Lynch Spin – IOTW Report

Lynch Spin


ht/ nm

9 Comments on Lynch Spin

  1. Just like we’ll never know the motivation behind the secret Clinton Lynch meeting on that Tarmac.
    They really do think Americans are stupid, and they’re about half right.

  2. Fur. – any chance you could work some of your graphics magic and make a vid pasting HRC’s head over OJ’s in the moment when an incredulous Johnny Cochran slaps OJ’s back when the verdict is read? You know, splicing in Comey’s statement just beforehand. Just a thought.

  3. @tim. I don’t know. You might be right about willful blindness, but that may only apply to 25-30% of the half.
    And stupid may not be as accurate as uninformed or uninvolved. See Jesse Watters interviews.

    But the STUPID component cannot be ruled out. I’ll bet that guy with the Roman candle voted for Obama.

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