Macron Immediately Makes Measles Vaccine Mandatory in France – IOTW Report

Macron Immediately Makes Measles Vaccine Mandatory in France


Parents in France will be legally obliged to vaccinate their children from 2018, the government has announced.

French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said it was “unacceptable” that children are “still dying of measles” in the country where some of the earliest vaccines were pioneered.

Three childhood vaccines, for diphtheria, tetanus and polio, are currently mandatory in France. Others, including those against hepatitis and whooping cough, are simply recommended.

Announcing the policy, Mr Philippe evoked the name of Louis Pasteur, the French biologist who made breakthroughs in disease research and developed the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax in the 19th century.

He said all the vaccines which are universally recommended by health authorities – 11 in total – would be compulsory.

Fear surrounding the combined inoculation for the three infectious diseases, known as the MMR vaccine, stems in part from a discredited study claiming to show a link between the jab and autism.

The paper, published in medical journal The Lancetnearly 20 years ago by disgraced former doctor Andrew Wakefield, led to a heavy fall in uptake among parents at the time, but exhaustive scientific research has now disproved the theory.


ht/ The Big Owe

16 Comments on Macron Immediately Makes Measles Vaccine Mandatory in France

  1. Fear surrounding the combined inoculation for the three infectious diseases, known as the MMR vaccine, stems in part from a discredited study claiming to show a link between the jab and autism.

    The paper, published in medical journal The Lancetnearly 20 years ago by disgraced former doctor Andrew Wakefield, led to a heavy fall in uptake among parents at the time, but exhaustive scientific research has now disproved the theory.

    Wakefield was a fraud, but that doesn’t automatically “discredit” the idea that there’s a link between vaccinations and autism. It’s my opinion that vaccination is a good idea for kids, especially those who go to forced govt indoctrination centers (aka “public schools”).

    But here is what a respected investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, has to say about information that doesn’t make most other news sources.

    And there is an acknowledged link between vaccines and bad effects. Otherwise why would the govt shield vaccine makers from lawsuits, and why would there be this govt compensation program for victims?

    Again, I think vaccination is a good idea for most kids. It’s the lying and the coercion that I object to.

  2. Gotta love the arrogantly ignoramus medical editorializing from some “expert” 23 year old girl reporter filing clickbait from her sofa.
    And she knows aaaaaalllll about autism concerns being “debunked” because Snopes is the ultimate authority on all medical science.

    I pity the French.

  3. TO Uncle Al

    Screw your hippie dippie anarchist libertarian IDEOLOGICAL “AVERSION” to “coercion.”

    YOU (and your kids) have NO “Right” to threaten the health and safety of MY or ANY OTHER AMERICANS’ children.

    Go live with the Somali immigrants, THEN talk to us about your so-called “tolerance” from a REALITY BASED position instead of ideological based nonsense.

  4. Irresponsible parents who refused to vaccinate their children have created a ticking time bomb. These diseases were nearly wiped out worldwide, and now are coming back with a vengeance. Some of us are old enough to remember the horrible birth defects from german measles, and kids in braces and wheelchairs from polio. The incidence of autism is statistically insignificant compared to the devastation from MMR and polio. I have no love for Macron, but I presume there is a public health crisis in France from the hoards of third-world Muslims in France.

  5. The two innovations responsible for the vast majority of improving life spans are clean water and vaccinations. Any other medical, food, or tech advances pale in comparison. Any bad reactions to vaccines are overwhelmed by the millions times benefit to the population no longer contracting those diseases. That’s why the government compensates victims of any bad reactions to vaccines.

    BTW, I believe the claims of Thiomersal (mercury containing) preservative causing autism is BS. It’s been banned in US vaccines and autism rates are still going up.

  6. The autism / vaccine link has not really been disproven as much as being talked down by mouthpieces for the pharmaceutical industry (pharmaceutical advertising makes up a large percentage of the revenue streams for most media outlets of all kinds and therefore has a lot of influence over what gets published). While I’m not denying that vaccines can be a good thing, there is much recent and ongoing research that calls the validity of the whole idea of “herd immunity” into doubt as well as the safety of aluminum adjuvants used in many vaccines now.

    Within the last few weeks it was found that the measles virus used in the current MMR vaccine is near useless now because the “wild” strain has mutated significantly and doesn’t react to the vaccine strain.

    Based on my reading, I think that vaccine manufacturers have decided that it is a very profitable area to be in and more and more vaccines are being produced (a UK pharmaceutical company announced a few weeks ago they were developing a vaccine against “high cholesterol” that would be available in a few years – vaccines are now being developed for practically everything).

    The link below is to very recent research by a former pharmaceutical researcher that believes there very well may be a link between autism and vaccines.

    From the link: “many potential vaccine-related culprits, including the increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time. “What I have published is highly concentrated on hypersensitivity, Ratajczak told us in an interview, “the body’s immune system being thrown out of balance.”

  7. Autism remains a mystery. But over and over the same refrain: our child was perfectly normal but within days, sometimes hours, after batch vaccinations we observed this terrible change.
    We can debate causality and The Good Of The Many. But there’s clearly a terrible connection that demands further research which does not seem to be a priority.

  8. @Czar – Seeing that I said nothing ideological in my polite and reasoned post that justifies your rabid brown-shirt response, I suggest that you take a few minutes, or hours or days, and make a sincere effort to think calmly about what it was in my comment that caused you to respond that way. If you are trying to change anybody’s mind, or help them make their mind up, your manner has about the same efficacy as a whiffle bat in a gator swamp. But if you were just feeling under pressure and wanted to let off a little steam, that’s OK then. I feel that way myself from time to time, and I always eventually get over the sense of shame in losing control.

  9. Something I never understood was the argument that, if I wasn’t vaccinated, then I would get others sick. If the “others” have already been vaccinated, why should it matter if I get sick? They should be protected no matter what, right? I will only affect myself if I refuse a vaccination.
    The very idea that people argue the government should have the power to FORCE me to do something against my will is against everything the readers on this site believe in. Or at least, what I thought they believed in. Uncle Al is correct on one thing. If the vaccines are so safe, why are there so many protections from the government for the pharmaceutical companies?

  10. When I was a kid I was vaccinated against Polio, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Smallpox, Measles, Mumps and Rubella. (Thanks, Mom.)
    Never contracted any of them.

    TB was nearly eradicated in the USA.
    It is making a comeback now. (Thanks, barry.)

    Coincidence? You tell me.

  11. Great links embedded in your post Uncle Al. One of the things I don’t understand is how people (often self identified “conservatives”) that have an innate mistrust of government funded propaganda fail to consider it as a possibility that the vaccine “studies” and “conventional wisdom” as espoused by the vastly governmnet funded “medical community” can’t possibly be misleading them.

    The term “anti-vaxxer” is thrown out as a slur against anyone that dares question the rigid dogma presented by pharmaceutical companies to the public by unsuspecting “journalists” regarding the supposed safety of vaccines of all types. Yet many if not most of the same people recognize that the whole global warming BS is government sponsored nonsense paid for and propagated by people making hundreds or millions of dollars from the scam.

    And they also recognize that the entire Russia collusion garbage put forth for months by the “mainstream” media is complete BS. But because it is “doctors” (often employees of pharmaceutical companies) that say vaccines are safe, they seem to have no doubts whatsoever about this issue.

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