Macron Gets CRUSHED in French Parliamentary Elections – IOTW Report

Macron Gets CRUSHED in French Parliamentary Elections


As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, France’s globalist president Emmanuel Macron took a massive gamble earlier calling for a snap election following an enormous defeat in the EU elections earlier this month.

Now, his bet has officially blown up in his face.

The right-wing populist National Rally Party (FN), led by Macron’s arch-nemesis Marine Le Pen, won the first round of France’s parliamentary elections on Sunday. Macron’s party, the Ensemble Alliance, slipped to a distant third place.

Current results show FN taking 34% of the vote, with the far-left New Popular Front (NFP) coalition five points behind at 29%. The Ensemble alliance sits at 21%. more

12 Comments on Macron Gets CRUSHED in French Parliamentary Elections

  1. These elections are a two-stage process. People who voted middle-of-the-road today get to vote again next week, but it will have to be for either a much farther left or a much farther right candidate. Today’s results don’t provide much of a way to forecast how that will go.

    Also, the parties who lost today will be wheeling and dealing and bargaining for coalition connections with the parties still in the race.

    Much can happen between today’s vote and next week’s.

    That said, anything that gives Macron heartburn is A-OK with me!

  2. I took military history in college and my lunatic (but brilliant) prof hammered home the point that it only takes a dedicated 2% of a population to win a revolution.

  3. Maybe a red wave is happening internationally. Some allied nations see the writing on the wall and want their leadership to reflect President Trump’s administration. They expected he will win the election and return to the White House in 2025.

  4. It’s all about the pendulum….. It swings back and forth. The farther left it goes the farther right it will swing as a result… AND it has swung pretty far left.

  5. Perhaps the frogs have wakened to their peril?
    Geller reports that the “leftists” and moslems (strange bedfellows) are rioting.
    Maricon may have to suspend elections and declare martial law to “save” France.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Keep in mind that the Olympics start in a month. Which means that Paris will be center stage for an entire month – and the leftist rioters are well aware of this.
    Should be fun…


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