congress late Thursday.

“Those communications did not take place,” Robert Raben said in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which had demanded answers from the former attorney general.

Judiciary Chairman Charles E. Grassley had asked Ms. Lynch to clear up the matter after the New York Times and Washington Post reported in May that federal investigators had obtained documents that detailed communications between the attorney general and Clinton staffer Amanda Renteria where Ms. Lynch assured that the FBI’s probe wouldn’t delve too deeply.  MORE

14 Comments on Lynch refutes reports she spoke with Clinton campaign about FBI probe

  1. “To the best of my knowledge and recollection”; straight out of Hillary Clinton’s book , “What to say to avoid perjury charges”.
    Ever try to grab a running greased pig?

  2. The immaculate conception, is a much more believable story.
    Islam is a religion of peace, is a more believable story.
    The truth has never darkened a Clinton door.
    It’s your story, tell it anyway you like.

  3. There is a can of worms that needs attention AG Sessions.

    After the “nothing but sound bites” hearings by Gowdy, I’m growing increasingly frustrated by the lack of action from the Justice Department. The line that Sessions is quietly and methodically building an explosive case is wearing thin. It’s way past time that serious investigations were opened against the Clinton Crime machine on both the Federal and State levels.

    In my mind, this was a Trump campaign promise and thousands share this thinking.

  4. I’m sure they were just having tea and crumpets and catching up on the grandchildren when they spoke.
    And maybe her meeting with Bill was just to ask how her good friend Hillary was getting along.
    (sarc) (duh)

  5. Let her wake up to the M4 muzzles of a SWAT team around her bed at 3 AM.
    And another team executing a search warrant seizing every device in the house.

    National Security. Russian conspiracy.

    Handcuffs. Cell doors. Guards in black face masks. Let it slip that all her coconspirators are sitting in identical cells, incommunicado.
    National security.

    Oh, how she’ll sing. They’ll all sing.

  6. I suspect she’s lying because she’s not under oath yet. A jury would tend to look at probablilities where there is no smoking gun.
    Bill Clinton shows up out of no where just before she is to leave. Visits for 30 minutes privately and the next day Lynch has a private visit with Comey where (he states) she tells him to relabel the Clinton investigation and that alone would tell him to pretty well lay off it altogether.

    The fact is perception is reality for most people especially in a situation like this. If she were honest, she’d never have let Clinton on the plane and if she did she’d have plenty of witnesses there. But she’s not honest and with luck will be going to prison. One only hopes that Sessions is doing the investigations needed on the QT with trusted staff and that one day a lot of well known people will be cuffed up and doing the perp walk.

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